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📜  从给定的表达式中找到缺失的数字 x

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-06 06:09:02             🧑  作者: Mango


任务是评估任何整数 A、B 和 C 中存在的缺失数字X ,以便给定的表达式保持有效。



  • 拆分字符串以提取两个操作数,运算符和结果。
  • 检查 X 是否存在于结果中。如果是,则通过使用运算符对第一个操作数和第二个操作数应用运算来计算结果的值。
  • 否则,如果 X 不存在于结果中。然后检查 X 是否存在于第一个操作数中。如果是,则对第二个操作数应用该操作并与运算符产生结果。
  • 否则,如果 X 也不存在于第一个操作数中。然后检查 X 是否存在于第二个操作数中。如果是,则对第一个操作数应用该操作并与运算符产生结果。


# Python3 program to find missing
# digit x in expression
def MissingDigit(exp):
    # Split the expression to
    # extract operands, operator
    # and resultant
    exp = list(exp.split())
    first_operand = exp[0]
    operator = exp[1]
    second_operand = exp[2]
    resultant = exp[-1]
    # If x is present in resultant
    if 'x' in resultant:
        x = resultant
        first_operand = int(first_operand)
        second_operand = int(second_operand)
        if operator == '+':
            res = first_operand + second_operand
        elif operator == '-':
            res = first_operand - second_operand
        elif operator == '*':
            res = first_operand * second_operand
            res = first_operand // second_operand
     # If x in present in operands
        resultant = int(resultant)
        # If x in the first operand
        if 'x' in first_operand:
            x = first_operand
            second_operand = int(second_operand)
            if operator == '+':
                res = resultant - second_operand
            elif operator == '-':
                res = resultant + second_operand
            elif operator == '*':
                res = resultant // second_operand
                res = resultant * second_operand
        # If x is in the second operand
            x = second_operand
            first_operand = int(first_operand)
            if operator == '+':
                res = resultant-first_operand
            elif operator == '-':
                res = first_operand - resultant
            elif operator == '*':
                res = resultant // first_operand
                res = first_operand // resultant
    res = str(res)
    k = 0
    for i in x:
        if i == 'x':
            result = res[k]
            k = k + 1
    return result
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # input expression
    exp = "3x + 12 = 46"


时间复杂度: O(L),其中 是方程的长度。
辅助空间: O(1)

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