📜  使用链表从矩阵的边界元素形成一个矩形

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:07.707000             🧑  作者: Mango


给定一个大小为NxM的矩阵grid[][] ,其中N是行数, M是列数。任务是使用具有四个指针即prevnexttopbottom的链表从grid[][]的边界元素形成一个矩形。打印最终的链表。




步骤 1:grid[0][0]作为链表的头部,并将temp初始化为头部
第 2 步:j=1遍历第一行到j=m-1 ,其中i=0 ,并为每个元素创建一个节点,并通过next指针链接它们。
第 3 步:i=0遍历最后一列到i=n-1 ,其中j=m-1并为每个元素创建一个节点,并通过底部指针链接它们。
第 4 步:j=m-1遍历最后一行到j=0 ,其中i=n-1并为每个元素创建一个节点,并通过prev指针链接它们。
第 5 步:i=n-1遍历第一列到i=0 ,其中j=0 ,并为每个元素创建一个节点,并通过顶部指针链接它们。
第 6 步:重复第 2、3、4、5 步,直到temp.top等于head
第 7 步:打印所需的链表。


# Python program for above approach
# Node Class
class Node:
    # Constructor to initialize the node object
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.data = val
        self.next = None
        self.prev = None
        self.top = None
        self.bottom = None
# Linked List class
class LinkedList:
    # Constructor to initialize head
    def __init__(self):
        self.head = None
    # function to form square
    # linked list of matrix.
    def Quad(self, grid, n, m):
        # initialising A[0][0] as head.
        self.head = Node(grid[0][0])
        # head is assigned to head.
        temp = self.head
        # i is row index, j is column index
        i = 0
        j = 1
        # loop till temp.top become equal to head.
        while temp.top != self.head:
            # as we iterating over boundary
            # of matrix so we will iterate
            # over first(0) and last(n-1) row
            # and first(0) and last(m-1) column.
            # iterating over first i.e 0th row
            # and connecting node.
            if j < m and i == 0:
                temp.next = Node(grid[i][j])
                temp = temp.next
                j += 1
            # iterating over last i.e (m-1)th
            # column and connecting Node.
            elif j == m and i < n - 1:
                i = i + 1
                temp.bottom = Node(grid[i][j - 1])
                temp = temp.bottom
            # iterating over last i.e (n-1)th row
            # and connecting Node.
            elif i == n - 1 and j <= m and j >= 1:
                if j == m: j = j - 1
                j = j - 1
                temp.prev = Node(grid[i][j])
                temp = temp.prev
            # iterating over first i.e 0th column
            # and connecting Node.
            elif i <= n - 1 and j == 0:
                i = i - 1
                temp.top = Node(grid[i][j])
                temp = temp.top
                if i == 1:
                    temp.top = self.head
    # function to print Linked list.
    def printList(self, root):
        temp = root
        # printing head of linked list
        print(temp.data, end =" ")
        # loop till temp.top
        # become equal to head
        while temp.top != root:
          # printing the node
            if temp.next:
                print(temp.next.data, end =" ")
                temp = temp.next
            if temp.prev:
                print(temp.prev.data, end =" ")
                temp = temp.prev
            if temp.bottom:
                print(temp.bottom.data, end =" ")
                temp = temp.bottom
            if temp.top:
                print(temp.top.data, end =" ")
                temp = temp.top
# Driver Code
grid = [[13, 42, 93, 88],   
        [26, 38, 66, 42],
        [75, 63, 78, 12]]
# n is number of rows
n = len(grid)
# m is number of column
m = len(grid[0])
# creation of object
l = LinkedList()
# Call Quad method to create Linked List.
l.Quad(grid, n, m)
# Call printList method to print list.


13 42 93 88 42 12 78 63 75 26 

时间复杂度: O(N*M)
辅助空间: O(N*M)