📜  AVR和PIC的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-11 06:19:47             🧑  作者: Mango

微控制器是单个集成电路 (IC),可与小型独立计算机相媲美,旨在执行嵌入式系统的特定任务。微控制器包含处理单元和少量内存(ROM、RAM 等)、少量用于外设、定时器等的 I/O 端口。AVR 和 PIC 属于微控制器系列。 PIC 微控制器和 AVR 微控制器在不同的体系结构和不同的指令集、速度、转换、内存、功耗、总线宽度等方面彼此不同。现在让我们详细了解它们之间的区别。

1. AVR 微控制器:
AVR 微控制器由 Atmel 公司于 1996 年制造。它基于 RISC 指令集架构 (ISA),也称为高级虚拟 RISC。 AT90S8515 是最初属于 AVR 家族的微控制器。 AVR 微控制器是最受欢迎的控制器类别,而且价格便宜。它用于许多机器人应用。

2. PIC 微控制器:
PIC 代表外设接口控制器。 PIC 微控制器由 Microchip 开发。从实现和性能的角度来看,该微控制器是一种非常快速的简单微控制器。该微控制器易于编程,也易于与其他外围设备连接。


01. AVR stands for Advanced Virtual RISC micro-controller. PIC stands for Peripheral Interface Controller micro-controller.
02. AVR micro-controller bus width is 8/32-bit. PIC micro-controller bus width is 8/16/32-bit.
03. It supports UART, USART, SPI, I2C communication protocol. It supports PIC, UART, USART, LIN, CAN, Ethernet, SPI communication protocol.
04. Its speed is 1 clock/ instruction cycle. Its speed is 4 Clock/instruction cycle.
05. AVR micro-controller is based on RISC instruction set architecture. PIC micro-controller is based on some features of RISC instruction set architecture.
06. It is based on Harvard architecture. It is based on modified Havard architecture.
07. AVR families include Tiny, Atmega, Xmega, special purpose AVR. PIC families include PIC16, PIC17, PIC18, PIC24, PIC32.
08. Manufacturer of AVR micro-controller is Atmel. Manufacturer of PIC micro-controller is Microchip.
09. It is very cheap and effective micro-controller. It is very cheap micro-controller.
10. Popular micro-controllers are Atmega8, 16, 32, Arduino Community. Popular micro-controllers are PIC18fXX8, PIC16f88X, PIC32MXX.