📜  将两个不同基数的整数相加,并以两个较小的基数表示和

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-22 06:43:49             🧑  作者: Mango

给定分别在基数B1B2中的两个整数XY ,任务是找到整数XY的和,并以( B1B2 )的最小值表示结果。


方法1:我们的想法是使用基转换,然后找到两个数的总和,以在两者基座10(十进制)的整数转换。然后使用“基数转换”将总和转换为较小的基数B ( B1B2的最小值)。


// Program to find the
// sum of two integers of
// different bases.
using namespace std;
int val(char c)
    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
        return (int)c - '0';
        return (int)c - 'A' + 10;
int convert(string num, int base)
    int len = (num.size());
    // Initialize power of base
    int power = 1;
    // Initialize result
    int res = 0;
    int i;
    // Decimal equivalent is str[len-1]*1 +
    // str[len-2]*base + str[len-3]*(base^2) + ...
    for(i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        res += val(num[i]) * power;
        power = power * base;
    return res;
int dec_to_base(int num, int base)
    // Maximum base - 36
    string base_num = "";
    while (num > 0)
        int dig = int(num % base);
        if (dig < 10)
            base_num += to_string(dig);
            base_num += to_string('A' + dig - 10);
        num /= base;
    // To reverse the string
    return stoi(base_num);
// Driver Code
int main()
    string a = "123";
    string b = "234";
    int base_a = 6;
    int base_b = 8;
    // Integer in base 10
    int a10 = convert(a, base_a);
    int b10 = convert(b, base_b);
    // Sum of integers
    int summ = a10 + b10;
    // uncomment to check
    // intermediate value
    // of a and b to base 10
    // print(a10, b10)
    // Minimum Base
    int min_base = min(base_a, base_b);
    // Sum of integers in Min Base
    cout << (dec_to_base(summ, min_base));
// This code is contributed by grand_master

// Java Program to find the
// sum of two integers of
// different bases.
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    static int val(char c)
        if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
            return (int)c - '0';
            return (int)c - 'A' + 10;
    static int convert(String num, int bases)
        int len = (num.length());
        // Initialize power of base
        int power = 1;
        // Initialize result
        int res = 0;
        int i;
        // Decimal equivalent is str[len-1]*1 +
        // str[len-2]*base + str[len-3]*(base^2) + ...
        for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            res += val(num.charAt(i)) * power;
            power = power * bases;
        return res;
    static void dec_to_base(int num, int bases)
        // Maximum base - 36
        // String base_num = "";
        StringBuilder base_num = new StringBuilder();
        while (num > 0) {
            int dig = (num % bases);
            if (dig < 10)
                    String.valueOf(('A' + dig - 10)));
            num /= bases;
        // print ans in reverse order
        for (int i = base_num.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String a = "123";
        String b = "234";
        int base_a = 6;
        int base_b = 8;
        // Integer in base 10
        int a10 = convert(a, base_a);
        int b10 = convert(b, base_b);
        // Sum of integers
        int summ = a10 + b10;
        // uncomment to check
        // intermediate value
        // of a and b to base 10
        // print(a10, b10)
        // Minimum Base
        int min_base = Math.min(base_a, base_b);
        // Sum of integers in Min Base
        dec_to_base(summ, min_base);
// This code is contributed by ukasp.

# Program to find the
# sum of two integers of
# different bases.
# Base conversion
def dec_to_base(num, base):
    # Maximum base - 36
    base_num = ""
    while num > 0:
        dig = int(num % base)
        if dig < 10:
            base_num += str(dig)
            # Using uppercase letters
            base_num += chr(ord('A')
                            + dig - 10 ) 
        num //= base
    # To reverse the string
    base_num = base_num[::-1]
    return int(base_num)
# Driver Code 
a = '123'
b = '234'
base_a = 6
base_b = 8
# Integer in base 10
a10 = int(a, base_a)
b10 = int(b, base_b)
# Sum of integers
summ = a10 + b10;
# uncomment to check
# intermediate value
# of a and b to base 10
# print(a10, b10)
# Minimum Base
min_base = min(base_a, base_b)
# Sum of integers in Min Base
print(dec_to_base(summ, min_base))

// C# Program to find the
// sum of two integers of
// different bases.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
class GFG
static int val(char c)
    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
        return (int)c - '0';
        return (int)c - 'A' + 10;
static int convert(string num,int bases)
    int len = (num.Length);
    // Initialize power of base
    int power = 1;
    // Initialize result
    int res = 0;
    int i;
    // Decimal equivalent is str[len-1]*1 +
    // str[len-2]*base + str[len-3]*(base^2) + ...
    for(i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        res += val(num[i]) * power;
        power = power * bases;
    return res;
static void dec_to_base(int num, int bases)
    // Maximum base - 36
    // String base_num = "";
    var base_num     = new StringBuilder();
    while (num > 0)
        int dig = (num % bases);     
        if (dig < 10)
            base_num .Append(dig.ToString());
            base_num .Append( ('A' + dig - 10).ToString());          
        num /= bases;
    // print ans in reverse order
    for(int i = base_num.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    String a = "123";
    String b = "234";
    int base_a = 6;
    int base_b = 8;
    // Integer in base 10
    int a10 = convert(a, base_a);
    int b10 = convert(b, base_b);
    // Sum of integers
    int summ = a10 + b10;
    // uncomment to check
    // intermediate value
    // of a and b to base 10
    // print(a10, b10)
    // Minimum Base
    int min_base = Math.Min(base_a, base_b);
    // Sum of integers in Min Base
    dec_to_base(summ, min_base);
// This code is contributed by amreshkumar3

# Program to find the
# sum of two integers of
# different bases.
# Base conversion
def dec_to_base(num, base):
    # Maximum base - 36
    base_num = ""
    while num > 0:
        dig = int(num % base)
        if dig < 10:
            base_num += str(dig)
            # Using uppercase letters
            base_num += chr(ord('A') + dig - 10)
        num //= base
    # To reverse the string
    base_num = base_num[::-1]
    return int(base_num)
# Function to find the sum of
# two integers of base B
def sumBase(a, b, base):
    len_a = len(a)
    len_b = len(b)
    s = ""
    sum = ""
    diff = abs(len_a - len_b)
    # Padding 0 in front of the
    # number to make both numbers equal
    for i in range(1, diff + 1):
        s += "0"
    # Condition to check if the strings
    # have lengths mis-match
    if (len_a < len_b):
        a = s + a
        b = s + b
    carry = 0
    # Loop to find the find the sum
    # of two integers of base B
    for i in range(max(len_a, len_b) - 1, -1, -1):
        # Current Place value for
        # the resultant sum
        curr = carry + (ord(a[i]) - ord('0'))\
               + (ord(b[i]) - ord('0'))
        # Update carry
        carry = curr // base
        # Find current digit
        curr = curr % base
        # Update sum result
        sum = chr(curr + ord('0')) + sum
    if (carry > 0):
        sum = chr(carry + ord('0')) + sum
    return sum
# Driver Code
a = '123'
b = '234'
base_a = 6
base_b = 8
# Convert the integer with
# large base to smaller base B
if base_a > base_b:
    min_Base = base_b
    a10 = int(a, base_a)
    a = dec_to_base(a10, base_b)
    min_Base = base_a
    b10 = int(b, base_b)
    b = dec_to_base(b10, base_a)
# Sum of Integer in min_Base
sum = sumBase(str(a), str(b), min_Base)


方法2:我们可以减少以前方法的转化次数。在这里,我们需要找到较小的基数B ( B1B2的最小值),然后将具有较大基数的整数转换为较小的基数B,并在给定基数的两个整数相加的帮助下将这些整数相加。



# Program to find the
# sum of two integers of
# different bases.
# Base conversion
def dec_to_base(num, base):
    # Maximum base - 36
    base_num = ""
    while num > 0:
        dig = int(num % base)
        if dig < 10:
            base_num += str(dig)
            # Using uppercase letters
            base_num += chr(ord('A') + dig - 10)
        num //= base
    # To reverse the string
    base_num = base_num[::-1]
    return int(base_num)
# Function to find the sum of
# two integers of base B
def sumBase(a, b, base):
    len_a = len(a)
    len_b = len(b)
    s = ""
    sum = ""
    diff = abs(len_a - len_b)
    # Padding 0 in front of the
    # number to make both numbers equal
    for i in range(1, diff + 1):
        s += "0"
    # Condition to check if the strings
    # have lengths mis-match
    if (len_a < len_b):
        a = s + a
        b = s + b
    carry = 0
    # Loop to find the find the sum
    # of two integers of base B
    for i in range(max(len_a, len_b) - 1, -1, -1):
        # Current Place value for
        # the resultant sum
        curr = carry + (ord(a[i]) - ord('0'))\
               + (ord(b[i]) - ord('0'))
        # Update carry
        carry = curr // base
        # Find current digit
        curr = curr % base
        # Update sum result
        sum = chr(curr + ord('0')) + sum
    if (carry > 0):
        sum = chr(carry + ord('0')) + sum
    return sum
# Driver Code
a = '123'
b = '234'
base_a = 6
base_b = 8
# Convert the integer with
# large base to smaller base B
if base_a > base_b:
    min_Base = base_b
    a10 = int(a, base_a)
    a = dec_to_base(a10, base_b)
    min_Base = base_a
    b10 = int(b, base_b)
    b = dec_to_base(b10, base_a)
# Sum of Integer in min_Base
sum = sumBase(str(a), str(b), min_Base)