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📜  到达字符串末端所需的最大跳跃功率

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:08.509000             🧑  作者: Mango


给定一个由 1 和 0 组成的字符串,任务是找出到达字符串末尾所需的最大跳跃功率。一次您可以从一个1跳到下一个1或从一个0跳到下一个0
注:跳跃力定义为两个连续 1 或两个连续 0 之间的距离。

Input: 10101
Output: 2
First, make a power jump of 1 to reach first 1, 
then a power jump of 2 to reach second 1
and then finally a power jump of 2 
to reach the end of the string
hence the maximum power of jump is 2.

Input: 11110
Output: 5
Since to reach the end of the string, we have to make
power jump of 5 to reach 0 and end of the string


  • 检查给定字符串的最后一个字符是 1 还是 0。
  • 如果最后一个字符是 1 则搜索字符串中的第一个 1 并继续跳转到下一个 1 以到达字符串的最后一个。更新最大跳跃。
  • 同理,如果最后一个字符是 0 则搜索字符串中的第一个 0 并继续跳转到下一个 0 以到达字符串的最后一个。更新最大跳跃。
  • 返回到达终点的最大跳跃次数。

// C++ program to calculate power of jump
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate the maximum power of the jump
int powerOfJump(string s)
    // Initialize the count with 1
    int count = 1;
    int max_so_far = INT_MIN;
    // Find the character at last index
    char ch = s[s.length() - 1];
    // Start traversing the string
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
        // Check if the current char is equal
        // to the last character
        if (s[i] == ch)
            // max_so_far stores maximum value of
            // the power of the jump from starting
            // to ith position
            if (count > max_so_far) {
                max_so_far = count;
            // Reset the count to 1
            count = 1;
        // Else, increment the number of jumps/count
    // Return the maximum number of jumps
    return max_so_far;
// Driver code
int main(){
    string st = "1010101";

// java program to calculate power of jump
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class string_sort {
    // Function to calculate the maximum power of the jump
    public static int powerOfJump(String s)
        // Initialize the count with 1
        int count = 1;
        int max_so_far = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        // Find the character at last index
        char ch = s.charAt(s.length() - 1);
        // Start traversing the string
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
           // Check if the current char is equal
           // to the last character
            if (s.charAt(i) == ch) {
                // max_so_far stores maximum value of
                // the power of the jump from starting
                // to ith position
                if (count > max_so_far) {
                    max_so_far = count;
                // Reset the count to 1
                count = 1;
            // Else, increment the number of jumps/count
        // Return the maximum number of jumps
        return max_so_far;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String st = "1010101";

# Python3 program to calculate
# power of jump
# Function to calculate the maximum
# power of the jump
def powerOfJump(s):
    # Initialize the count with 1
    count = 1
    max_so_far = 0
    # Find the character at last index
    ch = s[-1]
    # Start traversing the string
    for i in range(0, len(s)):
        # Check if the current char is
        # equal to the last character
        if s[i] == ch:
            # max_so_far stores maximum value of
            # the power of the jump from starting
            # to ith position
            if count > max_so_far:
                max_so_far = count
            # Reset the count to 1
            count = 1
        # Else, increment the number
        # of jumps/count
            count += 1
    # Return the maximum number of jumps
    return max_so_far
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    st = "1010101"
# This code is contributed
# by Rituraj Jain

// C# program to calculate
// power of jump
using System;
class GFG
// Function to calculate the
// maximum power of the jump
public static int powerOfJump(String s)
    // Initialize the count with 1
    int count = 1;
    int max_so_far = int.MinValue;
    // Find the character at last index
    char ch = s[s.Length - 1];
    // Start traversing the string
    for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
    // Check if the current char is
    // equal to the last character
        if (s[i] == ch)
            // max_so_far stores maximum value
            // of the power of the jump from
            // starting to ith position
            if (count > max_so_far)
                max_so_far = count;
            // Reset the count to 1
            count = 1;
        // Else, increment the number
        // of jumps/count
    // Return the maximum number of jumps
    return max_so_far;
// Driver code
public static void Main()
    String st = "1010101";
// This code is contributed
// by Akanksha Rai(Abby_akku)

                $max_so_far = $count;   
            // Reset the count to 1
            $count = 1;
        // Else, increment the number
        // of jumps/count
    // Return the maximum number
    // of jumps
    return $max_so_far;
// Driver code
$st = "1010101";
echo powerOfJump($st);
// This code is contributed by ajit



时间复杂度:O(n),其中 n 是字符串的长度