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📜  根据给定查询在 Matrix 的相邻单元格之间创建边界后计算区域

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:09.263000             🧑  作者: Mango

根据给定查询在 Matrix 的相邻单元格之间创建边界后计算区域

给定一个大小为 N * M 和 Q 个查询的矩阵,任务是在执行查询后找出有多少不同的区域。在每个查询中:

  • 有四个整数 x1, y1, x2, y2 表示矩阵 (x1, y1) 和 (x2, y2) 的两个相邻的单元。
  • 沿单元格的公共侧创建边界。





  • 创建两个哈希表,以存储存在于垂直和水平相邻单元格中的行的状态。
  • 创建另一个哈希表来存储是否访问了单元格。
  • 开始遍历查询,并在每次迭代中:
    • 检查给定的两个单元格是垂直相邻还是水平相邻。
    • 根据该标记哈希表,以避免将它们视为同一区域。
  • 遍历矩阵,并在每次迭代中:
    • 检查当前单元格是否被访问。
    • 如果未访问,则增加TotalRegion的计数,然后使用DFS递归访问其相邻单元格(如果它们之间没有边界),并将该区域中的所有单元格标记为已访问。
  • 执行后返回矩阵中TotalRegion的计数


// C++ code to implement the approach
using namespace std;
// Recursive function to traverse the matrix
void traverse(int i, int j, int N, int M,
              vector >& vis,
              vector >& row,
              vector >& col)
    if (i <= 0 || i > N || j <= 0 || j > M || vis[i][j])
    // Mark Current cell visited.
    vis[i][j] = true;
    // Traverse adjacent cells in all directions
    // (up, down, right, left) that
    // do not include lines between
    if (row[i][j])
        traverse(i, j + 1, N, M,
                 vis, row, col);
    if (col[i][j])
        traverse(i + 1, j, N, M,
                 vis, row, col);
    if (row[i][j - 1])
        traverse(i, j - 1, N, M,
                 vis, row, col);
    if (col[i - 1][j])
        traverse(i - 1, j, N, M,
                 vis, row, col);
// Function to count the total regions
int count(int N, int M, int K,
          vector >& q)
    vector > row(N + 1,
                                  M + 1, true));
    vector > col(N + 1,
                                  M + 1, true));
    vector > vis(N + 1,
                                  M + 1, false));
    for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
        // Hash array value set to false
        // if there is line between
        // two adjacent cell in same row
        // If query is {0 1 1 1} or
        // {1 1 0 1} we make row[0][1]= false,
        // that means there is vertical line
        // after the cell [0][1]
        if (q[i][0] == q[i][2]) {
            int mn = min(q[i][1], q[i][3]);
            row[q[i][0]][mn] = false;
        // Hash array value set to false if
        // there is line between
        // two adjacent cell in same column
        // If query is {2 3 2 4} or {2 4 2 3}
        // we make col[2][3]= false,
        // that means there is horizontal line
        // below the cell [2][3]
        else {
            int mn = min(q[i][0], q[i][2]);
            col[mn][q[i][1]] = false;
    // Store count of total regions after
    // performing K quires.
    int TotalRegion = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
        for (int j = 1; j <= M; j++) {
            // If current Cell
            // is not visited
            // then increment the TotalRegion
            // count and traverse
            // all the cell in that region
            if (!vis[i][j]) {
                traverse(i, j, N, M,
                         vis, row, col);
    return TotalRegion;
// Driver code
int main()
    vector > q;
    int N = 5, M = 5;
    int K = 10;
    q.push_back({ 2, 1, 2, 2 });
    q.push_back({ 1, 2, 2, 2 });
    q.push_back({ 1, 3, 2, 3 });
    q.push_back({ 1, 4, 2, 4 });
    q.push_back({ 2, 3, 3, 3 });
    q.push_back({ 3, 3, 3, 4 });
    q.push_back({ 3, 3, 4, 3 });
    q.push_back({ 3, 3, 3, 2 });
    q.push_back({ 3, 1, 3, 2 });
    q.push_back({ 4, 1, 4, 2 });
    cout << count(N, M, K, q);
    return 0;

# Python code to implement the approach
# Recursive function to traverse the matrix
def traverse(i, j, N, M, vis, row, col):
    if (i <= 0 or i > N or j <= 0 or j > M or vis[i][j]):
    # Mark Current cell visited.
    vis[i][j] = True
    # Traverse adjacent cells in all directions
    # (up, down, right, left) that
    # do not include lines between
    if (row[i][j]):
        traverse(i, j + 1, N, M,vis, row, col)
    if (col[i][j]):
        traverse(i + 1, j, N, M,vis, row, col)
    if (row[i][j - 1]):
        traverse(i, j - 1, N, M,vis, row, col)
    if (col[i - 1][j]):
        traverse(i - 1, j, N, M,vis, row, col)
# Function to count the total regions
def count(N, M, K, q):
    row = [[True for col in range(M+1)]for row in range(N+1)]
    col = [[True for col in range(M+1)]for row in range(N+1)]
    vis = [[False for col in range(M+1)]for row in range(N+1)]
    for i in range(K):
        # Hash array value set to false
        # if there is line between
        # two adjacent cell in same row
        # If query is {0 1 1 1} or
        # {1 1 0 1} we make row[0][1]= false,
        # that means there is vertical line
        # after the cell [0][1]
        if (q[i][0] == q[i][2]):
            mn = min(q[i][1], q[i][3])
            row[q[i][0]][mn] = False
        # Hash array value set to false if
        # there is line between
        # two adjacent cell in same column
        # If query is {2 3 2 4} or {2 4 2 3}
        # we make col[2][3]= false,
        # that means there is horizontal line
        # below the cell [2][3]
            mn = min(q[i][0], q[i][2])
            col[mn][q[i][1]] = False
    # Store count of total regions after
    # performing K quires.
    TotalRegion = 0
    for i in range(1,N+1):
        for j in range(1,M+1):
            # If current Cell
            # is not visited
            # then increment the TotalRegion
            # count and traverse
            # all the cell in that region
            if (vis[i][j] == False):
                TotalRegion += 1
                traverse(i, j, N, M,vis, row, col)
    return TotalRegion
# Driver code
q = []
N = 5
M = 5
K = 10
q.append([2, 1, 2, 2])
q.append([1, 2, 2, 2])
q.append([1, 3, 2, 3])
q.append([1, 4, 2, 4])
q.append([2, 3, 3, 3])
q.append([3, 3, 3, 4])
q.append([3, 3, 4, 3])
q.append([3, 3, 3, 2])
q.append([3, 1, 3, 2])
q.append([4, 1, 4, 2])
print(count(N, M, K, q))
# This code is contributed by ShinjanPatra



时间复杂度: O( N*M + Q )
辅助空间: O(N*M)