📜  将两个数组表示的两个数字相加

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:08.505000             🧑  作者: Mango


给定两个大小分别为nm的数组A[0….n-1]B[0….m-1] ,表示两个数字,使得数组的每个元素都代表一个数字。例如,A[] = { 1, 2, 3} 和 B[] = { 2, 1, 4 } 分别代表 123 和 214。任务是找到两个数字的总和。在上述情况下,答案是 337。
例子 :

Input : n = 3, m = 3
        a[] = { 1, 2, 3 }
        b[] = { 2, 1, 4 }
Output : 337
123 + 214 = 337

Input : n = 4, m = 3
        a[] = { 9, 5, 4, 9 }
        b[] = { 2, 1, 4 }
Output : 9763

这个想法是从末尾开始同时遍历两个数组,直到我们到达任何一个数组的第 0 个索引。在遍历数组的每个元素时,将数组的元素相加并从前一个总和中进位。现在存储总和的个位并为下一个索引总和向前进位。如果进位向左,则添加第 0 个索引元素,然后将其附加到数字的开头。


// CPP program to sum two numbers represented two
// arrays.
using namespace std;
// Return sum of two number represented by the arrays.
// Size of a[] is greater than b[]. It is made sure
// be the wrapper function
int calSumUtil(int a[], int b[], int n, int m)
    // array to store sum.
    int sum[n];
    int i = n - 1, j = m - 1, k = n - 1;
    int carry = 0, s = 0;
    // Until we reach beginning of array.
    // we are comparing only for second array
    // because we have already compare the size
    // of array in wrapper function.
    while (j >= 0) {
        // find sum of corresponding element
        // of both arrays.
        s = a[i] + b[j] + carry;
        sum[k] = (s % 10);
        // Finding carry for next sum.
        carry = s / 10;
    // If second array size is less the first
    // array size.
    while (i >= 0) {
        // Add carry to first array elements.
        s = a[i] + carry;
        sum[k] = (s % 10);
        carry = s / 10;
    int ans = 0;
    // If there is carry on adding 0 index elements.
    // append 1 to total sum.
    if (carry)
        ans = 10;
    // Converting array into number.
    for (int i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++) {
        ans += sum[i];
        ans *= 10;
    return ans / 10;
// Wrapper Function
int calSum(int a[], int b[], int n, int m)
    // Making first array which have
    // greater number of element
    if (n >= m)
        return calSumUtil(a, b, n, m);
        return calSumUtil(b, a, m, n);
// Driven Program
int main()
    int a[] = { 9, 3, 9 };
    int b[] = { 6, 1 };
    int n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
    int m = sizeof(b) / sizeof(b[0]);
    cout << calSum(a, b, n, m) << endl;
    return 0;

// Java program to sum two numbers 
// represented two arrays.
import java.io.*;
class GFG {
    // Return sum of two number represented by
    // the arrays. Size of a[] is greater than
    // b[]. It is made sure be the wrapper
    // function
    static int calSumUtil(int a[], int b[],
                                int n, int m)
        // array to store sum.
        int[] sum= new int[n];
        int i = n - 1, j = m - 1, k = n - 1;
        int carry = 0, s = 0;
        // Until we reach beginning of array.
        // we are comparing only for second
        // array because we have already compare
        // the size of array in wrapper function.
        while (j >= 0)
            // find sum of corresponding element
            // of both array.
            s = a[i] + b[j] + carry;
            sum[k] = (s % 10);
            // Finding carry for next sum.
            carry = s / 10;
        // If second array size is less
        // the first array size.
        while (i >= 0)
            // Add carry to first array elements.
            s = a[i] + carry;
            sum[k] = (s % 10);
            carry = s / 10;
        int ans = 0;
        // If there is carry on adding 0 index
        // elements  append 1 to total sum.
        if (carry == 1)
            ans = 10;
        // Converting array into number.
        for ( i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++) {
            ans += sum[i];
            ans *= 10;
        return ans / 10;
    // Wrapper Function
    static int calSum(int a[], int b[], int n,
                                        int m)
        // Making first array which have
        // greater number of element
        if (n >= m)
            return calSumUtil(a, b, n, m);
            return calSumUtil(b, a, m, n);
    /* Driver program to test above function */
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int a[] = { 9, 3, 9 };
            int b[] = { 6, 1 };
            int n = a.length;
            int m = b.length;
        System.out.println(calSum(a, b, n, m));
// This article is contributed by Gitanjali.

# Python3 code to sum two numbers
# representer two arrays.
# Return sum of two number represented
# by the arrays. Size of a[] is greater
# than b[]. It is made sure be the
# wrapper function
def calSumUtil( a , b , n , m ):
    # array to store sum.
    sum = [0] * n
    i = n - 1
    j = m - 1
    k = n - 1
    carry = 0
    s = 0
    # Until we reach beginning of array.
    # we are comparing only for second array
    # because we have already compare the size
    # of array in wrapper function.
    while j >= 0:
        # find sum of corresponding element
        # of both array.
        s = a[i] + b[j] + carry
        sum[k] = (s % 10)
        # Finding carry for next sum.
        carry = s // 10
    # If second array size is less the first
    # array size.
    while i >= 0:
        # Add carry to first array elements.
        s = a[i] + carry
        sum[k] = (s % 10)
        carry = s // 10
    ans = 0
    # If there is carry on adding 0 index elements.
    # append 1 to total sum.
    if carry:
        ans = 10
    # Converting array into number.
    for i in range(n):
        ans += sum[i]
        ans *= 10
    return ans // 10
# Wrapper Function
def calSum(a, b, n, m ):
    # Making first array which have
    # greater number of element
    if n >= m:
        return calSumUtil(a, b, n, m)
        return calSumUtil(b, a, m, n)
# Driven Code
a = [ 9, 3, 9 ]
b = [ 6, 1 ]
n = len(a)
m = len(b)
print(calSum(a, b, n, m))
# This code is contributed by "Sharad_Bhardwaj".

// C# program to sum two numbers
// represented two arrays.
using System;
class GFG {
    // Return sum of two number represented by
    // the arrays. Size of a[] is greater than
    // b[]. It is made sure be the wrapper
    // function
    static int calSumUtil(int []a, int []b,
                                int n, int m)
        // array to store sum.
        int[] sum= new int[n];
        int i = n - 1, j = m - 1, k = n - 1;
        int carry = 0, s = 0;
        // Until we reach beginning of array.
        // we are comparing only for second
        // array because we have already compare
        // the size of array in wrapper function.
        while (j >= 0)
            // find sum of corresponding element
            // of both array.
            s = a[i] + b[j] + carry;
            sum[k] = (s % 10);
            // Finding carry for next sum.
            carry = s / 10;
        // If second array size is less
        // the first array size.
        while (i >= 0)
            // Add carry to first array elements.
            s = a[i] + carry;
            sum[k] = (s % 10);
            carry = s / 10;
        int ans = 0;
        // If there is carry on adding 0 index
        // elements append 1 to total sum.
        if (carry == 1)
            ans = 10;
        // Converting array into number.
        for ( i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++) {
            ans += sum[i];
            ans *= 10;
        return ans / 10;
    // Wrapper Function
    static int calSum(int []a, int []b, int n,
                                        int m)
        // Making first array which have
        // greater number of element
        if (n >= m)
            return calSumUtil(a, b, n, m);
            return calSumUtil(b, a, m, n);
    // Driver program
    public static void Main()
        int []a = { 9, 3, 9 };
        int []b = { 6, 1 };
        int n = a.Length;
        int m = b.Length;
        Console.WriteLine(calSum(a, b, n, m));
// This article is contributed by vt_m.

= 0)
        // find sum of corresponding
        // element of both array.
        $s = $a[$i] + $b[$j] + $carry;
        $sum[$k] = ($s % 10);
        // Finding carry for next sum.
        $carry = $s / 10;
    // If second array size is less
    // than the first array size.
    while ($i >= 0)
        // Add carry to first array elements.
        $s = $a[$i] + $carry;
        $sum[$k] = ($s % 10);
        $carry = $s / 10;
    $ans = 0;
    // If there is carry on
    // adding 0 index elements.
    // append 1 to total sum.
    if ($carry)
        $ans = 10;
    // Converting array into number.
    for ( $i = 0; $i <= $n - 1; $i++)
        $ans += $sum[$i];
        $ans *= 10;
    return $ans / 10;
// Wrapper Function
function calSum( $a, $b, $n, $m)
    // Making first array which have
    // greater number of element
    if ($n >= $m)
        return calSumUtil($a, $b, $n, $m);
        return calSumUtil($b, $a, $m, $n);
// Driven Code
$a = array( 9, 3, 9 );
$b = array( 6, 1 );
$n = count($a);
$m = count($b);
echo calSum($a, $b, $n, $m);
// This article is contributed by anuj_67.


输出 :


时间复杂度: O(n + m)

辅助空间: O(max(n, m))