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📜  来自给定二叉树的最频繁子树和

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-27 09:11:31             🧑  作者: Mango



方法:使用给定树的 DFS 遍历来解决给定问题的想法。请按照以下步骤解决问题:

  • 创建两个辅助哈希映射MF ,其中M是一组整数键和对应的列表, F将存储每个数字的频率。
  • 对给定的树执行 DFS 遍历并执行以下操作:
    • 如果节点为NULL ,则返回0
    • 初始化变量leftright ,用来存储当前节点左右子树节点之和的值。
    • 找到currentNode.value + left + right的总和,将其存储在变量totalSum 中
    • 现在更新地图FtotalSum的频率。
    • 将值F[totalSum]的频率更新为映射M 中的totalSum
    • 从当前递归函数返回totalSum的值。
  • 完成上述步骤后,打印列表M.rbegin() 的所有元素。


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print the vector
void printVector(vector v)
    // Traverse vector c
    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
        cout << v[i] << " ";
// TreeNode class
class TreeNode {
    int val;
    TreeNode *left, *right;
    // Constructor
    TreeNode(int data)
        val = data;
        left = NULL;
        right = NULL;
// Function to insert node in the
// binary tree
void insert(TreeNode** root, int val)
    // Initialize Queue
    queue q;
    // Push the node root
    // While Q.size() is there
    while (q.size()) {
        // Get the front node
        TreeNode* temp = q.front();
        // If left is NULL
        if (!temp->left) {
            if (val)
                temp->left = new TreeNode(val);
                temp->left = new TreeNode(0);
        else {
        // If right is NULL
        if (!temp->right) {
            if (val)
                temp->right = new TreeNode(val);
                temp->right = new TreeNode(0);
        else {
// Function to make the tree from
// given node values
TreeNode* buildTree(vector v)
    TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(v[0]);
    // Traverse and insert node
    for (int i = 1; i < v.size(); i++) {
        insert(&root, v[i]);
    return root;
// Utility function to find subtree
// sum with highest frequency of a
// particular node
int findsubTreeSumUtil(
    TreeNode* node, map >& mpp,
    map& frequency)
    if (!node)
        return 0;
    // Recur for the left subtree
    int left = findsubTreeSumUtil(
        node->left, mpp, frequency);
    // Recur for the right subtree
    int right = findsubTreeSumUtil(
        node->right, mpp, frequency);
    // Stores sum of nodes of a subtree
    int totalSum = node->val + left + right;
    // Update the frequency
    if (!frequency.count(totalSum)) {
        frequency[totalSum] = 1;
    else {
    // Return the total sum
    return totalSum;
// Function to find subtree sum with
// highest frequency of given tree
void findsubTreeSum(TreeNode* root)
    // Store list of nodes attached to
    // a particular node and frequency
    // of visited nodes
    map > mpp;
    map frequency;
    // Base Case
    if (!root) {
    // DFS function call
    findsubTreeSumUtil(root, mpp, frequency);
    // Print the vector
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given nodes of the tree
    vector v = { 5, 2, -4 };
    // Function call to build the tree
    TreeNode* tree = buildTree(v);
    // Function Call
    return 0;

2 -4 3

时间复杂度: O(N)
辅助空间: O(N)

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