📜  在Java打印斐波那契数列的 3 种不同方法

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-17 07:03:24             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个数字N ,我们需要找到直到N项的斐波那契数列。


方法 1 – 迭代:将第一个和第二个数字初始化为0 和 1 。在此之后,我们打印第一个和第二个数字。然后我们将流发送到迭代 while 循环,在那里我们通过将前两个数字相加得到下一个数字,同时我们将第一个数字与第二个数字交换,将第二个数字与第三个数字交换。


// Java program for the above approach
class GFG {
    // Function to print N Fibonacci Number
    static void Fibonacci(int N)
        int num1 = 0, num2 = 1;
        int counter = 0;
        // Iterate till counter is N
        while (counter < N) {
            // Print the number
            System.out.print(num1 + " ");
            // Swap
            int num3 = num2 + num1;
            num1 = num2;
            num2 = num3;
            counter = counter + 1;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Given Number N
        int N = 10;
        // Function Call

// Recursive implementation of
// Fibonacci Series
class GFG {
    // Function to print the fibonacci series
    static int fib(int n)
        // Base Case
        if (n <= 1)
            return n;
        // Recursive call
        return fib(n - 1)
            + fib(n - 2);
    // Driver Code
    public static void
    main(String args[])
        // Given Number N
        int N = 10;
        // Print the first N numbers
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            System.out.print(fib(i) + " ");

// Dynamic Programming approach for
// Fibonacci Series
class fibonacci {
    // Function to find the fibonacci Series
    static int fib(int n)
        // Declare an array to store
        // Fibonacci numbers.
        // 1 extra to handle case, n = 0
        int f[] = new int[n + 2];
        int i;
        // 0th and 1st number of
        // the series are 0 and 1
        f[0] = 0;
        f[1] = 1;
        for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
            // Add the previous 2 numbers
            // in the series and store it
            f[i] = f[i - 1] + f[i - 2];
        // Nth Fibonacci Number
        return f[n];
    public static void
    main(String args[])
        // Given Number N
        int N = 10;
        // Print first 10 term
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            System.out.print(fib(i) + " ");

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34

时间复杂度: O(N)
辅助空间: O(1)

方法 2 – 使用递归因为斐波那契数是前两个数的和。我们可以根据以下条件使用递归:

  1. 获取需要计算其斐波那契数列的数字。
  2. 递归地从值 N 迭代到 1:
    • 基本情况:如果递归调用的值小于 1,则返回 1函数。
    • 递归调用:如果不满足基本情况,则递归调用前两个值:
    • 返回语句:在每次递归调用时(基本情况除外),将前两个值的递归函数返回为:



// Recursive implementation of
// Fibonacci Series
class GFG {
    // Function to print the fibonacci series
    static int fib(int n)
        // Base Case
        if (n <= 1)
            return n;
        // Recursive call
        return fib(n - 1)
            + fib(n - 2);
    // Driver Code
    public static void
    main(String args[])
        // Given Number N
        int N = 10;
        // Print the first N numbers
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            System.out.print(fib(i) + " ");
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34

时间复杂度: O(2 N )
辅助空间: O(1)

方法 3 – 使用动态规划我们可以通过存储到目前为止计算的斐波那契数来避免方法 2 中所做的重复工作。以下是步骤:

  1. 创建一个大小为N的数组arr[]
  2. 初始化 arr[0] = 0,arr[1] = 1。
  3. 迭代[2, N]并将数组arr[]更新为:
  4. 打印arr[N]的值。



// Dynamic Programming approach for
// Fibonacci Series
class fibonacci {
    // Function to find the fibonacci Series
    static int fib(int n)
        // Declare an array to store
        // Fibonacci numbers.
        // 1 extra to handle case, n = 0
        int f[] = new int[n + 2];
        int i;
        // 0th and 1st number of
        // the series are 0 and 1
        f[0] = 0;
        f[1] = 1;
        for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
            // Add the previous 2 numbers
            // in the series and store it
            f[i] = f[i - 1] + f[i - 2];
        // Nth Fibonacci Number
        return f[n];
    public static void
    main(String args[])
        // Given Number N
        int N = 10;
        // Print first 10 term
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            System.out.print(fib(i) + " ");
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34

时间复杂度: O(N)
辅助空间: O(N)

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