📜  Python中的分形树

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:04.700000             🧑  作者: Mango




长度为 1 的树干分成两个长度为 r 的分支,每个分支都与树干的方向成 q 角。这两个分支都分成两个长度为 r*r 的分支,每个分支与其父分支的方向成角度 q。以这种方式继续无限多分支,树是分支的集合,连同它们的极限点,称为分支尖端。

理论到此为止,现在让我们尝试在Python中实现。为此,我们需要两个用于 GUI 或图形用户界面的Python库pygame数学,这是Python中的内置库,将用于数学调整。

安装 pygame

pip install pygame

那么如何继续,强烈建议您对 pygame 和分形有所了解。

首先创建一个树干,然后开始为每个树干创建分支,其大小等于 0.9*(茎的长度),然后再次将分支视为茎,并重复该过程。

# Importing the python libraries
import pygame, math
# Initialize all imported pygame modules
# Create a new surface and window.
surface_height, surface_width = 800, 600        #Surface variables
main_surface = pygame.display.set_mode((surface_height,surface_width))
# Captioning the window
def draw_tree(order, theta, sz, posn, heading, color=(0,0,0), depth=0):
   # The relative ratio of the trunk to the whole tree  
   trunk_ratio = 0.29     
   # Length of the trunk  
   trunk = sz * trunk_ratio
   delta_x = trunk * math.cos(heading)
   delta_y = trunk * math.sin(heading)
   (u, v) = posn
   newpos = (u + delta_x, v + delta_y)
   pygame.draw.line(main_surface, color, posn, newpos)
   if order > 0:   # Draw another layer of subtrees
      # These next six lines are a simple hack to make 
      # the two major halves of the recursion different 
      # colors. Fiddle here to change colors at other 
      # depths, or when depth is even, or odd, etc.
      if depth == 0:
          color1 = (255, 0, 0)
          color2 = (0, 0, 255)
          color1 = color
          color2 = color
      # make the recursive calls to draw the two subtrees
      newsz = sz*(1 - trunk_ratio)
      draw_tree(order-1, theta, newsz, newpos, heading-theta, color1, depth+1)
      draw_tree(order-1, theta, newsz, newpos, heading+theta, color2, depth+1)
def main():
    theta = 0
    while True:
        # Update the angle
        theta += 0.01
        # This little part lets us draw the stuffs 
        # in the screen everything
        main_surface.fill((255, 255, 0))
        draw_tree(9, theta, surface_height*0.9, (surface_width//2, surface_width-50), -math.pi/2)
# Calling the main function

