📜  Python| Kivy 中的布局(多个布局)中的布局

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:15.133000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python| Kivy 中的布局(多个布局)中的布局

Kivy 是Python中一个独立于平台的 GUI 工具。因为它可以在Android、IOS、linux和Windows等平台上运行。它基本上是用来开发Android应用程序的,但这并不意味着它不能在桌面应用程序上使用。

在 kivy 中有许多类型的布局:

  1. AnchorLayout:小部件可以锚定到'top'、'bottom'、'left'、'right'或'center'。
  2. BoxLayout:小部件按“垂直”或“水平”方向顺序排列。
  3. FloatLayout:小部件本质上是不受限制的。
  4. 相对布局:子小部件相对于布局定位。
  5. GridLayout:小部件排列在由 rows 和 cols 属性定义的网格中。
  6. PageLayout 用于创建简单的多页布局,以允许使用边框轻松从一页翻转到另一页的方式。
  7. ScatterLayout:小部件的定位类似于RelativeLayout,但它们可以平移、旋转和缩放。
  8. StackLayout:小部件以 lr-tb(从左到右然后从上到下)或 tb-lr 顺序堆叠。



1) import kivy
2) import kivyApp
3) import BoxLayout
4) import 
4) set minimum version(optional)
5) Extend the container class
6) set up .kv file :
7) create App class
8) return container class or layout
9) Run an instance of the class

main.py 文件

如果您使用 .kv 文件制作多个布局 无需导入 Gridlayout、Boxlayout、AnchorLayout、FloatLayout、StackLayout、PageLayout、Button 等。因为 .kv 文件支持所有这些,因为它已经导入了所有这些。但如果在没有 .kv 文件的情况下执行此操作,则必须导入这些文件。

## Sample Python application demonstrating the
## Program of How to use Multiple Layouts in Single file
# import kivy module  
import kivy
# base Class of your App inherits from the App class.  
# app:always refers to the instance of your application 
from kivy.app import App
# this restrict the kivy version i.e
# below this kivy version you cannot
# use the app or software
# creates the button in kivy 
# if not imported shows the error
from kivy.uix.button import Button
# BoxLayout arranges children in a vertical or horizontal box.
# or help to put the childrens at the desired location.
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
# The GridLayout arranges children in a matrix.
# It takes the available space and
# divides it into columns and rows,
# then adds widgets to the resulting “cells”.
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
# The PageLayout class is used to create
# a simple multi-page layout,
# in a way that allows easy flipping from
# one page to another using borders.
from kivy.uix.pagelayout import PageLayout
# creating the root widget used in .kv file
class MultipleLayout(PageLayout):
# creating the App class in which name
#.kv file is to be named PageLayout.kv
class Multiple_LayoutApp(App):
    # defining build()
    def build(self):
        # returning the instance of root class
        return MultipleLayout()
# creating object of Multiple_LayoutApp() class
MlApp = Multiple_LayoutApp()
# run the class

# Program of How to use Multiple Layouts in Single .kv file
# creating page Layout
    # Creating Page 1
    # Using BoxLayout inside PageLayout
        # creating Canvas
                rgba: 216 / 255., 195 / 255., 88 / 255., 1
                pos: self.pos
                size: self.size
        # Providing orientation to the BoxLayout
        orientation: 'vertical'
        # Adding Label to Page 1
            size_hint_y: None
            height: 1.5 * self.texture_size[1]
            text: 'page 1'
        # Creating Button
            text: 'GFG :)'
            # Adding On_press function
            # i.e binding function to press / touch
            on_press: print("This Is The First Page")
    # Creating Page 2
        orientation: 'vertical'
                rgba: 109 / 255., 8 / 255., 57 / 255., 1
                pos: self.pos
                size: self.size
            text: 'page 2'
        # This Image is directly from the websource
        # By using AsyncImage you can use that
            source: 'http://kivy.org / logos / kivy-logo-black-64.png'
    # Creating Page 3
    # Using The Second Layout
    # Creating GridLayout
                rgba: 37 / 255., 39 / 255., 30 / 255., 1
                pos: self.pos
                size: self.size
        # Adding grids to Page 3
        # It may be row or column
        cols: 2
        # In first Grid
        # Adding Label + Image
            text: 'page 3'
            source: 'http://kivy.org/slides/kivyandroid-thumb.jpg'
        # In Second Grid
        # Adding Button + Image
            text: 'Its User:):)'
            on_press: print("Heloo User This is the Last Page")
            source: 'http://kivy.org/slides/kivypictures-thumb.jpg'
        # In third grid
        # Adding Widget + Image
            source: 'http://kivy.org/slides/particlepanda-thumb.jpg'

在这个文件中,我们正在创建/使用所有布局,因为在 .kv 文件中构建/使用所有这些更简单
.kv 文件的代码


# Program of How to use Multiple Layouts in Single .kv file
# creating page Layout
    # Creating Page 1
    # Using BoxLayout inside PageLayout
        # creating Canvas
                rgba: 216 / 255., 195 / 255., 88 / 255., 1
                pos: self.pos
                size: self.size
        # Providing orientation to the BoxLayout
        orientation: 'vertical'
        # Adding Label to Page 1
            size_hint_y: None
            height: 1.5 * self.texture_size[1]
            text: 'page 1'
        # Creating Button
            text: 'GFG :)'
            # Adding On_press function
            # i.e binding function to press / touch
            on_press: print("This Is The First Page")
    # Creating Page 2
        orientation: 'vertical'
                rgba: 109 / 255., 8 / 255., 57 / 255., 1
                pos: self.pos
                size: self.size
            text: 'page 2'
        # This Image is directly from the websource
        # By using AsyncImage you can use that
            source: 'http://kivy.org / logos / kivy-logo-black-64.png'
    # Creating Page 3
    # Using The Second Layout
    # Creating GridLayout
                rgba: 37 / 255., 39 / 255., 30 / 255., 1
                pos: self.pos
                size: self.size
        # Adding grids to Page 3
        # It may be row or column
        cols: 2
        # In first Grid
        # Adding Label + Image
            text: 'page 3'
            source: 'http://kivy.org/slides/kivyandroid-thumb.jpg'
        # In Second Grid
        # Adding Button + Image
            text: 'Its User:):)'
            on_press: print("Heloo User This is the Last Page")
            source: 'http://kivy.org/slides/kivypictures-thumb.jpg'
        # In third grid
        # Adding Widget + Image
            source: 'http://kivy.org/slides/particlepanda-thumb.jpg'

图 1:

图 2:

图 3:


参考: https://kivy.org/doc/stable/gettingstarted/layouts.html