📜  四边形的最大面积(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:23:01.815000             🧑  作者: Mango







import math

def calculate_area_of_quadrilateral(a, b, c, d, angle):
    # Calculating the length of the diagonal between points A and C
    ac = math.sqrt((c[0]-a[0])**2 + (c[1]-a[1])**2)

    # Calculating the length of the diagonal between points B and D
    bd = math.sqrt((d[0]-b[0])**2 + (d[1]-b[1])**2)

    # Calculating the length of the diagonal between points A and B
    ab = math.sqrt((b[0]-a[0])**2 + (b[1]-a[1])**2)

    # Calculating the length of the diagonal between points C and D
    cd = math.sqrt((d[0]-c[0])**2 + (d[1]-c[1])**2)

    # Calculating the length of the diagonal between points A and D
    ad = math.sqrt((d[0]-a[0])**2 + (d[1]-a[1])**2)

    # Calculating the length of the diagonal between points B and C
    bc = math.sqrt((c[0]-b[0])**2 + (c[1]-b[1])**2)

    # Calculating the semiperimeter for triangle ABC
    s1 = (ab + bc + ac) / 2

    # Calculating the semiperimeter for triangle ABD
    s2 = (ab + bd + ad) / 2

    # Calculating the semiperimeter for triangle BCD
    s3 = (bc + cd + bd) / 2

    # Calculating the semiperimeter for triangle CAD
    s4 = (ac + cd + ad) / 2

    # Calculating the area of each triangle
    area1 = math.sqrt(s1 * (s1 - ab) * (s1 - bc) * (s1 - ac))
    area2 = math.sqrt(s2 * (s2 - ab) * (s2 - bd) * (s2 - ad))
    area3 = math.sqrt(s3 * (s3 - bd) * (s3 - bc) * (s3 - cd))
    area4 = math.sqrt(s4 * (s4 - ac) * (s4 - cd) * (s4 - ad))

    # Calculating the total area of the quadrilateral
    area_quadrilateral = area1 + area2 + area3 + area4

    # Calculating the angle between the diagonals
    angle_radians = math.radians(angle)

    # Calculating the length of the product of the diagonals
    diagonal_product = ac * bd

    # Calculating the area of the quadrilateral using the formula
    area_quadrilateral_using_formula = 0.5 * diagonal_product * math.sin(angle_radians)

    # Returning the maximum area of the quadrilateral
    return max([area_quadrilateral, area_quadrilateral_using_formula])
