📜  LSTM –随时间反向传播的推导

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-29 16:13:35             🧑  作者: Mango


假设LSTM单元中时间t的输入为x t ,时间t-1和t的单元状态为c t-1和c t ,时间t-1和t的输出为h t-1和h t 。在t = 0时,c t和h t的初始值为零。


Weights for different gates are : 
Input gate : wxi, wxg, bi, whj, wg , bg

Forget gate : wxf, bf, whf 

Output gate : wxo, bo, who


Inputs: xt and ht-i , ct-1  are given to the LSTM cell 
      Passing through input gate: 
          Zg = wxg *x + whg * ht-1 + bg 
          g = tanh(Zg)
          Zj = wxi * x + whi * ht-1 + bi 
          i =  sigmoid(Zi) 
          Input_gate_out = g*i 
      Passing through forget gate:  
          Zf = wxf * x + whf *ht-1 + bf 
          f = sigmoid(Zf) 
      Forget_gate_out = f 
      Passing through the output gate:  
      Zo  = wxo*x +  who * ht-1 + bo 
      o = sigmoid(zO) 
      Out_gate_out = o

步骤3:计算输出h t和当前电池状态c t。

Calculating the current cell state ct :
          ct = (ct-1 * forget_gate_out) + input_gate_out 

Calculating the output gate ht:
          ht=out_gate_out * tanh(ct)


Let the gradient pass down by the above cell be: 
      E_delta  = dE/dht   
      If we are using MSE (mean square error)for error then,
      Here y is the orignal value and h(x) is the predicted value.     
  Gradient with respect to output gate  
             dE/do = (dE/dht ) * (dht /do) = E_delta * ( dht / do) 
                dE/do =  E_delta * tanh(ct) 
  Gradient with respect to ct         
      dE/dct = (dE / dht )*(dht /dct)= E_delta *(dht /dct) 
                dE/dct  =   E_delta   * o * (1-tanh2 (ct))        

  Gradient with respect to input gate dE/di, dE/dg 
      dE/di = (dE/di ) * (dct / di)  
             dE/di =  E_delta   * o * (1-tanh2 (ct)) * g 
      dE/dg =  E_delta   * o * (1-tanh2 (ct)) * i 
  Gradient with respect to forget gate  
          dE/df =  E_delta   * (dE/dct ) * (dct / dt) t
          dE/df =  E_delta   * o * (1-tanh2 (ct)) *  ct-1  

  Gradient with respect to ct-1  
          dE/dct =  E_delta   * (dE/dct ) * (dct / dct-1) 
          dE/dct =  E_delta   * o * (1-tanh2 (ct)) * f  
  Gradient with respect to output gate weights:
    dE/dwxo   =  dE/do *(do/dwxo) = E_delta * tanh(ct) * sigmoid(zo) * (1-sigmoid(zo) * xt
    dE/dwho   =  dE/do *(do/dwho) = E_delta * tanh(ct) * sigmoid(zo) * (1-sigmoid(zo) * ht-1
    dE/dbo   =  dE/do *(do/dbo) = E_delta * tanh(ct) * sigmoid(zo) * (1-sigmoid(zo)

   Gradient with respect to forget gate weights:
    dE/dwxf  =  dE/df *(df/dwxf) = E_delta * o * (1-tanh2 (ct)) * ct-1 * sigmoid(zf) * (1-sigmoid(zf) * xt
    dE/dwhf =  dE/df *(df/dwhf) = E_delta * o * (1-tanh2 (ct)) *  ct-1 * sigmoid(zf) * (1-sigmoid(zf) * ht-1
    dE/dbo  =  dE/df *(df/dbo) = E_delta * o * (1-tanh2 (ct)) *  ct-1 * sigmoid(zf) * (1-sigmoid(zf) 

   Gradient with respect to input gate weights:
    dE/dwxi  =  dE/di *(di/dwxi) = E_delta * o * (1-tanh2 (ct)) * g * sigmoid(zi) * (1-sigmoid(zi) * xt
    dE/dwhi =  dE/di *(di/dwhi) = E_delta * o * (1-tanh2 (ct)) * g * sigmoid(zi) * (1-sigmoid(zi) * ht-1
    dE/dbi  =  dE/di *(di/dbi) = E_delta * o * (1-tanh2 (ct)) * g *  sigmoid(zi) * (1-sigmoid(zi)
    dE/dwxg  =  dE/dg *(dg/dwxg) = E_delta * o * (1-tanh2 (ct)) * i * (1?tanh2(zg))*xt
    dE/dwhg  =  dE/dg *(dg/dwhg) = E_delta * o * (1-tanh2 (ct)) * i * (1?tanh2(zg))*ht-1
    dE/dbg  =  dE/dg *(dg/dbg)  = E_delta * o * (1-tanh2 (ct)) * i * (1?tanh2(zg))

