📜  flutter_rename_app (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:41:17.082000             🧑  作者: Mango

Flutter Rename App


Flutter Rename App is a simple utility tool for Flutter developers that allows them to easily rename their Flutter applications. It simplifies the process of renaming the app by automating the required steps and ensuring that all necessary changes are made consistently.

Flutter Rename App

1. Automated Renaming Process

Flutter Rename App streamlines the process of renaming your Flutter application. With just a few simple steps, you can rename your app without the hassle of manually modifying multiple files and configurations.

2. Rename App Directory

The tool automatically renames the app directory to reflect the new app name. It updates the directory structure and ensures that all references to the old directory name are updated throughout the project.

3. Update Pubspec.yaml

Flutter Rename App scans the pubspec.yaml file and updates all references to the old app name. It modifies the package name, dependencies, and any other relevant information to match the new app name.

4. Modify Android & iOS Configurations

The utility tool handles the necessary changes in both Android and iOS configurations. It automatically updates the AndroidManifest.xml file, Gradle files, and iOS project settings to reflect the new app name.

5. Update Imports and References

Flutter Rename App scans all files within the project and updates any imports and references to the old app name. This ensures that all external dependencies, modules, and files are properly aligned with the renamed app.


To install Flutter Rename App, follow these steps:

$ flutter pub global activate flutter_rename_app

To use Flutter Rename App, execute the following command:

$ flutter_rename_app <new_app_name>

Replace <new_app_name> with the desired name for your app.


Let's say you want to rename your Flutter app from "MyOldApp" to "MyNewApp." You can use Flutter Rename App as follows:

$ flutter_rename_app MyNewApp

The tool will automate the renaming process and ensure that all necessary changes are made consistently throughout your project.


Flutter Rename App is a valuable tool for Flutter developers who need to rename their applications. By automating the renaming process and handling all required changes, it simplifies the task and saves developers time and effort. Give it a try and experience hassle-free app renaming in Flutter.

Note: Flutter Rename App is an open-source project available on GitHub. Contributions and feedback are welcome.