📜  最长公共字谜子序列

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:08.142000             🧑  作者: Mango


给定两个长度分别为n1n2的字符串str1str2 。问题是找到最长子序列的长度,该子序列以字谜的形式出现在两个字符串中。

Input : str1 = "abdacp", str2 = "ckamb"
Output : 3
Subsequence of str1 = abc
Subsequence of str2 = cab
Subsequence of str1 = bac
Subsequence of str2 = cab

These are longest common anagram subsequences.

Input : str1 = "abbcfke", str2 = "fbaafbly"
Output : 4

方法:创建两个哈希表,说freq1freq2 。将str1的每个字符的频率存储在freq1中。同样,将str2的每个字符的频率存储在freq2中。初始化len = 0。现在,对于每个小写字母,从两个哈希表中找到其最低频率并将其累积到len

// C++ implementation to find the length of the
// longest common anagram subsequence
using namespace std;
#define SIZE 26
// function to find the length of the
// longest common anagram subsequence
int longCommomAnagramSubseq(char str1[], char str2[],
                                int n1, int n2)
    // hash tables for storing frequencies of
    // each character
    int freq1[SIZE], freq2[SIZE];
    memset(freq1, 0, sizeof(freq1));
    memset(freq2, 0, sizeof(freq2));
    int len = 0;
    // calculate frequency of each character
    // of 'str1[]'
    for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++)
        freq1[str1[i] - 'a']++;
    // calculate frequency of each character
    // of 'str2[]'
    for (int i = 0; i < n2; i++)   
        freq2[str2[i] - 'a']++;
    // for each character add its minimum frequency
    // out of the two strings in 'len'
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)   
        len += min(freq1[i], freq2[i]);
    // required length
    return len;   
// Driver program to test above
int main()
    char str1[] = "abdacp";
    char str2[] = "ckamb";
    int n1 = strlen(str1);
    int n2 = strlen(str2);
    cout << "Length = "
         << longCommomAnagramSubseq(str1, str2, n1, n2);
    return 0;    

// Java implementation to find
// the length() of the longest
// common anagram subsequence
import java.io.*;
class GFG
    static int SIZE = 26;
    // function to find the
    // length() of the longest
    // common anagram subsequence
    static int longCommomAnagramSubseq(String str1,
                                       String str2,
                                       int n1, int n2)
        // hash tables for
        // storing frequencies
        // of each character
        int []freq1 = new int[SIZE];
        int []freq2 = new int[SIZE];
        for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
            freq1[i] = 0;
            freq2[i] = 0;
        int len = 0;
        // calculate frequency
        // of each character of
        // 'str1[]'
        for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++)
            freq1[(int)str1.charAt(i) - (int)'a']++;
        // calculate frequency
        // of each character
        // of 'str2[]'
        for (int i = 0; i < n2; i++)
            freq2[(int)str2.charAt(i) - (int)'a']++;
        // for each character add
        // its minimum frequency
        // out of the two Strings
        // in 'len'
        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
            len += Math.min(freq1[i],
        // required length()
        return len;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String args[])
        String str1 = "abdacp";
        String str2 = "ckamb";
        int n1 = str1.length();
        int n2 = str2.length();
        System.out.print("Length = " +
                longCommomAnagramSubseq(str1, str2,
                                          n1, n2));
// This code is contributed by
// Manish Shaw(manishshaw1)

Python 3
# Python 3 implementation to find
# the length of the longest common
# anagram subsequence
SIZE = 26
# function to find the length of the
# longest common anagram subsequence
def longCommomAnagramSubseq(str1, str2,
                                n1, n2):
    # List for storing frequencies
    # of each character
    freq1 = [0] * SIZE
    freq2 = [0] * SIZE
    l = 0
    # calculate frequency of each
    # character of 'str1[]'
    for i in range(n1):
        freq1[ord(str1[i]) -
              ord('a')] += 1
    # calculate frequency of each
    # character of 'str2[]'
    for i in range(n2) :
        freq2[ord(str2[i]) -
              ord('a')] += 1
    # for each character add its
    # minimum frequency out of
    # the two strings in 'len'
    for i in range(SIZE):
        l += min(freq1[i], freq2[i])
    # required length
    return l                            
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    str1 = "abdacp"
    str2 = "ckamb"
    n1 = len(str1)
    n2 = len(str2)
    print("Length = ",
           longCommomAnagramSubseq(str1, str2,
                                       n1, n2))
# This code is contributed by ita_c

// C# implementation to find
// the length of the longest
// common anagram subsequence
using System;
class GFG
    static int SIZE = 26;
    // function to find the
    // length of the longest
    // common anagram subsequence
    static int longCommomAnagramSubseq(string str1,
                                       string str2,
                                       int n1, int n2)
        // hash tables for
        // storing frequencies
        // of each character
        int []freq1 = new int[SIZE];
        int []freq2 = new int[SIZE];
        for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
            freq1[i] = 0;
            freq2[i] = 0;
        int len = 0;
        // calculate frequency
        // of each character of
        // 'str1[]'
        for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++)
            freq1[str1[i] - 'a']++;
        // calculate frequency
        // of each character
        // of 'str2[]'
        for (int i = 0; i < n2; i++)
            freq2[str2[i] - 'a']++;
        // for each character add
        // its minimum frequency
        // out of the two strings
        // in 'len'
        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
            len += Math.Min(freq1[i],
        // required length
        return len;
    // Driver Code
    static void Main()
        string str1 = "abdacp";
        string str2 = "ckamb";
        int n1 = str1.Length;
        int n2 = str2.Length;
        Console.Write("Length = " +
                longCommomAnagramSubseq(str1, str2,
                                        n1, n2));
// This code is contributed by
// Manish Shaw(manishshaw1)




Length = 3

时间复杂度: O(n+m)。
辅助空间: O(1)。