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📜  以第i个子字符串是第(i-1)个和第(i-2)个子字符串的总和的方式对给定的字符串进行分区

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-24 12:14:29             🧑  作者: Mango



Input : "11235813"
Output : ["1", "1", "2", "3", "5", "8", "13"]

Input : "1111223"
Output : ["1", "11", "12", "23"]

Input : "1111213"
Output : ["11", "1", "12", "13"]

Input : "11121114"
Output : []

2.如果first + second = third,则递归调用check(),其中second为第一,second为第三。根据下一个可能的位数选择第三个。 (两个数字相加的结果最多可以包含第二个和第三个数字+1)
5.到达字符串的结尾并满足条件时,将“第二”和“第三”添加到空白列表。在回滚递归堆栈时,将“ first”放在列表的前面,以便保留顺序。

// Java program to check if we can partition a 
// string in a way that value of i-th string is
// sum of (i-1)-th and (i-2)-th substrings.
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class SumArray {
  private static LinkedList resultList = 
                                   new LinkedList<>();
  private static boolean check(char[] chars, int offset1, 
       int offset2, int offset3, boolean freezeFirstAndSecond) {
    // Find subarrays according to given offsets
    int first = intOf(subArr(chars, 0, offset1));
    int second = intOf(subArr(chars, offset1, offset2));
    int third = intOf(subArr(chars, offset1 + offset2, offset3));
    // If condition is satisfied for current subarrays
    if (first + second == third) {
      // If whole array is covered.
      if (offset1 + offset2 + offset3 >= chars.length) {
        return true;
      // Check if remaining array also satisfies the condition
      boolean result = check(subArr(chars, offset1, 
           chars.length - offset1), offset2, offset3,
                  Math.max(offset2, offset3), true);
      if (result) {
      return result;
    // If not satisfied, try incrementing third
    if (isValidOffSet(offset1, offset2, 1 + offset3, chars.length)) {
      if (check(chars, offset1, offset2, 1 + offset3, false)) 
        return true;      
    // If first and second have been finalized, do not 
    // alter already computed results
    if (freezeFirstAndSecond)
      return false;
    // If first and second are not finalized
    if (isValidOffSet(offset1, 1 + offset2, Math.max(offset1, 
                           1 + offset2),  chars.length)) {
      // Try incrementing second
      if (check(chars, offset1, 1 + offset2,
           Math.max(offset1, 1 + offset2), false)) 
        return true;      
    // Try incrementing first
    if (isValidOffSet(1 + offset1, offset2, Math.max(1 + offset1,
                                  offset2),  chars.length)) {
     if (check(chars, 1 + offset1, offset2, Math.max(1 + offset1,
                                             offset2), false)) 
        return true;
    return false;
  // Check if given three offsets are valid (Within array length
  // and third offset can represent sum of first two)
  private static boolean isValidOffSet(int offset1, int offset2, 
                                   int offset3, int length) {
    return (offset1 + offset2 + offset3 <= length &&
            (offset3 == Math.max(offset1, offset2) ||
             offset3 == 1 + Math.max(offset1, offset2)));
  // To get a subarray with starting from given 
  // index and offset
  private static char[] subArr(char[] chars, int index, int offset) {
    int trueOffset = Math.min(chars.length - index, offset);
    char[] destArr = new char[trueOffset];
    System.arraycopy(chars, index, destArr, 0, trueOffset);
    return destArr;
  private static int intOf(char... chars) {
    return Integer.valueOf(new String(chars));
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String numStr = "11235813";
    char[] chars = numStr.toCharArray();
    System.out.println(check(chars, 1, 1, 1, false));
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]