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📜  在无向未加权图中找到任何简单的循环

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-06 05:12:34             🧑  作者: Mango




方法:这个想法是检查图形是否包含循环。这可以通过简单地使用 DFS 来完成。
现在,如果图包含一个循环,我们可以从 DFS 本身获取该循环的结束顶点(比如 a 和 b)。现在,如果我们从 a 到 b 运行 BFS(忽略 a 和 b 之间的直接边),我们将能够获得从 a 到 b 的最短路径,这将给我们包含点的最短循环路径ab 。可以使用父数组轻松跟踪路径。这个最短的周期将是一个简单的周期


我们可以用矛盾来证明这一点。假设在这个循环中存在另一个简单的循环。这意味着内部简单循环的长度较短,因此可以说从 a 到 b 的路径较短。但是我们已经使用 BFS 找到了从 a 到 b 的最短路径。因此,不再存在更短的路径,找到的路径是最短的。因此,在我们发现的循环内部不存在内部循环。


// C++ implementation to find the
// simple cycle in the given path
using namespace std;
#define MAXN 1005
// Declaration of the Graph
vector > adj(MAXN);
// Declaration of visited array
vector vis(MAXN);
int a, b;
// Function to add edges
// connecting 'a' and 'b'
// to the graph
void addedge(int a, int b)
// Function to detect if the
// graph contains a cycle or not
bool detect_cycle(int node, int par)
    // Marking the current node visited
    vis[node] = 1;
    // Traversing to the childs
    // of the current node
    // Simple DFS approach
    for (auto child : adj[node]) {
        if (vis[child] == 0) {
            if (detect_cycle(child, node))
                return true;
        // Checking for a back-edge
        else if (child != par) {
            // A cycle is detected
            // Marking the end-vertices
            // of the cycle
            a = child;
            b = node;
            return true;
    return false;
vector simple_cycle;
// Function to get the simple cycle from the
// end-vertices of the cycle we found from DFS
void find_simple_cycle(int a, int b)
    // Parent array to get the path
    vector par(MAXN, -1);
    // Queue for BFS
    queue q;
    bool ok = true;
    while (!q.empty()) {
        int node = q.front();
        vis[node] = 1;
        for (auto child : adj[node]) {
            if (node == a && child == b)
                // Ignoring the direct edge
                // between a and b
            if (vis[child] == 0) {
                // Updating the parent array
                par[child] = node;
                if (child == b) {
                    // If b is reached,
                    // we've found the
                    // shortest path from
                    // a to b already
                    ok = false;
                vis[child] = 1;
        // If required task is done
        if (ok == false)
    // Cycle starting from a
    int x = b;
    // Until we reach a again
    while (x != a) {
        x = par[x];
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Creating the graph
    addedge(1, 2);
    addedge(2, 3);
    addedge(3, 4);
    addedge(4, 1);
    addedge(1, 3);
    if (detect_cycle(1, -1) == true) {
        // If cycle is present
        // Resetting the visited array
        // for simple cycle finding
        vis = vector(MAXN, false);
        find_simple_cycle(a, b);
        // Printing the simple cycle
        cout << "A simple cycle: ";
        for (auto& node : simple_cycle) {
            cout << node << " => ";
        cout << a;
        cout << "\n";
    else {
        cout << "The Graph doesn't "
             << "contain a cycle.\n";
    return 0;

// Java implementation to
// find the simple cycle
// in the given path
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
  static final int MAXN = 1005;
// Declaration of the
// Graph
static Vector []adj =
              new Vector[MAXN];
// Declaration of visited
// array
static boolean []vis =
       new boolean[MAXN];
static int a, b;
// Function to add edges
// connecting 'a' and 'b'
// to the graph
static void addedge(int a,
                    int b)
// Function to detect if the
// graph contains a cycle or not
static boolean detect_cycle(int node,
                            int par)
  // Marking the current
  // node visited
  vis[node] = true;
  // Traversing to the childs
  // of the current node
  // Simple DFS approach
  for (int child : adj[node])
    if (vis[child] == false)
      if (detect_cycle(child,
        return true;
    // Checking for a back-edge
    else if (child != par)
      // A cycle is detected
      // Marking the end-vertices
      // of the cycle
      a = child;
      b = node;
      return true;
  return false;
static Vector simple_cycle =
              new Vector<>();
// Function to get the simple
// cycle from the end-vertices
//of the cycle we found from DFS
static void find_simple_cycle(int a,
                              int b)
  // Parent array to get the path
  int []par = new int[MAXN];
  // Queue for BFS
  Queue q =
        new LinkedList<>();
  boolean ok = true;
  while (!q.isEmpty())
    int node = q.peek();
    vis[node] = true;
    for (int child : adj[node])
      if (node == a &&
          child == b)
        // Ignoring the direct edge
        // between a and b
      if (vis[child] == false)
        // Updating the parent
        // array
        par[child] = node;
        if (child == b)
          // If b is reached,
          // we've found the
          // shortest path from
          // a to b already
          ok = false;
        vis[child] = true;
    // If required task
    // is done
    if (ok == false)
  // Cycle starting from a
  int x = b;
  // Until we reach
  // a again
  while (x != a)
    x = par[x];
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
  for (int i = 0; i < adj.length; i++)
    adj[i] = new Vector();
  // Creating the graph
  addedge(1, 2);
  addedge(2, 3);
  addedge(3, 4);
  addedge(4, 1);
  addedge(1, 3);
  if (detect_cycle(1, -1) == true)
    // If cycle is present
    // Resetting the visited array
    // for simple cycle finding
    Arrays.fill(vis, false);
    find_simple_cycle(a, b);
    // Printing the simple cycle
    System.out.print("A simple cycle: ");
    for (int node : simple_cycle)
      System.out.print(node + " => ");
    System.out.print("The Graph doesn't " +
                     "contain a cycle.\n");
// This code is contributed by shikhasingrajput

# Python3 implementation to find the
# simple cycle in the given path
MAXN = 1005
# Declaration of the Graph
adj = [[] for i in range(MAXN)]
# Declaration of visited array
vis = [False for i in range(MAXN)]
aa = 0
bb = 0
# Function to add edges
# connecting 'a' and 'b'
# to the graph
def addedge(a, b):
# Function to detect if the
# graph contains a cycle or not
def detect_cycle(node, par):
    global aa, bb
    # Marking the current node visited
    vis[node] = True;
    # Traversing to the childs
    # of the current node
    # Simple DFS approach
    for child in adj[node]:
        if (vis[child] == False):
            if (detect_cycle(child, node)):
                return True;
        # Checking for a back-edge
        elif (child != par):
            # A cycle is detected
            # Marking the end-vertices
            # of the cycle
            aa = child;
            bb = node;
            return True;
    return False;
simple_cycle = []
# Function to get the simple cycle from the
# end-vertices of the cycle we found from DFS
def find_simple_cycle(a, b):
    # Parent array to get the path
    par = [0 for i in range(MAXN)]
    # Queue for BFS
    q = []
    ok = True;
    while(len(q) != 0):
        node = q[0];
        vis[node] = True;
        for child in adj[node]:
            if (node == a and child == b):
                # Ignoring the direct edge
                # between a and b
            if (vis[child] == False):
                # Updating the parent array
                par[child] = node;
                if (child == b):
                    # If b is reached,
                    # we've found the
                    # shortest path from
                    # a to b already
                    ok = False;
                vis[child] = True;
        # If required task is done
        if (ok == False):
    # Cycle starting from a
    x = b;
    # Until we reach a again
    while (x != a):
        x = par[x];
# Driver Code
if __name__=='__main__':
    # Creating the graph
    addedge(1, 2);
    addedge(2, 3);
    addedge(3, 4);
    addedge(4, 1);
    addedge(1, 3);
    if (detect_cycle(1, -1) == True):
        # If cycle is present
        # Resetting the visited array
        # for simple cycle finding
        for i in range(MAXN):
            vis[i] = False
        find_simple_cycle(aa, bb);
        # Printing the simple cycle
        print("A simple cycle: ", end = '')
        for node in simple_cycle:
            print(node, end = " => ")
        print("The Graph doesn't contain a cycle.")
        # This code is contributed by rutvik_56

// C# implementation to
// find the simple cycle
// in the given path
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
static readonly int MAXN = 1005;
// Declaration of the
// Graph
static List []adj = new List[MAXN];
// Declaration of visited
// array
static bool []vis = new bool[MAXN];
static int a, b;
// Function to add edges
// connecting 'a' and 'b'
// to the graph
static void addedge(int a, int b)
// Function to detect if the
// graph contains a cycle or not
static bool detect_cycle(int node,
                         int par)
  // Marking the current
  // node visited
  vis[node] = true;
  // Traversing to the childs
  // of the current node
  // Simple DFS approach
  foreach(int child in adj[node])
    if (vis[child] == false)
      if (detect_cycle(child,
        return true;
    // Checking for a back-edge
    else if (child != par)
      // A cycle is detected
      // Marking the end-vertices
      // of the cycle
      a = child;
      b = node;
      return true;
  return false;
static List simple_cycle = new List();
// Function to get the simple
// cycle from the end-vertices
//of the cycle we found from DFS
static void find_simple_cycle(int a,
                              int b)
  // Parent array to get the path
  int []par = new int[MAXN];
  // Queue for BFS
  Queue q = new Queue();
  bool ok = true;
  while (q.Count != 0)
    int node = q.Peek();
    vis[node] = true;
    foreach(int child in adj[node])
      if (node == a &&
          child == b)
        // Ignoring the direct edge
        // between a and b
      if (vis[child] == false)
        // Updating the parent
        // array
        par[child] = node;
        if (child == b)
          // If b is reached,
          // we've found the
          // shortest path from
          // a to b already
          ok = false;
        vis[child] = true;
    // If required task
    // is done
    if (ok == false)
  // Cycle starting from a
  int x = b;
  // Until we reach
  // a again
  while (x != a)
    x = par[x];
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
  for(int i = 0; i < adj.Length; i++)
    adj[i] = new List();
  // Creating the graph
  addedge(1, 2);
  addedge(2, 3);
  addedge(3, 4);
  addedge(4, 1);
  addedge(1, 3);
  if (detect_cycle(1, -1) == true)
    // If cycle is present
    // Resetting the visited array
    // for simple cycle finding
    for(int i = 0; i < vis.Length; i++)
        vis[i] = false;
    find_simple_cycle(a, b);
    // Printing the simple cycle
    Console.Write("A simple cycle: ");
    foreach(int node in simple_cycle)
      Console.Write(node + " => ");
    Console.Write("The Graph doesn't " +
                  "contain a cycle.\n");
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1

A simple cycle: 1 => 4 => 3 => 1

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