📜  使用循环链表添加两个多项式

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-03 03:13:54             🧑  作者: Mango




  1. 创建两个循环链表,其中每个节点将由系数、 x 的幂、 y 的幂和指向下一个节点的指针组成。
  2. 遍历两个多项式并检查以下条件:
    • 如果第一个多项式的 x的幂大于第二个多项式的 x的幂,则将第一个多项式的节点存储在结果多项式中并增加多项式1 的计数器。
    • 如果第一个多项式的 x的幂小于第二个多项式的 x的幂,则将第二个多项式的节点存储在结果多项式中并增加多项式2 的计数器。
    • 如果第一个多项式的 x的幂等于第二个多项式的 x的幂,并且第一个多项式的 y的幂大于第二个多项式的 y的幂,则将第一个多项式的节点存储在结果多项式中并增加多项式1 的计数器。
    • 如果第一个多项式的 x的幂等于第二个多项式的 x的幂,并且第一个多项式的 y的幂等于第二个多项式的 y的幂,则将两个多项式的系数之和存储在结果多项式中,并增加两个多项式的计数器1和多项式2
  3. 如果在第一个多项式或第二个多项式中还有节点要遍历,则将它们附加到结果多项式中。
  4. 最后,打印结果多项式。


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Structure of a node
// in a circular linked list
struct Node {
    // Stores coefficient
    // of a node
    int coeff;
    // Stores power of'
    // variable x of a node
    int powx;
    // Stores power of
    // variable y of a node
    int powy;
    // Stores pointer 
    // to next node
    struct Node* next;
// Function to dynamically create a node
void create_node(int c, int p1, int p2, 
                        struct Node** temp)
    // Stores new node
    struct Node *r;
    // Stores temp node
    struct Node *z 
              = *temp;
    // Dyanamically create a new node
    r = (struct Node*)malloc(
                  sizeof(struct Node));
    // Update coefficient
    // of r              
    r->coeff = c;
    // Update power of 
    // variable x in r
    r->powx = p1;
    // Update power of 
    // variable y in r
    r->powy = p2;
    // If z is null
    if (z == NULL) {
        // Update temp node
        (*temp) = r;
        // Update next pointer
        // of temp node
        (*temp)->next = (*temp);
    else {
        // Update next pointer
        // of z
        r->next = z->next;
        // Update next pointer
        // of z
        z->next = r;
        // Update temp Node
        (*temp) = r;
// Function to add polynomial of two list
void add_poly(struct Node* poly1, 
    struct Node* poly2, struct Node** temp)
    // Stores head node of polynomial1
    struct Node *start1 = poly1;
    // Stores head node of polynomial1
    struct Node *start2 = poly2;
    // Update poly1
    poly1 = poly1->next;
    // Update poly2
    poly2 = poly2->next;
    // Traverse both circular linked list
    while ((poly1 != start1 &&
                     poly2 != start2)) {
        // Stores new node                 
        struct Node* r;
        // Stores temp node
        struct Node* z 
                 = *temp;
        // Dynamically create a new node         
        r = (struct Node*)malloc(
                    sizeof(struct Node));
        // Update coefficient of r            
        r->coeff = 0;
        // If power of x of poly1 is
        // greater than power of x of poly2
        if (poly1->powx > poly2->powx) {
            // Update coefficient of r
            r->coeff = poly1->coeff;
            // Update of power of x in r
            r->powx = poly1->powx;
            // Update of power of y in r
            r->powy = poly1->powy;
            // Update poly1
            poly1 = poly1->next;
        // If power of x of 1st polynomial is
        // less than power of x of 2nd poly
        else if (poly1->powx < poly2->powx) {
            // Update coefficient OF r
            r->coeff = poly2->coeff;
            // Update power of x in r
            r->powx = poly2->powx;
            // Update power of y in r
            r->powy = poly2->powy;
            // Update ploy2
            poly2 = poly2->next;
        // If power of x of 1st polynomial is
        //  equal to power of x of 2nd poly
        else {
            // Power of y of 1st polynomial is
            // greater than power of y of poly2
            if (poly1->powy > poly2->powy) {
                // Update coefficient of r
                r->coeff = poly1->coeff;
                // Update power of x in r
                r->powx = poly1->powx;
                // Update power of y in r
                r->powy = poly1->powy;
                // Update poly1
                poly1 = poly1->next;
            // If power of y of poly1 is 
            // less than power of y of ploy2
            else if (poly1->powy < 
                            poly2->powy) {
                // Update coefficient of r
                r->coeff = poly2->coeff;
                // Update power of x in r
                r->powx = poly2->powx;
                // Update power of y in r
                r->powy = poly2->powy;
                // Update poly2
                poly2 = poly2->next;
            // If power of y of 1st poly is
            // equal to power of y of ploy2
            else {
                // Update coefficient of r
                r->coeff = poly2->coeff 
                         + poly1->coeff;
                // Update power of x in r         
                r->powx = poly1->powx;
                // Update power of y in r 
                r->powy = poly1->powy;
                // Update poly1
                poly1 = poly1->next;
                // Update poly2
                poly2 = poly2->next;
        // If z is null
        if (z == NULL) {
            // Update temp
            (*temp) = r;
            // Update next pointer
            // of temp
            (*temp)->next = (*temp);
        else {
            // Update next pointer
            // of r
            r->next = z->next;
            // Update next pointer 
            // of z
            z->next = r;
            // Update temp
            (*temp) = r;
    // If there are nodes left to be  
    // traversed in poly1 or poly2 then
    // append them in resultant polynomial .
    while (poly1 != start1 ||
                    poly2 != start2) {
        // If poly1 is not empty                
        if (poly1 != start1) {
            // Stores new node
            struct Node *r;
            // Stores temp node
            struct Node *z = *temp;
            // Create new node
            r = (struct Node*)malloc(
                        sizeof(struct Node));
            // Update coefficient or r
            r->coeff = poly1->coeff;
            // Update power of x in r
            r->powx = poly1->powx;
            // Update power of y in r
            r->powy = poly1->powy;
            // Update poly1
            poly1 = poly1->next;
            // If z is null
            if (z == NULL) {
                // Update temp
                (*temp) = r;
                // Update pointer 
                // to next node
                (*temp)->next = (*temp);
            else {
                // Update next pointer
                // of r
                r->next = z->next;
                // Update next pointer of z
                z->next = r;
                // Update temp
                (*temp) = r;
        // If poly2 is not empty
        if (poly2 != start2) {
            // Stores new node
            struct Node *r;
            // Stores temp node
            struct Node *z = *temp;
            // Create new node
            r = (struct Node*)malloc(
                     sizeof(struct Node));
            // Update coefficient of z         
            z->coeff = poly2->coeff;
            // Update power of x in z
            z->powx = poly2->powx;
            // Update power of y in z
            z->powy = poly2->powy;
            // Update poly2
            poly2 = poly2->next;
            // If z is null
            if (z == NULL) {
                // Update temp
                (*temp) = r;
                // Update next pointer
                // of temp
                (*temp)->next = (*temp);
            else {
                // Update next pointer
                // of r
                r->next = z->next;
                // Update next pointer 
                // of z
                z->next = r;
                // Update temp
                (*temp) = r;
    // Stores new node
    struct Node *r;
    // Stores temp node
    struct Node *z = *temp;
    // Create new node
    r = (struct Node*)malloc(
         sizeof(struct Node));
    // Update coefficient of r     
    r->coeff = 0;
    // If power of x of start1 greater than
    // power of x of start2
    if (start1->powx > start2->powx) {
        // Update coefficient of r
        r->coeff = start1->coeff;
        // Update power of x in r
        r->powx = start1->powx;
        // Update power of y in r
        r->powy = start1->powy;
    // If power of x of start1 less than
    // power of x of start2
    else if (start1->powx < start2->powx) {
        // Update coefficient of r
        r->coeff = start2->coeff;
        // Update power of x in r
        r->powx = start2->powx;
        // Update power of y in r
        r->powy = start2->powy;
    // If power of x of start1 equal to
    // power of x of start2
    else {
        // If power of y of start1 greater than
        // power of y of start2
        if (start1->powy > start2->powy) {
            // Update coefficient of r
            r->coeff = start1->coeff;
            // Update power of x in r
            r->powx = start1->powx;
            // Update power of y in r
            r->powy = start1->powy;
        // If power of y of start1 less than
        // power of y of start2
        else if (start1->powy < 
                           start2->powy) {
            // Update coefficient of r
            r->coeff = start2->coeff;
            // Update power of x in r
            r->powx = start2->powx;
            // Update power of y in r
            r->powy = poly2->powy;
        // If power of y of start1 equal to
        // power of y of start2
        else {
            // Update coefficient of r
            r->coeff = start2->coeff 
                        + start1->coeff;
            // Update power of x in r
            r->powx = start1->powx;
            // Update power of y in r
            r->powy = start1->powy;
    // If z is null
    if (z == NULL) {
        // Update temp
        (*temp) = r;
        // Update next pointer 
        // of temp
        (*temp)->next = (*temp);
    else {
        // Update next pointer of r
        r->next = z->next;
        // Update next pointer of z
        z->next = r;
        // Update temp
        (*temp) = r;
// Display the circular linked list
void display(struct Node* node)
    // Stores head node of list
    struct Node* start = node;
    // Update node
    node = node->next;
    // Traverse the list
    while (node != start &&
            node->coeff != 0) {
        // Print coefficient of
        // current node        
        cout << node->coeff;
        // If power of variable x
        // is not zero
        if (node->powx != 0)
            cout << "x^" << node->powx;
        // If power of variable x
        // and y is not zero     
        if(node->powx != 0 &&
                 node->powy != 0) 
            cout<<" * ";  
        // If power of variable y
        // is not zero    
        if (node->powy != 0)
            cout << "y^" << node->powy;
        // Add next term of 
        // the polynomial    
        if (node != start &&
          node->next->coeff != 0) {
            cout << " + ";
        // Update node
        node = node->next;
    // Print coefficient of
    // current node 
    cout << node->coeff;
    // If power of variable x
    // is not zero
    if (node->powx != 0)
        cout << "x^" << node->powx;
    // If power of variable y
    // is not zero    
    if (node->powy != 0)
        cout << "y^" << node->powy;
    cout << "\n\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Stores node of 
    // first polynomial
    struct Node *poly1 = NULL;
    // Stores node of 
    // second polynomial
    struct Node *poly2 = NULL;
    // Stores node of resultant 
    // polynomial
    struct Node *store = NULL;
    // Create first polynomial
    create_node(5, 2, 1, &poly1);
    create_node(4, 1, 2, &poly1);
    create_node(3, 1, 1, &poly1);
    create_node(2, 1, 0, &poly1);
    create_node(3, 0, 1, &poly1);
    create_node(2, 0, 0, &poly1);
    // Create second polynomial
    create_node(3, 1, 2, &poly2);
    create_node(4, 1, 0, &poly2);
    create_node(2, 0, 1, &poly2);
    create_node(6, 0, 0, &poly2);
    // Function call to add
    // two polynomial
    add_poly(poly1, poly2, &store);
    // Display polynomial 1
    cout << "Polynomial 1"
         << "\n";
    // Display polynomial 2
    cout << "Polynomail 2"
         << "\n";
    // Display final addition of 2-variable polynomial
    cout << "Polynomial after addition"
         << "\n";
    return 0;

Polynomial 1
5x^2 * y^1 + 4x^1 * y^2 + 3x^1 * y^1 + 2x^1 + 3y^1 + 2

Polynomail 2
3x^1 * y^2 + 4x^1 + 2y^1 + 6

Polynomial after addition
5x^2 * y^1 + 7x^1 * y^2 + 3x^1 * y^1 + 6x^1 + 5y^1 + 8

时间复杂度: O(M + N),其中 M 和 N 分别是第一个和第二个列表中的节点数。
辅助空间: O(M + N)