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📜  单调推理与非单调推理

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:12.081000             🧑  作者: Mango




  • 单调推理将连续朝同一方向移动,这意味着它将以递增或递减的顺序移动。
  • 但由于单调推理依赖于知识和事实,在这种推理中它只会增加,永远不会减少。
  • 例子:
    • 太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。



  • 它在人工智能中也被称为核磁共振。
  • 非单调推理会根据条件增加或减少。
  • 由于非单调推理依赖于知识和事实,它会随着知识或事实的提高而改变。
  • 例子:
    • 考虑一碗水,如果我们把它放在炉子上并打开火焰,它显然会沸腾,当我们关闭火焰时,它会逐渐冷却。


 Monotonic ReasoningNon-Monotonic Reasoning
1Monotonic Reasoning is the process which does not change its direction or can say that it moves in the one direction.Non-monotonic Reasoning is the process which changes its direction or values as the knowledge base increases.
2Monotonic Reasoning deals with very specific type of models, which has valid proofs.Non-monotonic reasoning deals with incomplete or not known facts.
3The addition in knowledge won’t change the result.The addition in knowledge will invalidate the previous conclusions and change the result.
4In monotonic reasoning, results are always true, therefore, set of prepositions will only increase.In non-monotonic reasoning, results and set of prepositions will increase and decrease based on condition of added knowledge.
5Monotonic Reasoning is based on true facts.Non-monotonic Reasoning is based on assumptions.
6Deductive Reasoning is the type of monotonic reasoning.Abductive Reasoning and Human Reasoning is a non-monotonic type of reasoning.