📜  C剪刀石头布

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-28 04:17:11             🧑  作者: Mango


  • 摇滚vs纸->纸胜。
  • 岩石vs剪刀->岩石获胜。
  • 纸vs剪->剪胜。




  • 它由变量的声明组成。
  • printf()和scanf()函数用于显示内容并从用户那里获取输入。它还包含两个预定义的功能:
    • srand()和rand()用于生成[0,RAND_MAX)srand()范围内的随机数,尤其有助于每次生成一个随机数。
    • 取用100生成的随机数取模,使其范围在(0到100)之间。
    • 由于范围最多只有100个,因此所有选项(例如石头纸张剪刀)之间的分布相等,因为所有选项都有相等的出现概率。

game()函数:此函数由if-else语句组成,该语句将比较用户和计算机的选择。如果用户获胜,则它将返回1 。否则,如果计算机获胜,它将返回0 。如果是平局,则将返回-1


// C program for the above approach
// Function to implement the game
int game(char you, char computer)
    // If both the user and computer
    // has chose the same thing
    if (you == computer)
        return -1;
    // If user's choice is stone and
    // computer's choice is paper
    if (you == 's' && computer == 'p')
        return 0
            // If user's choice is paper and
            // computer's choice is stone
            else if (you == 'p' && computer == 's') return 1;
    // If user's choice is stone and
    // computer's choice is scissor
    if (you == 's' && computer == 'z')
        return 1;
    // If user's choice is scissor and
    // computer's choice is stone
    else if (you == 'z' && computer == 's')
        return 0;
    // If user's choice is paper and
    // computer's choice is scissor
    if (you == 'p' && computer == 'z')
        return 0;
    // If user's choice is scissor and
    // computer's choice is paper
    else if (you == 'z' && computer == 'p')
        return 1;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Stores the random number
    int n;
    char you, computer, result;
    // Chooses the random number
    // every time
    // Make the random number less
    // than 100, divided it by 100
    n = rand() % 100;
    // Using simple probability 100 is
    // roughly divided among stone,
    // paper, and scissor
    if (n < 33)
        // s is denoting Stone
        computer = 's';
    else if (n > 33 && n < 66)
        // p is denoting Paper
        computer = 'p';
    // z is denoting Scissor
        computer = 'z';
    printf("\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tEnter s "
           "for STONE, p for PAPER "
           "and z for SCISSOR\n\t\t\"
    // input from the user
    scanf("%c", &you);
    // Function Call to play the game
    result = game(you, computer);
    if (result == -1) {
        printf("\n\n\t\t\t\tGame Draw!\n");
    else if (result == 1) {
        printf("\n\n\t\t\t\tWow! "
               "You have won the game!\n");
        else printf("\n\n\t\t\t\tOh! You "
                    "have lost the game!\n");
        printf("\t\t\t\tYOu choose : %c"
               " and Computer choose : "
               you, computer);
        return 0;


  • 首先,将询问用户有关选择:


  • 当用户输入选项时,将显示结果:

