📜  人工智能与机器学习与深度学习之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-12 10:41:42             🧑  作者: Mango

人工智能:人工智能基本上是通过一组规则(算法)将人类智能融入机器的机制。 AI 是两个词的组合:“人工”表示由人类或非自然事物制造的东西,“智能”表示相应地理解或思考的能力。另一个定义可能是“人工智能基本上是训练你的机器(计算机)来模仿人脑及其思维能力的研究” 。 AI 专注于 3 个主要方面(技能):学习、推理和自我纠正,以尽可能获得最大效率。

机器学习:机器学习基本上是一种研究/过程,它使系统(计算机)通过它所拥有的经验自动学习,并在没有明确编程的情况下相应地改进。 ML 是 AI 的应用程序或子集。 ML 专注于程序的开发,以便它可以访问数据以供自己使用。整个过程对数据进行观察,以确定正在形成的可能模式,并根据提供给他们的示例做出更好的未来决策。 ML 的主要目标是让系统通过经验自行学习,无需任何人工干预或帮助。

深度学习:深度学习基本上是更广泛的机器学习家族的一个子部分,它利用神经网络(类似于我们大脑中工作的神经元)来模仿人类大脑的行为。 DL 算法专注于信息处理模式机制,可以像人脑一样识别模式并相应地对信息进行分类。与机器学习相比,深度学习处理更大的数据集,预测机制由机器自我管理


Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Deep Learning
AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, and is basically the study/process which enables machines to mimic human behaviour through particular algorithm. ML stands for Machine Learning, and is the study that uses statistical methods enabling machines to improve with experience. DL stands for Deep Learning, and is the study that makes use of Neural Networks(similar to neurons present in human brain) to imitate functionality just like a human brain.
AI is the broader family consisting of ML and DL as it’s components. ML is the subset of AI. DL is the subset of ML.
AI is a computer algorithm which exhibits intelligence through decision making. ML is an AI algorithm which allows system to learn from data. DL is a ML algorithm that uses deep(more than one layer) neural networks to analyze data and provide output accordingly.
Search Trees and much complex math is involved in AI. If you have a clear idea about the logic(math) involved in behind and you can visualize the complex functionalities like K-Mean, Support Vector Machines, etc., then it defines the ML aspect. If you are clear about the math involved in it but don’t have idea about the features, so you break the complex functionalities into linear/lower dimension features by adding more layers, then it defines the DL aspect.
The aim is to basically increase chances of success and not accuracy. The aim is to increase accuracy not caring much about the success ratio. It attains the highest rank in terms of accuracy when it is trained with large amount of data.
Three broad categories/types Of AI are: Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) Three broad categories/types Of ML are: Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning DL can be considered as neural networks with a large number of parameters layers lying in one of the four fundamental network architectures: Unsupervised Pre-trained Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks and Recursive Neural Networks
The efficiency Of AI is basically the efficiency provided by ML and DL respectively. Less efficient than DL as it can’t work for longer dimensions or higher amount of data. More powerful than ML as it can easily work for larger sets of data.
Examples of AI applications include: Google’s AI-Powered Predictions, Ridesharing Apps Like Uber and Lyft, Commercial Flights Use an AI Autopilot, etc. Examples of ML applications include: Virtual Personal Assistants: Siri, Alexa, Google, etc., Email Spam and Malware Filtering. Examples of DL applications include: Sentiment based news aggregation, Image analysis and caption generation, etc.