📜  毫升 |使用 Logistic 回归进行 Kaggle 乳腺癌威斯康星州诊断

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:40.770000             🧑  作者: Mango

毫升 |使用 Logistic 回归进行 Kaggle 乳腺癌威斯康星州诊断

它由来自 UCI 机器学习存储库的 Kaggle 在其挑战之一中给出

# performing linear algebra
import numpy as np
# data processing
import pandas as pd
# visualisation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = pd.read_csv("..\\breast-cancer-wisconsin-data\\data.csv")
print (data.head)


data.drop(['Unnamed: 32', 'id'], axis = 1)
data.diagnosis = [1 if each == "M" else 0 for each in data.diagnosis]

y = data.diagnosis.values
x_data = data.drop(['diagnosis'], axis = 1)

x = (x_data - np.min(x_data))/(np.max(x_data) - np.min(x_data)).values

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    x, y, test_size = 0.15, random_state = 42)
x_train = x_train.T
x_test = x_test.T
y_train = y_train.T
y_test = y_test.T
print("x train: ", x_train.shape)
print("x test: ", x_test.shape)
print("y train: ", y_train.shape)
print("y test: ", y_test.shape)

def initialize_weights_and_bias(dimension):
    w = np.full((dimension, 1), 0.01)
    b = 0.0
    return w, b

# z = np.dot(w.T, x_train)+b
def sigmoid(z):
    y_head = 1/(1 + np.exp(-z))
    return y_head

def forward_backward_propagation(w, b, x_train, y_train):
    z = np.dot(w.T, x_train) + b
    y_head = sigmoid(z)
    loss = - y_train * np.log(y_head) - (1 - y_train) * np.log(1 - y_head)
    # x_train.shape[1]  is for scaling
    cost = (np.sum(loss)) / x_train.shape[1]     
    # backward propagation
    derivative_weight = (np.dot(x_train, (
        (y_head - y_train).T))) / x_train.shape[1]
    derivative_bias = np.sum(
        y_head-y_train) / x_train.shape[1]                
    gradients = {"derivative_weight": derivative_weight,
                 "derivative_bias": derivative_bias}
    return cost, gradients

def update(w, b, x_train, y_train, learning_rate, number_of_iterarion):
    cost_list = []
    cost_list2 = []
    index = []
    # updating(learning) parameters is number_of_iterarion times
    for i in range(number_of_iterarion):
        # make forward and backward propagation and find cost and gradients
        cost, gradients = forward_backward_propagation(w, b, x_train, y_train)
        # lets update
        w = w - learning_rate * gradients["derivative_weight"]
        b = b - learning_rate * gradients["derivative_bias"]
        if i % 10 == 0:
            print ("Cost after iteration % i: % f" %(i, cost))
    # update(learn) parameters weights and bias
    parameters = {"weight": w, "bias": b}
    plt.plot(index, cost_list2)
    plt.xticks(index, rotation ='vertical')
    plt.xlabel("Number of Iterarion")
    return parameters, gradients, cost_list

def predict(w, b, x_test):
    # x_test is a input for forward propagation
    z = sigmoid(np.dot(w.T, x_test)+b)
    Y_prediction = np.zeros((1, x_test.shape[1]))
    # if z is bigger than 0.5, our prediction is sign one (y_head = 1),
    # if z is smaller than 0.5, our prediction is sign zero (y_head = 0),
    for i in range(z.shape[1]):
        if z[0, i]<= 0.5:
            Y_prediction[0, i] = 0
            Y_prediction[0, i] = 1
    return Y_prediction

def logistic_regression(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test,
                        learning_rate,  num_iterations):
    dimension = x_train.shape[0]
    w, b = initialize_weights_and_bias(dimension)
    parameters, gradients, cost_list = update(
        w, b, x_train, y_train, learning_rate, num_iterations)
    y_prediction_test = predict(
        parameters["weight"], parameters["bias"], x_test)
    y_prediction_train = predict(
        parameters["weight"], parameters["bias"], x_train)
    # train / test Errors
    print("train accuracy: {} %".format(
        100 - np.mean(np.abs(y_prediction_train - y_train)) * 100))
    print("test accuracy: {} %".format(
        100 - np.mean(np.abs(y_prediction_test - y_test)) * 100))
logistic_regression(x_train, y_train, x_test,
                    y_test, learning_rate = 1, num_iterations = 100)

from sklearn import linear_model
logreg = linear_model.LogisticRegression(random_state = 42, max_iter = 150)
print("test accuracy: {} ".format(
    logreg.fit(x_train.T, y_train.T).score(x_test.T, y_test.T)))
print("train accuracy: {} ".format(
    logreg.fit(x_train.T, y_train.T).score(x_train.T, y_train.T)))



data = pd.read_csv("..\\breast-cancer-wisconsin-data\\data.csv")
print (data.head)

输出 :




输出 :

RangeIndex: 569 entries, 0 to 568
Data columns (total 33 columns):
id                         569 non-null int64
diagnosis                  569 non-null object
radius_mean                569 non-null float64
texture_mean               569 non-null float64
perimeter_mean             569 non-null float64
area_mean                  569 non-null float64
smoothness_mean            569 non-null float64
compactness_mean           569 non-null float64
concavity_mean             569 non-null float64
concave points_mean        569 non-null float64
symmetry_mean              569 non-null float64
fractal_dimension_mean     569 non-null float64
radius_se                  569 non-null float64
texture_se                 569 non-null float64
perimeter_se               569 non-null float64
area_se                    569 non-null float64
smoothness_se              569 non-null float64
compactness_se             569 non-null float64
concavity_se               569 non-null float64
concave points_se          569 non-null float64
symmetry_se                569 non-null float64
fractal_dimension_se       569 non-null float64
radius_worst               569 non-null float64
texture_worst              569 non-null float64
perimeter_worst            569 non-null float64
area_worst                 569 non-null float64
smoothness_worst           569 non-null float64
compactness_worst          569 non-null float64
concavity_worst            569 non-null float64
concave points_worst       569 non-null float64
symmetry_worst             569 non-null float64
fractal_dimension_worst    569 non-null float64
Unnamed: 32                0 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(31), int64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 146.8+ KB

代码:我们正在删除列 - 'id' 和 'Unnamed: 32' 因为它们在预测中没有作用


data.drop(['Unnamed: 32', 'id'], axis = 1)
data.diagnosis = [1 if each == "M" else 0 for each in data.diagnosis]



y = data.diagnosis.values
x_data = data.drop(['diagnosis'], axis = 1)



x = (x_data - np.min(x_data))/(np.max(x_data) - np.min(x_data)).values



from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    x, y, test_size = 0.15, random_state = 42)
x_train = x_train.T
x_test = x_test.T
y_train = y_train.T
y_test = y_test.T
print("x train: ", x_train.shape)
print("x test: ", x_test.shape)
print("y train: ", y_train.shape)
print("y test: ", y_test.shape)



def initialize_weights_and_bias(dimension):
    w = np.full((dimension, 1), 0.01)
    b = 0.0
    return w, b

代码:Sigmoid函数——计算 z 值。


# z = np.dot(w.T, x_train)+b
def sigmoid(z):
    y_head = 1/(1 + np.exp(-z))
    return y_head



def forward_backward_propagation(w, b, x_train, y_train):
    z = np.dot(w.T, x_train) + b
    y_head = sigmoid(z)
    loss = - y_train * np.log(y_head) - (1 - y_train) * np.log(1 - y_head)
    # x_train.shape[1]  is for scaling
    cost = (np.sum(loss)) / x_train.shape[1]     
    # backward propagation
    derivative_weight = (np.dot(x_train, (
        (y_head - y_train).T))) / x_train.shape[1]
    derivative_bias = np.sum(
        y_head-y_train) / x_train.shape[1]                
    gradients = {"derivative_weight": derivative_weight,
                 "derivative_bias": derivative_bias}
    return cost, gradients



def update(w, b, x_train, y_train, learning_rate, number_of_iterarion):
    cost_list = []
    cost_list2 = []
    index = []
    # updating(learning) parameters is number_of_iterarion times
    for i in range(number_of_iterarion):
        # make forward and backward propagation and find cost and gradients
        cost, gradients = forward_backward_propagation(w, b, x_train, y_train)
        # lets update
        w = w - learning_rate * gradients["derivative_weight"]
        b = b - learning_rate * gradients["derivative_bias"]
        if i % 10 == 0:
            print ("Cost after iteration % i: % f" %(i, cost))
    # update(learn) parameters weights and bias
    parameters = {"weight": w, "bias": b}
    plt.plot(index, cost_list2)
    plt.xticks(index, rotation ='vertical')
    plt.xlabel("Number of Iterarion")
    return parameters, gradients, cost_list



def predict(w, b, x_test):
    # x_test is a input for forward propagation
    z = sigmoid(np.dot(w.T, x_test)+b)
    Y_prediction = np.zeros((1, x_test.shape[1]))
    # if z is bigger than 0.5, our prediction is sign one (y_head = 1),
    # if z is smaller than 0.5, our prediction is sign zero (y_head = 0),
    for i in range(z.shape[1]):
        if z[0, i]<= 0.5:
            Y_prediction[0, i] = 0
            Y_prediction[0, i] = 1
    return Y_prediction



def logistic_regression(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test,
                        learning_rate,  num_iterations):
    dimension = x_train.shape[0]
    w, b = initialize_weights_and_bias(dimension)
    parameters, gradients, cost_list = update(
        w, b, x_train, y_train, learning_rate, num_iterations)
    y_prediction_test = predict(
        parameters["weight"], parameters["bias"], x_test)
    y_prediction_train = predict(
        parameters["weight"], parameters["bias"], x_train)
    # train / test Errors
    print("train accuracy: {} %".format(
        100 - np.mean(np.abs(y_prediction_train - y_train)) * 100))
    print("test accuracy: {} %".format(
        100 - np.mean(np.abs(y_prediction_test - y_test)) * 100))
logistic_regression(x_train, y_train, x_test,
                    y_test, learning_rate = 1, num_iterations = 100)

输出 :

Cost after iteration 0: 0.692836
Cost after iteration 10: 0.498576
Cost after iteration 20: 0.404996
Cost after iteration 30: 0.350059
Cost after iteration 40: 0.313747
Cost after iteration 50: 0.287767
Cost after iteration 60: 0.268114
Cost after iteration 70: 0.252627
Cost after iteration 80: 0.240036
Cost after iteration 90: 0.229543
Cost after iteration 100: 0.220624
Cost after iteration 110: 0.212920
Cost after iteration 120: 0.206175
Cost after iteration 130: 0.200201
Cost after iteration 140: 0.194860

输出 :

train accuracy: 95.23809523809524 %
test accuracy: 94.18604651162791 %

代码:使用 linear_model.LogisticRegression 检查结果


from sklearn import linear_model
logreg = linear_model.LogisticRegression(random_state = 42, max_iter = 150)
print("test accuracy: {} ".format(
    logreg.fit(x_train.T, y_train.T).score(x_test.T, y_test.T)))
print("train accuracy: {} ".format(
    logreg.fit(x_train.T, y_train.T).score(x_train.T, y_train.T)))

输出 :

test accuracy: 0.9651162790697675 
train accuracy: 0.9668737060041408