📜  21 Python中的数字游戏

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:28.733000             🧑  作者: Mango

21 Python中的数字游戏

21、巴格拉姆或二十加一是一种从 1 数到 21 的游戏,叫“21”的玩家被淘汰。它可以在任意数量的玩家之间进行。

这是一个使用Python编程语言的简单 21 号游戏。此处说明的游戏是在玩家和计算机之间进行的。游戏中可以有很多变化。

  • 玩家可以选择第一个或第二个开始。
  • 号码列表在玩家轮到他之前显示,以便于使用。
  • 如果在输入中没有给出连续的数字,那么玩家将被自动取消资格。
  • 如果玩家有机会跟注 21 则为输,否则为赢。

通过选择第二名,可以赢得对计算机的胜利。策略是呼叫数字直到 4 的倍数,最终在计算机上导致 21,从而使玩家成为赢家。

# Python code to play 21 Number game
# returns the nearest multiple to 4
def nearestMultiple(num):
    if num >= 4:
        near = num + (4 - (num % 4))
        near = 4
    return near
def lose1():
    print ("\n\nYOU LOSE !")
    print("Better luck next time !")
# checks whether the numbers are consecutive
def check(xyz):
    i = 1
    while i ')
        # player takes the first chance
        if chance == "F":
            while True:
                if last == 20:
                    print ("\nYour Turn.")
                    print ("\nHow many numbers do you wish to enter?")
                    inp = int(input('> '))
                    if inp > 0 and inp <= 3:
                        comp = 4 - inp
                        print ("Wrong input. You are disqualified from the game.")
                    i, j = 1, 1
                    print ("Now enter the values")
                    while i <= inp:
                        a = input('> ')
                        a = int(a)
                        i = i + 1
                    # store the last element of xyz.
                    last = xyz[-1] 
                    # checks whether the input 
                    # numbers are consecutive
                    if check(xyz) == True: 
                        if last == 21:
                            #"Computer's turn."
                            while j <= comp:
                                xyz.append(last + j)
                                j = j + 1
                            print ("Order of inputs after computer's turn is: ")
                            print (xyz)
                            last = xyz[-1]
                        print ("\nYou did not input consecutive integers.")
        # player takes the second chance
        elif chance == "S":
            comp = 1
            last = 0
            while last < 20:
                #"Computer's turn"
                j = 1
                while j <= comp:
                    xyz.append(last + j)
                    j = j + 1
                print ("Order of inputs after computer's turn is:")
                print (xyz)
                if xyz[-1] == 20:
                    print ("\nYour turn.")
                    print ("\nHow many numbers do you wish to enter?")
                    inp = input('> ')
                    inp = int(inp)
                    i = 1
                    print ("Enter your values")
                    while i <= inp:
                        xyz.append(int(input('> ')))
                        i = i + 1
                    last = xyz[-1]
                    if check(xyz) == True:
                        # print (xyz)
                        near = nearestMultiple(last)
                        comp = near - last
                        if comp == 4:
                            comp = 3
                            comp = comp
                        # if inputs are not consecutive
                        # automatically disqualified
                        print ("\nYou did not input consecutive integers.")
                        # print ("You are disqualified from the game.")
            print ("\n\nCONGRATULATIONS !!!")
            print ("YOU WON !")
            print ("wrong choice")
game = True    
while game == True:
        print ("Player 2 is Computer.")
        print("Do you want to play the 21 number game? (Yes / No)")
        ans = input('> ')
        if ans =='Yes':
            print ("Do you want quit the game?(yes / no)")
            nex = input('> ')
            if nex == "yes":
                print ("You are quitting the game...")
            elif nex == "no":
                print ("Continuing...")
                print ("Wrong choice")


Player 2 is Computer.
Do you want to start the game? (Yes/No)
> Yes
Enter 'F' to take the first chance.
Enter 'S' to take the second chance.
> S
Order of inputs after computer's turn is:

Your turn.

How many numbers do you wish to enter?
> 3
Enter your values
> 2
> 3
> 4
Order of inputs after computer's turn is:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Your turn.

How many numbers do you wish to enter?
> 1
Enter your values
> 8
Order of inputs after computer's turn is:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]

Your turn.

How many numbers do you wish to enter?
> 1
Enter your values
> 12
Order of inputs after computer's turn is:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]

Your turn.

How many numbers do you wish to enter?
> 1
Enter your values
> 16
Order of inputs after computer's turn is:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]

Your turn.

How many numbers do you wish to enter?
> 1
Enter your values
> 20



  • 您可以通过增加玩家数量来进一步增强程序。
  • 您也可以只使用偶数/奇数。
  • 您可以用二进制数字系统替换数字。
  • 您可以在游戏中添加具有变化的关卡。