📜  PyQt5 – 石头剪刀布游戏

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:31.610000             🧑  作者: Mango

PyQt5 – 石头剪刀布游戏

在本文中,我们将了解如何使用 PyQt5 创建一个石头剪刀布游戏。石头剪刀布是一种通常在两个人之间玩的手游戏,每个玩家同时伸出一只手,形成三个形状中的一个。这些形状是“石头”、“纸”和“剪刀”。下面是游戏的外观示意图。


# importing libraries
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * 
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui
from PyQt5.QtGui import * 
from PyQt5.QtCore import * 
import random
import sys
class Window(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        # setting title
        self.setWindowTitle("Python ")
        # setting geometry
        self.setGeometry(100, 100, 320, 400)
        # calling method
        # showing all the widgets
    # method for components
    def UiComponents(self):
        # counter variable
        self.counter = -1
        # choice variable
        self.choice = 0
        # creating head label
        head = QLabel("Rock Paper Scissor", self)
        # setting geometry to the head
        head.setGeometry(20, 10, 280, 60)
        # font
        font = QFont('Times', 15)
        # setting font to the head
        # setting alignment of the head
        # setting color effect to the head
        color = QGraphicsColorizeEffect(self)
        # creating a vs label
        self.vs = QLabel("vs", self)
        # setting geometry
        self.vs.setGeometry(150, 110, 30, 50)
        # setting font
        # creating your choice label
        self.user = QLabel("You", self)
        # setting geometry
        self.user.setGeometry(50, 100, 70, 70)
        self.user.setStyleSheet("border : 2px solid black; background : white;")
        # setting alignment
        # creating computer choice  label
        self.computer = QLabel("Computer", self)
        # setting geometry
        self.computer.setGeometry(200, 100, 70, 70)
        self.computer.setStyleSheet("border : 2px solid black; background : white;")
        # setting alignment
        # result label
        self.result = QLabel(self)
        # setting geometry to the result
        self.result.setGeometry(25, 200, 270, 50)
        # setting font
        self.result.setFont(QFont('Times', 14))
        # setting alignment
        # setting border and color
        self.result.setStyleSheet("border : 2px solid black; background : white;")
        # creating three push button
        # for rock paper and scissor
        self.rock = QPushButton("Rock", self)
        self.rock.setGeometry(30, 270, 80, 35)
        self.paper = QPushButton("Paper", self)
        self.paper.setGeometry(120, 270, 80, 35)
        self.scissor = QPushButton("Scissor", self)
        self.scissor.setGeometry(210, 270, 80, 35)
        # adding actions to the buttons
        # creating push button to reset all the game
        game_reset = QPushButton("Reset", self)
        # setting geometry
        game_reset.setGeometry(100, 320, 120, 50)
        # setting color effect
        color = QGraphicsColorizeEffect(self)
        # adding action tot he reset button
        # creating a timer object
        timer = QTimer(self)
        # adding action to the timer
        # starting the timer
    def showTime(self):
        # if counter value is - 1
        if self.counter == -1:
        # if counter is not - 1
            # setting counter value to the label
            if self.counter == 0:
                self.comp_choice = random.randint(1, 3)
                # if computer choice is 1
                if self.comp_choice == 1:
                    # setting rock image to the computer label
                    self.computer.setStyleSheet("border-image : url(rock.png);")
                elif self.comp_choice == 2:
                    # setting paper image to the computer label
                    self.computer.setStyleSheet("border-image : url(Paper.png);")
                    # setting scissor image to the computer label
                    self.computer.setStyleSheet("border-image : url(scissor.png);")
                # checking who won the match
            # decrementing the counter value
            self.counter -= 1
    def rock_action(self):
        # making choice as 1
        self.choice = 1
        # setting rock image to the user label
        self.user.setStyleSheet("border-image : url(rock.png);")
        # making counter value to 3
        self.counter = 3
        # disabling the push button
    def paper_action(self):
        # making choice as 2
        self.choice = 2
        # setting rock image to the user label
        self.user.setStyleSheet("border-image : url(Paper.png);")
        # making counter value to 3
        self.counter = 3
        # disabling the push button
    def scissor_action(self):
        # making choice as 3
        self.choice = 3
        # setting rock image to the user label
        self.user.setStyleSheet("border-image : url(scissor.png);")
        # making counter value to 3
        self.counter = 3
        # disabling the push button
    def reset_action(self):
        # making result label empty
        # resting the counter value
        self.counter = -1
        # enabling the push buttons
        # removing images fro the user and computer label
        self.user.setStyleSheet("border-image : null;")
        self.computer.setStyleSheet("border-image : null;")
    def who_won(self):
        # if match is draw
        if self.choice == self.comp_choice:
            # setting text to the result label
            self.result.setText("Draw Match")
            # condition for winning
            # user choose rock
            if self.choice == 1:
                # computer choose paper
                if self.comp_choice == 2:
                    # setting text to the result
                    self.result.setText("Computer Wins")
                    self.result.setText("User Wins")
            # user chooses paper
            elif self.choice == 2:
                # computer choose scissor
                if self.comp_choice == 3:
                    # setting text to the result
                    self.result.setText("Computer Wins")
                    self.result.setText("User Wins")
            # if user chooses scissor
            elif self.choice == 3:
                # computer choose rock
                if self.comp_choice == 1:
                    # setting text to the result
                    self.result.setText("Computer Wins")
                    self.result.setText("User Wins")
# create pyqt5 app
App = QApplication(sys.argv)
# create the instance of our Window
window = Window()
# start the app

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