📜  [L,R]范围内与N相对质数的自然数计数

📅  最后修改于: 2021-06-26 17:41:23             🧑  作者: Mango




  1. 首先,将数字N分解。因此,找出N的所有素数。
  2. 将数为N的素数存储在数组中。
  3. 我们可以确定不大于R且可被N的素数整除的自然数的总数。
  4. 假设值为y。因此,不大于R的y个自然数至少具有一个与N的公因数。
  5. 因此,这些y数不能相对于N素数。
  6. 因此,相对于N而言素数不大于R的自然数为R-y。
  7. 现在,类似地,我们需要找出不大于L-1的N的相对质数的数量。
  8. 然后,从R的答案中减去L-1的结果。


// C++ code to count of natural
// numbers in range [L, R] which
// are relatively prime with N
using namespace std;
#define maxN (long long)1000000000000
// container of all the primes
// up to sqrt(n)
vector prime;
// Function to calculate prime
// factors of n
void sieve(long long n)
    // run the sieve of Eratosthenes
    bool check[1000007] = { 0 };
    long long i, j;
    // 0(false) means prime,
    // 1(true) means not prime
    check[0] = 1, check[1] = 1,
    check[2] = 0;
    // no even number is
    // prime except for 2
    for (i = 4; i <= n; i += 2)
        check[i] = true;
    for (i = 3; i * i <= n; i += 2)
        if (!check[i]) {
            // all the multiples of each
            // each prime numbers are
            // non-prime
            for (j = i * i; j <= n; j += 2 * i)
                check[j] = true;
    // get all the primes
    // in prime vector
    for (int i = 3; i <= n; i += 2)
        if (!check[i])
// Count the number of numbers
// up to m which are divisible
// by given prime numbers
long long count(long long a[],
                int n, long long m)
    long long parity[3] = { 0 };
    // Run from i= 000..0 to i= 111..1
    // or check all possible
    // subsets of the array
    for (int i = 1; i < (1 << n); i++) {
        long long mult = 1;
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            if (i & (1 << j))
                mult *= a[j];
        // take the multiplication
        // of all the set bits
        // if the number of set bits
        // is odd, then add to the
        // number of multiples
        parity[__builtin_popcount(i) & 1]
            += (m / mult);
    return parity[1] - parity[0];
// Function calculates all number
// not greater than 'm' which are
// relatively prime with n.
long long countRelPrime(
    long long n,
    long long m)
    long long a[20];
    int i = 0, j = 0;
    long long pz = prime.size();
    while (n != 1 && i < pz) {
        // if square of the prime number
        // is greater than 'n', it can't
        // be a factor of 'n'
        if ((long long)prime[i]
                * (long long)prime[i]
            > n)
        // if prime is a factor of
        // n then increment count
        if (n % prime[i] == 0)
            a[j] = (long long)prime[i], j++;
        while (n % prime[i] == 0)
            n /= prime[i];
    if (n != 1)
        a[j] = n, j++;
    return m - count(a, j, m);
void countRelPrimeInRange(
    long long n, long long l,
    long long r)
    long long result
        = countRelPrime(n, r)
          - countRelPrime(n, l - 1);
    cout << result << "\n";
// Driver code
int main()
    long long N = 7, L = 3, R = 9;
    countRelPrimeInRange(N, L, R);
    return 0;

// Java code to count of natural
// numbers in range [L, R] which
// are relatively prime with N
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
static int maxN = 100000000;
// Container of all the primes
// up to sqrt(n)
static Vector prime = new Vector();
// Function to calculate prime
// factors of n
static void sieve(int n)
    // Run the sieve of Eratosthenes
    boolean[] check = new boolean[1000007];
    for(int i = 0; i < 1000007; i++)
        check[i] = false;
    int i, j;
    // 0(false) means prime,
    // 1(true) means not prime
    check[0] = false;
    check[1] = true;
    check[2] = false;
    // No even number is
    // prime except for 2
    for(i = 4; i <= n; i += 2)
        check[i] = true;
    for(i = 3; i * i <= n; i += 2)
        if (!check[i])
            // All the multiples of each
            // each prime numbers are
            // non-prime
            for(j = i * i; j <= n; j += 2 * i)
                check[j] = true;
    // Get all the primes
    // in prime vector
    for(i = 3; i <= n; i += 2)
        if (!check[i])
static int countSetBits(int n)
    int count = 0;
    while (n > 0)
        count += n & 1;
        n >>= 1;
    return count;
// Count the number of numbers
// up to m which are divisible
// by given prime numbers
static int count(int a[],
                 int n, int m)
    int[] parity = new int[3];
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        parity[i] = 0;
    // Run from i= 000..0 to i= 111..1
    // or check all possible
    // subsets of the array
    for(int i = 1; i < (1 << n); i++)
        int mult = 1;
        for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            if ((i & (1 << j)) != 0)
                mult *= a[j];
        // Take the multiplication
        // of all the set bits
        // If the number of set bits
        // is odd, then add to the
        // number of multiples
        parity[countSetBits(i) & 1] += (m / mult);
    return parity[1] - parity[0];
// Function calculates all number
// not greater than 'm' which are
// relatively prime with n.
static int countRelPrime(int n, int m)
    int[] a = new int[20];
    int i = 0, j = 0;
    int pz = prime.size();
    while(n != 1 && i < pz)
        // If square of the prime number
        // is greater than 'n', it can't
        // be a factor of 'n'
        if ((int)prime.get(i) *
            (int)prime.get(i) > n)
        // If prime is a factor of
        // n then increment count
        if (n % prime.get(i) == 0)
            a[j] = (int)prime.get(i);
        while (n % prime.get(i) == 0)
            n /= prime.get(i);
    if (n != 1)
        a[j] = n;
    return m - count(a, j, m);
static void countRelPrimeInRange(int n, int l,
                                 int r)
    int result = countRelPrime(n, r) -
                 countRelPrime(n, l - 1);
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int N = 7, L = 3, R = 9;
    countRelPrimeInRange(N, L, R);
// This code is contributed by grand_master

# Python3 code to count of natural
# numbers in range [L, R] which
# are relatively prime with N
from math import sqrt, floor
maxN = 1000000000000
# Container of all the primes
# up to sqrt(n)
prime = []
# Function to calculate prime
# factors of n
def sieve(n):
    # Run the sieve of Eratosthenes
    check = [0] * (1000007)
    i, j = 0, 0
    # 0(false) means prime,
    # 1(True) means not prime
    check[0] = 1
    check[1] = 1
    check[2] = 0
    # No even number is
    # prime except for 2
    for i in range(4, n + 1, 2):
        check[i] = True
    for i in range(3, n + 1, 2):
        if i * i > n:
        if (not check[i]):
            # All the multiples of each
            # each prime numbers are
            # non-prime
            for j in range(2 * i, n + 1, 2 * i):
                check[j] = True
    # Get all the primes
    # in prime vector
    for i in range(3, n + 1, 2):
        if (not check[i]):
# Count the number of numbers
# up to m which are divisible
# by given prime numbers
def count(a, n, m):
    parity = [0] * 3
    # Run from i = 000..0 to i = 111..1
    # or check all possible
    # subsets of the array
    for i in range(1, 1 << n):
        mult = 1
        for j in range(n):
            if (i & (1 << j)):
                mult *= a[j]
        # Take the multiplication
        # of all the set bits
        # If the number of set bits
        # is odd, then add to the
        # number of multiples
        parity[bin(i).count('1') & 1] += (m // mult)
    return parity[1] - parity[0]
# Function calculates all number
# not greater than 'm' which are
# relatively prime with n.
def countRelPrime(n, m):
    a = [0] * 20
    i = 0
    j = 0
    pz = len(prime)
    while (n != 1 and i < pz):
        # If square of the prime number
        # is greater than 'n', it can't
        # be a factor of 'n'
        if (prime[i] * prime[i] > n):
        # If prime is a factor of
        # n then increment count
        if (n % prime[i] == 0):
            a[j] = prime[i]
            j += 1
        while (n % prime[i] == 0):
            n //= prime[i]
        i += 1
    if (n != 1):
        a[j] = n
        j += 1
    return m - count(a, j, m)
def countRelPrimeInRange(n, l, r):
    result = (countRelPrime(n, r) -
              countRelPrime(n, l - 1))
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    N = 7
    L = 3
    R = 9
    countRelPrimeInRange(N, L, R)
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29

// C# code to count of natural
// numbers in range [L, R] which
// are relatively prime with N
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
static int maxN = 100000000;
// Container of all the primes
// up to sqrt(n)
static List prime = new List();
// Function to calculate prime
// factors of n
static void sieve(int n)
    // Run the sieve of Eratosthenes
    bool[] check = new bool[1000007];
    for(int I = 0; I < 1000007; I++)
        check[I] = false;
    int i, j;
    // 0(false) means prime,
    // 1(true) means not prime
    check[0] = false;
    check[1] = true;
    check[2] = false;
    // No even number is
    // prime except for 2
    for(i = 4; i <= n; i += 2)
        check[i] = true;
    for(i = 3; i * i <= n; i += 2)
        if (!check[i])
            // All the multiples of each
            // each prime numbers are
            // non-prime
            for(j = i * i; j <= n; j += 2 * i)
                check[j] = true;
    // Get all the primes
    // in prime vector
    for(i = 3; i <= n; i += 2)
        if (!check[i])
static int countSetBits(int n)
    int count = 0;
    while (n > 0)
        count += n & 1;
        n >>= 1;
    return count;
// Count the number of numbers
// up to m which are divisible
// by given prime numbers
static int count(int[] a, int n, int m)
    int[] parity = new int[3];
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        parity[i] = 0;
    // Run from i= 000..0 to i= 111..1
    // or check all possible
    // subsets of the array
    for(int i = 1; i < (1 << n); i++)
        int mult = 1;
        for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            if ((i & (1 << j)) != 0)
                mult *= a[j];
        // Take the multiplication
        // of all the set bits
        // If the number of set bits
        // is odd, then add to the
        // number of multiples
        parity[countSetBits(i) & 1] += (m / mult);
    return parity[1] - parity[0];
// Function calculates all number
// not greater than 'm' which are
// relatively prime with n.
static int countRelPrime(int n, int m)
    int[] a = new int[20];
    int i = 0, j = 0;
    int pz = prime.Count;
    while (n != 1 && i < pz)
        // If square of the prime number
        // is greater than 'n', it can't
        // be a factor of 'n'
        if ((int)prime[i] * (int)prime[i] > n)
        // If prime is a factor of
        // n then increment count
        if (n % prime[i] == 0)
            a[j] = (int)prime[i];
        while (n % prime[i] == 0)
            n /= prime[i];
    if (n != 1)
        a[j] = n;
    return m - count(a, j, m);
static void countRelPrimeInRange(int n, int l,
                                 int r)
    int result = countRelPrime(n, r) -
                 countRelPrime(n, l - 1);
// Driver Code
static void Main()
    int N = 7, L = 3, R = 9;
    countRelPrimeInRange(N, L, R);
// This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07
