📜  强化学习中的预期 SARSA

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:51.968000             🧑  作者: Mango

强化学习中的预期 SARSA

先决条件: SARSA
强化学习中的 SARSA 和 Q-Learning 技术是使用时间差 (TD) 更新来改善代理行为的算法。预期的 SARSA 技术是改进代理策略的一种替代方法。它与 SARSA 和 Q-Learning 非常相似,不同之处在于它遵循的动作价值函数。
我们知道 SARSA 是一种 on-policy 技术,Q-learning 是一种 off-policy 技术,但是 Expected SARSA 可以用作 on-policy 或 off-policy。这就是 Expected SARSA 与这两种算法相比更加灵活的地方。
让我们比较一下所有三种算法的动作价值函数,找出 Expected SARSA 的不同之处。

  • 沙萨: Q(S_{t}, A_{t}) = Q(S_{t}, A_{t}) + \alpha (R_{t+1}+\gamma Q(S_{t+1}, A_{t+1})-Q(S_{t}, A_{t}))
  • Q-学习:
    Q(s_{t}, a_{t}) = Q(s_{t}, a_{t}) + \alpha (r_{t+1}+\gamma max_{a}Q(s_{t+1}, a)-Q(s_{t}, a_{t}))
  • 预计 SARSA:
    Q(s_{t}, a_{t}) = Q(s_{t}, a_{t}) + \alpha (r_{t+1}+\gamma \sum_{a} \pi (a | s_{t+1}) Q(s_{t+1}, a)-Q(s_{t}, a_{t}))

我们看到,预期 SARSA 采用所有可能的下一步行动的加权和相对于采取该行动的概率。如果预期回报相对于预期回报是贪婪的,那么这个等式就会被转换为 Q-Learning。否则,Expected SARSA 是符合策略的,它计算所有动作的预期回报,而不是像 SARSA 那样随机选择一个动作。
牢记理论和公式,让我们通过实验比较所有三种算法。我们将实现一个 Cliff Walker 作为我们由健身房图书馆提供的环境

# Agent.py
import numpy as np
class Agent:
    The Base class that is implemented by
    other classes to avoid the duplicate 'choose_action'
    def choose_action(self, state):
        action = 0
        if np.random.uniform(0, 1) < self.epsilon:
            action = self.action_space.sample()
            action = np.argmax(self.Q[state, :])
        return action

# SarsaAgent.py
import numpy as np
from Agent import Agent
class SarsaAgent(Agent):
    The Agent that uses SARSA update to improve it's behaviour
    def __init__(self, epsilon, alpha, gamma, num_state, num_actions, action_space):
            epsilon: The degree of exploration
            gamma: The discount factor
            num_state: The number of states
            num_actions: The number of actions
            action_space: To call the random action
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.num_state = num_state
        self.num_actions = num_actions
        self.Q = np.zeros((self.num_state, self.num_actions))
        self.action_space = action_space
    def update(self, prev_state, next_state, reward, prev_action, next_action):
        Update the action value function using the SARSA update.
        Q(S, A) = Q(S, A) + alpha(reward + (gamma * Q(S_, A_) - Q(S, A))
            prev_state: The previous state
            next_state: The next state
            reward: The reward for taking the respective action
            prev_action: The previous action
            next_action: The next action
        predict = self.Q[prev_state, prev_action]
        target = reward + self.gamma * self.Q[next_state, next_action]
        self.Q[prev_state, prev_action] += self.alpha * (target - predict)

# QLearningAgent.py
import numpy as np
from Agent import Agent
class QLearningAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, epsilon, alpha, gamma, num_state, num_actions, action_space):
            epsilon: The degree of exploration
            gamma: The discount factor
            num_state: The number of states
            num_actions: The number of actions
            action_space: To call the random action
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.num_state = num_state
        self.num_actions = num_actions
        self.Q = np.zeros((self.num_state, self.num_actions))
        self.action_space = action_space
    def update(self, state, state2, reward, action, action2):
        Update the action value function using the Q-Learning update.
        Q(S, A) = Q(S, A) + alpha(reward + (gamma * Q(S_, A_) - Q(S, A))
            prev_state: The previous state
            next_state: The next state
            reward: The reward for taking the respective action
            prev_action: The previous action
            next_action: The next action
        predict = self.Q[state, action]
        target = reward + self.gamma * np.max(self.Q[state2, :])
        self.Q[state, action] += self.alpha * (target - predict)

# ExpectedSarsaAgent.py
import numpy as np
from Agent import Agent
class ExpectedSarsaAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, epsilon, alpha, gamma, num_state, num_actions, action_space):
            epsilon: The degree of exploration
            gamma: The discount factor
            num_state: The number of states
            num_actions: The number of actions
            action_space: To call the random action
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.num_state = num_state
        self.num_actions = num_actions
        self.Q = np.zeros((self.num_state, self.num_actions))
        self.action_space = action_space
    def update(self, prev_state, next_state, reward, prev_action, next_action):
        Update the action value function using the Expected SARSA update.
        Q(S, A) = Q(S, A) + alpha(reward + (pi * Q(S_, A_) - Q(S, A))
            prev_state: The previous state
            next_state: The next state
            reward: The reward for taking the respective action
            prev_action: The previous action
            next_action: The next action
        predict = self.Q[prev_state, prev_action]
        expected_q = 0
        q_max = np.max(self.Q[next_state, :])
        greedy_actions = 0
        for i in range(self.num_actions):
            if self.Q[next_state][i] == q_max:
                greedy_actions += 1
        non_greedy_action_probability = self.epsilon / self.num_actions
        greedy_action_probability = ((1 - self.epsilon) / greedy_actions) + non_greedy_action_probability
        for i in range(self.num_actions):
            if self.Q[next_state][i] == q_max:
                expected_q += self.Q[next_state][i] * greedy_action_probability
                expected_q += self.Q[next_state][i] * non_greedy_action_probability
        target = reward + self.gamma * expected_q
        self.Q[prev_state, prev_action] += self.alpha * (target - predict)

# main.py
import gym
import numpy as np
from ExpectedSarsaAgent import ExpectedSarsaAgent
from QLearningAgent import QLearningAgent
from SarsaAgent import SarsaAgent
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Using the gym library to create the environment
env = gym.make('CliffWalking-v0')
# Defining all the required parameters
epsilon = 0.1
total_episodes = 500
max_steps = 100
alpha = 0.5
gamma = 1
    The two parameters below is used to calculate
    the reward by each algorithm
episodeReward = 0
totalReward = {
    'SarsaAgent': [],
    'QLearningAgent': [],
    'ExpectedSarsaAgent': []
# Defining all the three agents
expectedSarsaAgent = ExpectedSarsaAgent(
    epsilon, alpha, gamma, env.observation_space.n,
    env.action_space.n, env.action_space)
qLearningAgent = QLearningAgent(
    epsilon, alpha, gamma, env.observation_space.n,
    env.action_space.n, env.action_space)
sarsaAgent = SarsaAgent(
    epsilon, alpha, gamma, env.observation_space.n,
    env.action_space.n, env.action_space)
# Now we run all the episodes and calculate the reward obtained by
# each agent at the end of the episode
agents = [expectedSarsaAgent, qLearningAgent, sarsaAgent]
for agent in agents:
    for _ in range(total_episodes):
        # Initialize the necessary parameters before
        # the start of the episode
        t = 0
        state1 = env.reset()
        action1 = agent.choose_action(state1)
        episodeReward = 0
        while t < max_steps:
            # Getting the next state, reward, and other parameters
            state2, reward, done, info = env.step(action1)
            # Choosing the next action
            action2 = agent.choose_action(state2)
            # Learning the Q-value
            agent.update(state1, state2, reward, action1, action2)
            state1 = state2
            action1 = action2
            # Updating the respective vaLues
            t += 1
            episodeReward += reward
            # If at the end of learning process
            if done:
        # Append the sum of reward at the end of the episode
# Calculate the mean of sum of returns for each episode
meanReturn = {
    'SARSA-Agent': np.mean(totalReward['SarsaAgent']),
    'Q-Learning-Agent': np.mean(totalReward['QLearningAgent']),
    'Expected-SARSA-Agent': np.mean(totalReward['ExpectedSarsaAgent'])
# Print the results
print(f"SARSA Average Sum of Reward: {meanReturn['SARSA-Agent']}")
print(f"Q-Learning Average Sum of Return: {meanReturn['Q-Learning-Agent']}")
print(f"Expected Sarsa Average Sum of Return: {meanReturn['Expected-SARSA-Agent']}")

代码:用于创建 SARSA 代理的Python代码。


# SarsaAgent.py
import numpy as np
from Agent import Agent
class SarsaAgent(Agent):
    The Agent that uses SARSA update to improve it's behaviour
    def __init__(self, epsilon, alpha, gamma, num_state, num_actions, action_space):
            epsilon: The degree of exploration
            gamma: The discount factor
            num_state: The number of states
            num_actions: The number of actions
            action_space: To call the random action
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.num_state = num_state
        self.num_actions = num_actions
        self.Q = np.zeros((self.num_state, self.num_actions))
        self.action_space = action_space
    def update(self, prev_state, next_state, reward, prev_action, next_action):
        Update the action value function using the SARSA update.
        Q(S, A) = Q(S, A) + alpha(reward + (gamma * Q(S_, A_) - Q(S, A))
            prev_state: The previous state
            next_state: The next state
            reward: The reward for taking the respective action
            prev_action: The previous action
            next_action: The next action
        predict = self.Q[prev_state, prev_action]
        target = reward + self.gamma * self.Q[next_state, next_action]
        self.Q[prev_state, prev_action] += self.alpha * (target - predict)

代码:用于创建 Q-Learning 代理的Python代码。


# QLearningAgent.py
import numpy as np
from Agent import Agent
class QLearningAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, epsilon, alpha, gamma, num_state, num_actions, action_space):
            epsilon: The degree of exploration
            gamma: The discount factor
            num_state: The number of states
            num_actions: The number of actions
            action_space: To call the random action
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.num_state = num_state
        self.num_actions = num_actions
        self.Q = np.zeros((self.num_state, self.num_actions))
        self.action_space = action_space
    def update(self, state, state2, reward, action, action2):
        Update the action value function using the Q-Learning update.
        Q(S, A) = Q(S, A) + alpha(reward + (gamma * Q(S_, A_) - Q(S, A))
            prev_state: The previous state
            next_state: The next state
            reward: The reward for taking the respective action
            prev_action: The previous action
            next_action: The next action
        predict = self.Q[state, action]
        target = reward + self.gamma * np.max(self.Q[state2, :])
        self.Q[state, action] += self.alpha * (target - predict)

代码:用于创建预期 SARSA 代理的Python代码。在本实验中,我们使用以下等式作为策略。
\pi (a | s_{t+1}) = \begin{cases} \dfrac{\epsilon}{A} &\text{if a = Greedy Action}\\ 1 - \epsilon + \dfrac{\epsilon}{\text{Number of Greedy Action}} &\text{if a = Non-Greedy Action}\\ \end{cases}


# ExpectedSarsaAgent.py
import numpy as np
from Agent import Agent
class ExpectedSarsaAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, epsilon, alpha, gamma, num_state, num_actions, action_space):
            epsilon: The degree of exploration
            gamma: The discount factor
            num_state: The number of states
            num_actions: The number of actions
            action_space: To call the random action
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.num_state = num_state
        self.num_actions = num_actions
        self.Q = np.zeros((self.num_state, self.num_actions))
        self.action_space = action_space
    def update(self, prev_state, next_state, reward, prev_action, next_action):
        Update the action value function using the Expected SARSA update.
        Q(S, A) = Q(S, A) + alpha(reward + (pi * Q(S_, A_) - Q(S, A))
            prev_state: The previous state
            next_state: The next state
            reward: The reward for taking the respective action
            prev_action: The previous action
            next_action: The next action
        predict = self.Q[prev_state, prev_action]
        expected_q = 0
        q_max = np.max(self.Q[next_state, :])
        greedy_actions = 0
        for i in range(self.num_actions):
            if self.Q[next_state][i] == q_max:
                greedy_actions += 1
        non_greedy_action_probability = self.epsilon / self.num_actions
        greedy_action_probability = ((1 - self.epsilon) / greedy_actions) + non_greedy_action_probability
        for i in range(self.num_actions):
            if self.Q[next_state][i] == q_max:
                expected_q += self.Q[next_state][i] * greedy_action_probability
                expected_q += self.Q[next_state][i] * non_greedy_action_probability
        target = reward + self.gamma * expected_q
        self.Q[prev_state, prev_action] += self.alpha * (target - predict)



# main.py
import gym
import numpy as np
from ExpectedSarsaAgent import ExpectedSarsaAgent
from QLearningAgent import QLearningAgent
from SarsaAgent import SarsaAgent
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Using the gym library to create the environment
env = gym.make('CliffWalking-v0')
# Defining all the required parameters
epsilon = 0.1
total_episodes = 500
max_steps = 100
alpha = 0.5
gamma = 1
    The two parameters below is used to calculate
    the reward by each algorithm
episodeReward = 0
totalReward = {
    'SarsaAgent': [],
    'QLearningAgent': [],
    'ExpectedSarsaAgent': []
# Defining all the three agents
expectedSarsaAgent = ExpectedSarsaAgent(
    epsilon, alpha, gamma, env.observation_space.n,
    env.action_space.n, env.action_space)
qLearningAgent = QLearningAgent(
    epsilon, alpha, gamma, env.observation_space.n,
    env.action_space.n, env.action_space)
sarsaAgent = SarsaAgent(
    epsilon, alpha, gamma, env.observation_space.n,
    env.action_space.n, env.action_space)
# Now we run all the episodes and calculate the reward obtained by
# each agent at the end of the episode
agents = [expectedSarsaAgent, qLearningAgent, sarsaAgent]
for agent in agents:
    for _ in range(total_episodes):
        # Initialize the necessary parameters before
        # the start of the episode
        t = 0
        state1 = env.reset()
        action1 = agent.choose_action(state1)
        episodeReward = 0
        while t < max_steps:
            # Getting the next state, reward, and other parameters
            state2, reward, done, info = env.step(action1)
            # Choosing the next action
            action2 = agent.choose_action(state2)
            # Learning the Q-value
            agent.update(state1, state2, reward, action1, action2)
            state1 = state2
            action1 = action2
            # Updating the respective vaLues
            t += 1
            episodeReward += reward
            # If at the end of learning process
            if done:
        # Append the sum of reward at the end of the episode
# Calculate the mean of sum of returns for each episode
meanReturn = {
    'SARSA-Agent': np.mean(totalReward['SarsaAgent']),
    'Q-Learning-Agent': np.mean(totalReward['QLearningAgent']),
    'Expected-SARSA-Agent': np.mean(totalReward['ExpectedSarsaAgent'])
# Print the results
print(f"SARSA Average Sum of Reward: {meanReturn['SARSA-Agent']}")
print(f"Q-Learning Average Sum of Return: {meanReturn['Q-Learning-Agent']}")
print(f"Expected Sarsa Average Sum of Return: {meanReturn['Expected-SARSA-Agent']}")


我们已经看到 Expected SARSA 在某些问题上的表现相当不错。它在选择特定操作之前考虑所有可能的结果。预期 SARSA 可以用作关闭或开启策略,这一事实使得该算法如此动态。