📜  如何在Python实现梯度下降以找到局部最小值?

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:30.969000             🧑  作者: Mango


梯度下降是一种迭代算法,用于通过寻找最佳参数来最小化函数。梯度下降可以应用于任何维度函数,即 1-D、2-D、3-D。在本文中,我们将致力于寻找抛物线函数(2-D) 的全局最小值,并将在Python实现梯度下降以找到线性回归方程 (1-D) 的最佳参数。在深入研究实现部分之前,让我们确定实现梯度下降算法所需的参数集。为了实现梯度下降算法,我们需要一个需要最小化的成本函数、迭代次数、一个学习率来确定每次迭代时的步长,同时向最小值移动,权重和偏差的部分导数来更新参数在每次迭代中,以及一个预测函数。

到目前为止,我们已经看到了梯度下降所需的参数。现在让我们用梯度下降算法映射参数,并通过一个例子来更好地理解梯度下降。让我们考虑抛物线方程 y=4x 2 。通过查看方程,我们可以确定抛物线函数在 x = 0 处最小,即在 x=0, y=0 处。因此 x=0 是抛物线函数y=4x 2的局部最小值。现在让我们看看梯度下降的算法以及如何通过应用梯度下降来获得局部最小值:



repeat until convergence
    w = w - (learning_rate * (dJ/dw))
    b = b - (learning_rate * (dJ/db))

步骤 1:初始化所有必要的参数并导出抛物线方程 4x 2的梯度函数。 x 2的导数是2x,所以抛物线方程4x 2的导数将是8x。

梯度 = \frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{d}{dx}(4*x^2) = 8*x (计算梯度函数)

第 2 步:让我们执行 3 次梯度下降迭代:

对于每次迭代,继续根据梯度下降公式更新 x 的值。

Iteration 1:
    x1 = x0 - (learning_rate * gradient)
    x1 = 3 - (0.01 * (8 * 3))
    x1 = 3 - 0.24
    x1 = 2.76

Iteration 2:
    x2 = x1 - (learning_rate * gradient)
    x2 = 2.76 - (0.01 * (8 * 2.76))
    x2 = 2.76 - 0.2208
    x2 = 2.5392

Iteration 3:
    x3 = x2 - (learning_rate * gradient)
    x3 = 2.5392 - (0.01 * (8 * 2.5392))
    x3 = 2.5392 - 0.203136
    x3 = 2.3360

从上面的梯度下降的三个迭代中,我们可以注意到 x 的值是通过迭代递减的,并且通过运行梯度下降进行更多的迭代会慢慢收敛到 0(局部最小值)。现在你可能有一个问题,我们应该运行多少次迭代梯度下降?

我们可以设置一个停止阈值,即当 x 的前一个值和当前值之间的差异变得小于停止阈值时,我们停止迭代。当涉及到机器学习算法和深度学习算法的梯度下降实现时,我们尝试最小化使用梯度下降算法的成本函数。现在我们已经清楚梯度下降的内部工作,让我们看看梯度下降的Python实现,我们将最小化线性回归算法的成本函数并找到最佳拟合线。在我们的例子中,参数如下:


线性回归算法的预测函数是由 y=wx+b 给出的线性方程。

prediction_function (y) = (w * x) + b
Here, x is the independent variable
      y is the dependent variable
      w is the weight associcated with input variable
      b is the bias



成本函数(J) = (\frac{1}{n}){\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_{i} - (wx_{i}+b))^{2}}




\frac{dJ}{dw}=(\frac{-2}{n}){\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i*(y_{i} - (wx_{i}+b))}

\frac{dJ}{db}=(\frac{-2}{n}){\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_{i} - (wx_{i}+b))}



w = w - (learning_rate * (dJ/dw))
b = b - (learning_rate * (dJ/db))


在实现部分,我们将编写两个函数,一个是将实际输出和预测输出作为输入并返回损失的代价函数,第二个是实际的梯度下降函数,它以自变量目标变量作为输入并使用梯度下降算法找到最佳拟合线。迭代次数、learning_rate 和停止阈值是梯度下降算法的调整参数,可由用户调整。在主函数,我们将初始化线性相关的随机数据并对数据应用梯度下降算法以找到最佳拟合线。使用梯度下降算法找到的最佳权重和偏差稍后用于在主函数绘制最佳拟合线。迭代指定必须完成参数更新的次数,停止阈值是停止梯度下降算法的两次连续迭代之间损失的最小变化。

# Importing Libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def mean_squared_error(y_true, y_predicted):
    # Calculating the loss or cost
    cost = np.sum((y_true-y_predicted)**2) / len(y_true)
    return cost
# Gradient Descent Function
# Here iterations, learning_rate, stopping_threshold
# are hyperparameters that can be tuned
def gradient_descent(x, y, iterations = 1000, learning_rate = 0.0001, 
                     stopping_threshold = 1e-6):
    # Initializing weight, bias, learning rate and iterations
    current_weight = 0.1
    current_bias = 0.01
    iterations = iterations
    learning_rate = learning_rate
    n = float(len(x))
    costs = []
    weights = []
    previous_cost = None
    # Estimation of optimal parameters 
    for i in range(iterations):
        # Making predictions
        y_predicted = (current_weight * x) + current_bias
        # Calculationg the current cost
        current_cost = mean_squared_error(y, y_predicted)
        # If the change in cost is less than or equal to 
        # stopping_threshold we stop the gradient descent
        if previous_cost and abs(previous_cost-current_cost)<=stopping_threshold:
        previous_cost = current_cost
        # Calculating the gradients
        weight_derivative = -(2/n) * sum(x * (y-y_predicted))
        bias_derivative = -(2/n) * sum(y-y_predicted)
        # Updating weights and bias
        current_weight = current_weight - (learning_rate * weight_derivative)
        current_bias = current_bias - (learning_rate * bias_derivative)
        # Printing the parameters for each 1000th iteration
        print(f"Iteration {i+1}: Cost {current_cost}, Weight \
        {current_weight}, Bias {current_bias}")
    # Visualizing the weights and cost at for all iterations
    plt.figure(figsize = (8,6))
    plt.plot(weights, costs)
    plt.scatter(weights, costs, marker='o', color='red')
    plt.title("Cost vs Weights")
    return current_weight, current_bias
def main():
    # Data
    X = np.array([32.50234527, 53.42680403, 61.53035803, 47.47563963, 59.81320787,
           55.14218841, 52.21179669, 39.29956669, 48.10504169, 52.55001444,
           45.41973014, 54.35163488, 44.1640495 , 58.16847072, 56.72720806,
           48.95588857, 44.68719623, 60.29732685, 45.61864377, 38.81681754])
    Y = np.array([31.70700585, 68.77759598, 62.5623823 , 71.54663223, 87.23092513,
           78.21151827, 79.64197305, 59.17148932, 75.3312423 , 71.30087989,
           55.16567715, 82.47884676, 62.00892325, 75.39287043, 81.43619216,
           60.72360244, 82.89250373, 97.37989686, 48.84715332, 56.87721319])
    # Estimating weight and bias using gradient descent
    estimated_weight, eatimated_bias = gradient_descent(X, Y, iterations=2000)
    print(f"Estimated Weight: {estimated_weight}\nEstimated Bias: {eatimated_bias}")
    # Making predictions using estimated parameters
    Y_pred = estimated_weight*X + eatimated_bias
    # Plotting the regression line
    plt.figure(figsize = (8,6))
    plt.scatter(X, Y, marker='o', color='red')
    plt.plot([min(X), max(X)], [min(Y_pred), max(Y_pred)], color='blue',markerfacecolor='red',
if __name__=="__main__":


