📜  来自中序遍历的笛卡尔树 |段树

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-16 11:09:18             🧑  作者: Mango



Input: arr[] = {1, 5, 3}
Output: 1 5 3
 / \
1   3

Input: arr[] = {3, 7, 4, 8}
Output: 3 7 4 8
  / \
 3   4

方法:我们已经在这里看到了一个算法,它平均花费 O(NlogN) 时间,但在最坏的情况下可以达到 O(N 2 )。
在本文中,我们将看到如何在O(Nlog(N)) 的最坏情况下运行时间构建笛卡尔函数。为此,我们将使用段树来回答范围最大查询。

下面将是我们在范围 {L, R} 上的递归算法:

  1. 使用段树上的范围最大查询找到此范围 {L, R} 中的最大值。假设’M’是范围内的最大值。
  2. 选取 ‘arr[M]’ 作为当前节点的值并使用该值创建一个节点。
  3. 求解范围 {L, M-1} 和 {M+1, R}。
  4. 将{L, M-1}返回的节点设置为当前节点的左孩子,{M+1, R}为右孩子。


// C++ implementation of the approach
using namespace std;
#define maxLen 30
// Node of the BST
struct node {
    int data;
    node* left;
    node* right;
    node(int data)
        left = NULL;
        right = NULL;
        this->data = data;
// Array to store segment tree
int segtree[maxLen * 3];
// Function to create segment-tree to answer
// range-max query
int buildTree(int l, int r, int i, int* arr)
    // Base case
    if (l == r) {
        segtree[i] = l;
        return l;
    // Maximum index in left range
    int l1 = buildTree(l, (l + r) / 2,
                       2 * i + 1, arr);
    // Maximum index in right range
    int r1 = buildTree((l + r) / 2 + 1,
                       r, 2 * i + 2, arr);
    // If value at l1 > r1
    if (arr[l1] > arr[r1])
        segtree[i] = l1;
    // Else
        segtree[i] = r1;
    // Returning the maximum in range
    return segtree[i];
// Function to answer range max query
int rangeMax(int l, int r, int rl,
             int rr, int i, int* arr)
    // Base cases
    if (r < rl || l > rr)
        return -1;
    if (l >= rl and r <= rr)
        return segtree[i];
    // Maximum in left range
    int l1 = rangeMax(l, (l + r) / 2, rl,
                      rr, 2 * i + 1, arr);
    // Maximum in right range
    int r1 = rangeMax((l + r) / 2 + 1, r,
                      rl, rr, 2 * i + 2, arr);
    // l1 = -1 means left range
    // was out-side required range
    if (l1 == -1)
        return r1;
    if (r1 == -1)
        return l1;
    // Returning the maximum
    // among two ranges
    if (arr[l1] > arr[r1])
        return l1;
        return r1;
// Function to print the inorder
// traversal of the binary tree
void inorder(node* curr)
    // Base case
    if (curr == NULL)
    // Traversing the left sub-tree
    // Printing current node
    cout << curr->data << " ";
    // Traversing the right sub-tree
// Function to build cartesian tree
node* createCartesianTree(int l, int r, int* arr, int n)
    // Base case
    if (r < l)
        return NULL;
    // Maximum in the range
    int m = rangeMax(0, n - 1, l, r, 0, arr);
    // Creating current node
    node* curr = new node(arr[m]);
    // Creating left sub-tree
    curr->left = createCartesianTree(l, m - 1, arr, n);
    // Creating right sub-tree
    curr->right = createCartesianTree(m + 1, r, arr, n);
    // Returning current node
    return curr;
// Driver code
int main()
    // In-order traversal of cartesian tree
    int arr[] = { 8, 11, 21, 100, 5, 70, 55 };
    // Size of the array
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(int);
    // Building the segment tree
    buildTree(0, n - 1, 0, arr);
    // Building and printing cartesian tree
    inorder(createCartesianTree(0, n - 1, arr, n));

// Java implementation of the approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG
static int maxLen = 30;
// Node of the BST
static class node
    int data;
    node left;
    node right;
    node(int data)
        left = null;
        right = null;
        this.data = data;
// Array to store segment tree
static int segtree[] = new int[maxLen * 3];
// Function to create segment-tree to answer
// range-max query
static int buildTree(int l, int r,
                     int i, int[] arr)
    // Base case
    if (l == r)
        segtree[i] = l;
        return l;
    // Maximum index in left range
    int l1 = buildTree(l, (l + r) / 2,
                       2 * i + 1, arr);
    // Maximum index in right range
    int r1 = buildTree((l + r) / 2 + 1,
                        r, 2 * i + 2, arr);
    // If value at l1 > r1
    if (arr[l1] > arr[r1])
        segtree[i] = l1;
    // Else
        segtree[i] = r1;
    // Returning the maximum in range
    return segtree[i];
// Function to answer range max query
static int rangeMax(int l, int r, int rl,
                    int rr, int i, int[] arr)
    // Base cases
    if (r < rl || l > rr)
        return -1;
    if (l >= rl && r <= rr)
        return segtree[i];
    // Maximum in left range
    int l1 = rangeMax(l, (l + r) / 2, rl,
                      rr, 2 * i + 1, arr);
    // Maximum in right range
    int r1 = rangeMax((l + r) / 2 + 1, r,
                       rl, rr, 2 * i + 2, arr);
    // l1 = -1 means left range
    // was out-side required range
    if (l1 == -1)
        return r1;
    if (r1 == -1)
        return l1;
    // Returning the maximum
    // among two ranges
    if (arr[l1] > arr[r1])
        return l1;
        return r1;
// Function to print the inorder
// traversal of the binary tree
static void inorder(node curr)
    // Base case
    if (curr == null)
    // Traversing the left sub-tree
    // Printing current node
    System.out.print(curr.data + " ");
    // Traversing the right sub-tree
// Function to build cartesian tree
static node createCartesianTree(int l, int r,
                                int[] arr, int n)
    // Base case
    if (r < l)
        return null;
    // Maximum in the range
    int m = rangeMax(0, n - 1, l, r, 0, arr);
    // Creating current node
    node curr = new node(arr[m]);
    // Creating left sub-tree
    curr.left = createCartesianTree(l, m - 1, arr, n);
    // Creating right sub-tree
    curr.right = createCartesianTree(m + 1, r, arr, n);
    // Returning current node
    return curr;
// Driver code
public static void main(String args[])
    // In-order traversal of cartesian tree
    int arr[] = { 8, 11, 21, 100, 5, 70, 55 };
    // Size of the array
    int n = arr.length;
    // Building the segment tree
    buildTree(0, n - 1, 0, arr);
    // Building && printing cartesian tree
    inorder(createCartesianTree(0, n - 1, arr, n));
// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu

# Python3 implementation of the approach
# Node of a linked list
class Node:
    def __init__(self, data = None, left = None,
                right = None ):
        self.data = data
        self.right = right
        self.left = left
maxLen = 30
# Array to store segment tree
segtree = [0]*(maxLen * 3)
# Function to create segment-tree to answer
# range-max query
def buildTree(l , r ,i , arr):
    global segtree
    global maxLen
    # Base case
    if (l == r) :
        segtree[i] = l
        return l
    # Maximum index in left range
    l1 = buildTree(l, int((l + r) / 2),
                   2 * i + 1, arr)
    # Maximum index in right range
    r1 = buildTree(int((l + r) / 2) + 1,r,
                   2 * i + 2, arr)
    # If value at l1 > r1
    if (arr[l1] > arr[r1]):
        segtree[i] = l1
    # Else
        segtree[i] = r1
    # Returning the maximum in range
    return segtree[i]
# Function to answer range max query
def rangeMax(l, r, rl, rr, i, arr):
    global segtree
    global maxLen
    # Base cases
    if (r < rl or l > rr):
        return -1
    if (l >= rl and r <= rr):
        return segtree[i]
    # Maximum in left range
    l1 = rangeMax(l, int((l + r) / 2), rl,
                            rr, 2 * i + 1, arr)
    # Maximum in right range
    r1 = rangeMax(int((l + r) / 2) + 1, r, rl,
                    rr, 2 * i + 2, arr)
    # l1 = -1 means left range
    # was out-side required range
    if (l1 == -1):
        return r1
    if (r1 == -1):
        return l1
    # Returning the maximum
    # among two ranges
    if (arr[l1] > arr[r1]):
        return l1
        return r1
# Function to print the inorder
# traversal of the binary tree
def inorder(curr):
    # Base case
    if (curr == None):
    # Traversing the left sub-tree
    # Printing current node
    print(curr.data, end= " ")
    # Traversing the right sub-tree
# Function to build cartesian tree
def createCartesianTree(l , r , arr, n):
    # Base case
    if (r < l):
        return None
    # Maximum in the range
    m = rangeMax(0, n - 1, l, r, 0, arr)
    # Creating current node
    curr = Node(arr[m])
    # Creating left sub-tree
    curr.left = createCartesianTree(l, m - 1, arr, n)
    # Creating right sub-tree
    curr.right = createCartesianTree(m + 1, r, arr, n)
    # Returning current node
    return curr
# Driver code
# In-order traversal of cartesian tree
arr = [ 8, 11, 21, 100, 5, 70, 55 ]
# Size of the array
n = len(arr)
# Building the segment tree
buildTree(0, n - 1, 0, arr)
# Building && printing cartesian tree
inorder(createCartesianTree(0, n - 1, arr, n))
# This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu

// C# implementation of the approach
using System;
class GFG
    static int maxLen = 30;
    // Node of the BST
    public class node
        public int data;
        public node left;
        public node right;
        public node(int data)
            left = null;
            right = null;
            this.data = data;
    // Array to store segment tree
    static int []segtree = new int[maxLen * 3];
    // Function to create segment-tree to answer
    // range-max query
    static int buildTree(int l, int r,
                         int i, int[] arr)
        // Base case
        if (l == r)
            segtree[i] = l;
            return l;
        // Maximum index in left range
        int l1 = buildTree(l, (l + r) / 2,
                           2 * i + 1, arr);
        // Maximum index in right range
        int r1 = buildTree((l + r) / 2 + 1,
                            r, 2 * i + 2, arr);
        // If value at l1 > r1
        if (arr[l1] > arr[r1])
            segtree[i] = l1;
        // Else
            segtree[i] = r1;
        // Returning the maximum in range
        return segtree[i];
    // Function to answer range max query
    static int rangeMax(int l, int r, int rl,
                        int rr, int i, int[] arr)
        // Base cases
        if (r < rl || l > rr)
            return -1;
        if (l >= rl && r <= rr)
            return segtree[i];
        // Maximum in left range
        int l1 = rangeMax(l, (l + r) / 2, rl,
                          rr, 2 * i + 1, arr);
        // Maximum in right range
        int r1 = rangeMax((l + r) / 2 + 1, r,
                           rl, rr, 2 * i + 2, arr);
        // l1 = -1 means left range
        // was out-side required range
        if (l1 == -1)
            return r1;
        if (r1 == -1)
            return l1;
        // Returning the maximum
        // among two ranges
        if (arr[l1] > arr[r1])
            return l1;
            return r1;
    // Function to print the inorder
    // traversal of the binary tree
    static void inorder(node curr)
        // Base case
        if (curr == null)
        // Traversing the left sub-tree
        // Printing current node
        Console.Write(curr.data + " ");
        // Traversing the right sub-tree
    // Function to build cartesian tree
    static node createCartesianTree(int l, int r,
                                    int[] arr, int n)
        // Base case
        if (r < l)
            return null;
        // Maximum in the range
        int m = rangeMax(0, n - 1, l, r, 0, arr);
        // Creating current node
        node curr = new node(arr[m]);
        // Creating left sub-tree
        curr.left = createCartesianTree(l, m - 1,
                                         arr, n);
        // Creating right sub-tree
        curr.right = createCartesianTree(m + 1, r,
                                          arr, n);
        // Returning current node
        return curr;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        // In-order traversal of cartesian tree
        int []arr = { 8, 11, 21, 100, 5, 70, 55 };
        // Size of the array
        int n = arr.Length;
        // Building the segment tree
        buildTree(0, n - 1, 0, arr);
        // Building && printing cartesian tree
        inorder(createCartesianTree(0, n - 1, arr, n));
// This code is contributed by AnkitRai01


8 11 21 100 5 70 55

时间复杂度: O(NlogN)

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