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📜  Python – 检查给定的列表是否形成连续的不同子数组

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:03.706000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python – 检查给定的列表是否形成连续的不同子数组

给定一个由 A1、A2、A3…….An 形式的元素组成的数组。任务是找出数组是否可以形成为连续的不同子数组。您需要确定数组是否可以转换为由相似元素组成的连续子数组,并且每个元素都有不同的数量。




from collections import Counter
# function to check contiguous
# distinct set array
def contig_distinct_setarr(l, n):
    c = Counter(l)
    a = list(set(l))
    b =[]
    flag = True
    for j in c.values():
        # iterating and moving it to another
        # array if already present we print NO
        # when it finds no. of different elements
        # to be equal if no. of x's = no. of y's
        # So we break of the loop
        if j not in b:
            flag = False
    # If already there are similar elements
    # in c.values()- the count of elements
    # flag = False and we dont need to check
    # the below condition If not flag = False
    # then the iterate through the array loop
    if (flag != False):
        i, k = 0, 0
        # for each elements in set a
        # cou stores the count of a[i]
        while k
