📜  树中 K 长度路径的数量

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:16.671000             🧑  作者: Mango

树中 K 长度路径的数量

给定一棵有N个节点和一个整数K的树,任务是找到长度为 K 的路径的总数。


直觉:主要思想是从每个节点中找到 K 长度的路径并将它们相加。

  1. 查找从给定节点“节点”“起源”的 K 长度路径的数量。这里的“起源”意味着“节点”将在路径中的所有节点中具有最小的深度。例如,下图显示了源自 1 的 2 长度路径。
  2. 将所有节点的值相加,这将是所需的答案。

朴素方法:为了计算源自“节点”的 K 长度路径,使用了两个 DFS。说这整个过程是: paths_originating_from(node)

  1. 假设“节点”有多个子节点,当前正在处理子节点“u”。
  2. 对于所有先前的孩子,已经计算了特定深度的节点频率。更正式地说,当 'u' 之前的 'node' 的唯一子级已被处理时,freq[d] 给出深度 'd' 处的节点数。
  3. 如果在深度 'd' 处有一个节点 'x',则源自 'node' 并通过 'x' 的 K 长度路径的数量将是 freq[K - d]。
  4. 第一个 DFSF 将有助于最终答案,第二个 DFS 将更新 freq[] 数组以供将来使用。
  5. 总结树的所有节点的“paths_originating_from(node)”,这将是必需的答案。



// C++ code to implement above approach
using namespace std;
int mx_depth = 0, ans = 0;
int N, K;
vector freq;
vector > g;
// This dfs is responsible for calculating ans 
// and updating freq vector
void dfs(int node, int par, int depth, 
         bool contri)
    if (depth > K)
    mx_depth = max(mx_depth, depth);
    if (contri) {
        ans += freq[K - depth];
    else {
    for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
        if (nebr != par) {
            dfs(nebr, node, depth + 1, 
// Function to calculate K length paths 
// originating from node
void paths_originating_from(int node, 
                            int par)
    mx_depth = 0;
    freq[0] = 1;
    // For every not-removed nebr, 
    // calculate its contribution, 
    // then update freq vector for it
    for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
        if (nebr != par) {
            dfs(nebr, node, 1, true);
            dfs(nebr, node, 1, false);
    // Re-initialize freq vector
    for (int i = 0; i <= mx_depth; ++i) {
        freq[i] = 0;
    // Repeat the same for children
    for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
        if (nebr != par) {
// Utility method to add edges to tree
void edge(int a, int b)
// Driver code
int main()
    N = 5, K = 2;
    freq = vector(N);
    g = vector >(N);
    edge(1, 2);
    edge(1, 5);
    edge(2, 3);
    edge(2, 4);
    paths_originating_from(0, -1);
    cout << ans << endl;

// C++ code to implement above approach
using namespace std;
// Struct for centroid decomposition
struct CD {
    // 1. mx_depth will be used to store 
    // the height of a node
    // 2. g[] is adjacency list for tree
    // 3. freq[] stores frequency of nodes 
    // at particular height, it is maintained 
    // for children of a node
    int n, k, mx_depth, ans;
    vector removed;
    vector size, freq;
    vector > g;
    // Constructor for struct
    CD(int n1, int k1)
        n = n1;
        k = k1;
        ans = mx_depth = 0;
        removed.assign(n, false);
    // Utility method to add edges to tree
    void edge(int u, int v)
    // Finds size of a subtree, 
    // ignoring removed nodes in the way
    int get_size(int node, int par)
        if (removed[node])
            return 0;
        size[node] = 1;
        for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
            if (nebr != par) {
                size[node] += get_size(nebr, 
        return size[node];
    // Calculates centroid of a subtree 
    // of 'node' of size 'sz'
    int get_centroid(int node, int par, 
                     int sz)
        for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
            if (nebr != par && !removed[nebr]
                && size[nebr] > sz / 2) {
                return get_centroid(nebr, 
                                    node, sz);
        return node;
    // Decompose the tree 
    // into various centroids
    void decompose(int node, int par)
        get_size(node, -1);
        // c is centroid of subtree 'node'
        int c = get_centroid(node, par, 
        // Find paths_originating_from 'c'
        // Mark this centroid as removed
        removed = true;
        // Find other centroids
        for (auto nebr : g) {
            if (!removed[nebr]) {
                decompose(nebr, c);
    // This dfs is responsible for 
    // calculating ans and 
    // updating freq vector
    void dfs(int node, int par, int depth,
             bool contri)
        if (depth > k)
        mx_depth = max(mx_depth, depth);
        if (contri) {
            ans += freq[k - depth];
        else {
        for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
            if (nebr != par && 
                !removed[nebr]) {
                dfs(nebr, node, 
                    depth + 1, contri);
    // Function to find K-length paths
    // originating from node
    void paths_originating_from(int node)
        mx_depth = 0;
        freq[0] = 1;
        // For every not-removed nebr, 
        // calculate its contribution, 
        // then update freq vector for it
        for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
            if (!removed[nebr]) {
                dfs(nebr, node, 1, true);
                dfs(nebr, node, 1, false);
        // Re-initialize freq vector
        for (int i = 0; i <= mx_depth; ++i) {
            freq[i] = 0;
// Driver code
int main()
    int N = 5, K = 2;
    CD cd_s(N, K);
    cd_s.edge(1, 2);
    cd_s.edge(1, 5);
    cd_s.edge(2, 3);
    cd_s.edge(2, 4);
    cd_s.decompose(0, -1);
    cout << cd_s.ans;
    return 0;


时间复杂度: O(N * H) 其中 H 是树的高度,最大可以是 N
辅助空间: O(N)


  1. 找到当前树T的质心。
  2. T可到达的所有“未删除”节点都属于其子树。调用paths_originating_from(T) ,然后将T标记为“已移除”。
  3. T的所有“未删除”邻居重复上述过程。




// C++ code to implement above approach
using namespace std;
// Struct for centroid decomposition
struct CD {
    // 1. mx_depth will be used to store 
    // the height of a node
    // 2. g[] is adjacency list for tree
    // 3. freq[] stores frequency of nodes 
    // at particular height, it is maintained 
    // for children of a node
    int n, k, mx_depth, ans;
    vector removed;
    vector size, freq;
    vector > g;
    // Constructor for struct
    CD(int n1, int k1)
        n = n1;
        k = k1;
        ans = mx_depth = 0;
        removed.assign(n, false);
    // Utility method to add edges to tree
    void edge(int u, int v)
    // Finds size of a subtree, 
    // ignoring removed nodes in the way
    int get_size(int node, int par)
        if (removed[node])
            return 0;
        size[node] = 1;
        for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
            if (nebr != par) {
                size[node] += get_size(nebr, 
        return size[node];
    // Calculates centroid of a subtree 
    // of 'node' of size 'sz'
    int get_centroid(int node, int par, 
                     int sz)
        for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
            if (nebr != par && !removed[nebr]
                && size[nebr] > sz / 2) {
                return get_centroid(nebr, 
                                    node, sz);
        return node;
    // Decompose the tree 
    // into various centroids
    void decompose(int node, int par)
        get_size(node, -1);
        // c is centroid of subtree 'node'
        int c = get_centroid(node, par, 
        // Find paths_originating_from 'c'
        // Mark this centroid as removed
        removed = true;
        // Find other centroids
        for (auto nebr : g) {
            if (!removed[nebr]) {
                decompose(nebr, c);
    // This dfs is responsible for 
    // calculating ans and 
    // updating freq vector
    void dfs(int node, int par, int depth,
             bool contri)
        if (depth > k)
        mx_depth = max(mx_depth, depth);
        if (contri) {
            ans += freq[k - depth];
        else {
        for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
            if (nebr != par && 
                !removed[nebr]) {
                dfs(nebr, node, 
                    depth + 1, contri);
    // Function to find K-length paths
    // originating from node
    void paths_originating_from(int node)
        mx_depth = 0;
        freq[0] = 1;
        // For every not-removed nebr, 
        // calculate its contribution, 
        // then update freq vector for it
        for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
            if (!removed[nebr]) {
                dfs(nebr, node, 1, true);
                dfs(nebr, node, 1, false);
        // Re-initialize freq vector
        for (int i = 0; i <= mx_depth; ++i) {
            freq[i] = 0;
// Driver code
int main()
    int N = 5, K = 2;
    CD cd_s(N, K);
    cd_s.edge(1, 2);
    cd_s.edge(1, 5);
    cd_s.edge(2, 3);
    cd_s.edge(2, 4);
    cd_s.decompose(0, -1);
    cout << cd_s.ans;
    return 0;

时间复杂度: O(N * log(N)) 其中 log N 是树的高度
辅助空间: O(N)