📜  Python – 输入集合之间的距离

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:02.040000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python – 输入集合之间的距离

scipy.stats.cdist(array, axis=0)函数计算两个输入集合中每对之间的距离。

代码 #1:二维数组

from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
a = [[1, 3, 27], [3, 6, 8]]
arr1 = cdist(a, a) 
print("Value of cdist is :", arr1) 


Value of cdist is : [[ 0.         19.33907961]
 [19.33907961  0.        ]]

代码 #2:3D 数组

from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
arr1 = [[1, 3, 27],  
        [3, 4, 6],  
        [7, 6, 3],  
        [3, 6, 8]]  
print("Value of cdist is :", cdist(arr1, arr1))  


Value of cdist is : [[ 0.         21.11871208 24.91987159 19.33907961]
 [21.11871208  0.          5.38516481  2.82842712]
 [24.91987159  5.38516481  0.          6.40312424]
 [19.33907961  2.82842712  6.40312424  0.        ]]