📜  C++ 中的 B*-Trees 实现

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-08 15:42:50             🧑  作者: Mango

m 阶 B*-tree 是一棵空的或满足三个属性的搜索树:

  • 根节点最少有2层,最多有2层((2m-2)/3)+1个子节点
  • 其他内部节点具有最小楼层 ((2m-1)/3) 和最大 m 个子节点
  • 所有外部节点都在同一级别。

使用B *树在B树的优点是所谓的“两到三个”分裂的独特功能。这样,每个节点中的最小键数不是最大数的一半,而是三分之二,使数据更加紧凑。但是,这样做的缺点是删除操作复杂。

实际实现 B-star 算法的困难是它不像 B 和 B+ 算法那样经常使用的原因。
下面是 B-star 插入函数的一个基本实现——只是为了展示它与 B 的对比(完整的实现会更加冗长和复杂)。




  • 取一个数组 (‘marray’),它由完整叶节点的 ‘m-1’ 个键、该节点的父键、要插入的新键以及其右兄弟节点的 ‘m-1’ 个键组成(总共 m-1 + 1 + 1 + m-1 = 2m 个键)
  • 对这些键进行排序
  • 创建三个新节点:
    • p – 其键是 ‘marray’ 的前 (2m – 2)/3 个元素
      索引 (2m – 2)/3 处的元素存储为“parent1”
    • q – 其键是 parent1 之后 ‘marray’ 的下一个 (2m – 1)/3 个元素
      索引 (4m)/3 处的元素存储为“parent2”
    • r – 其键是 parent2 之后 ‘marray’ 的最后 (2m)/3 个元素
  • 指向该叶子的叶子的父项中的键应将其值替换为“parent1”
  • 如果 iv) 中的父键有任何相邻键,则应将它们向右移动。在剩下的空间中,放置“parent2”。
  • p, q 和 r 必须是 parent1 和 parent2 的子键(如果 ‘parent1’ 和 ‘parent2’ 是父节点中的前两个键),否则 p, q, r 必须是之前键的子键分别是父 1、父 1 和父 2。




  • 只需将当前节点的最后一个元素移动到父节点的位置,将右兄弟节点中的所有键向右移动,并插入前一个父节点。现在,使用您自己节点中的间隙重新排列并适应新键。

    3.其他情况与B-Trees 相同。



    // CPP program to implement B* tree
    using namespace std;
    // This can be changed to any value - 
    // it is the order of the B* Tree
    #define N 4 
    struct node {
        // key of N-1 nodes
        int key[N - 1];
        // Child array of 'N' length
        struct node* child[N];
        // To state whether a leaf or not; if node 
        // is a leaf, isleaf=1 else isleaf=0
        int isleaf;
        // Counts the number of filled keys in a node
        int n;
        // Keeps track of the parent node
        struct node* parent;
    // This function searches for the leaf 
    // into which to insert element 'k'
    struct node* searchforleaf(struct node* root, int k, 
                         struct node* parent, int chindex)
        if (root) {
            // If the passed root is a leaf node, then
            // k can be inserted in this node itself
            if (root->isleaf == 1)
                return root;
            // If the passed root is not a leaf node, 
            // implying there are one or more children
            else {
                int i;
              /*If passed root's initial key is itself g
                reater than the element to be inserted,
                we need to insert to a new leaf left of the root*/
                if (k < root->key[0])
                    root = searchforleaf(root->child[0], k, root, 0);
                    // Find the first key whose value is greater 
                    // than the insertion value
                    // and insert into child of that key
                    for (i = 0; i < root->n; i++)
                        if (root->key[i] > k)
                            root = searchforleaf(root->child[i], k, root, i);
                    // If all the keys are less than the insertion 
                    // key value, insert to the right of last key
                    if (root->key[i - 1] < k)
                        root = searchforleaf(root->child[i], k, root, i);
        else {
            // If the passed root is NULL (there is no such 
            // child node to search), then create a new leaf 
            // node in that location
            struct node* newleaf = new struct node;
            newleaf->isleaf = 1;
            newleaf->n = 0;
            parent->child[chindex] = newleaf;
            newleaf->parent = parent;
            return newleaf;
    struct node* insert(struct node* root, int k)
        if (root) {
            struct node* p = searchforleaf(root, k, NULL, 0);
            struct node* q = NULL;
            int e = k;
            // If the leaf node is empty, simply 
            // add the element and return
            for (int e = k; p; p = p->parent) { 
                if (p->n == 0) {
                    p->key[0] = e;
                    p->n = 1;
                    return root;
                // If number of filled keys is less than maximum
                if (p->n < N - 1) {
                    int i;
                    for (i = 0; i < p->n; i++) {
                        if (p->key[i] > e) {
                            for (int j = p->n - 1; j >= i; j--)
                                p->key[j + 1] = p->key[j];
                    p->key[i] = e;
                    p->n = p->n + 1;
                    return root;
                // If number of filled keys is equal to maximum 
                // and it's not root and there is space in the parent
                if (p->n == N - 1 && p->parent && p->parent->n < N) {
                    int m;
                    for (int i = 0; i < p->parent->n; i++)
                        if (p->parent->child[i] == p) {
                            m = i;
                    // If right sibling is possible
                    if (m + 1 <= N - 1) 
                        // q is the right sibling
                        q = p->parent->child[m + 1];
                        if (q) {
                            // If right sibling is full
                            if (q->n == N - 1) {
                                struct node* r = new struct node;
                                int* z = new int[((2 * N) / 3)];
                                int parent1, parent2;
                                int* marray = new int[2 * N];
                                int i;
                                for (i = 0; i < p->n; i++)
                                    marray[i] = p->key[i];
                                int fege = i;
                                marray[i] = e;
                                marray[i + 1] = p->parent->key[m];
                                for (int j = i + 2; j < ((i + 2) + (q->n)); j++)
                                    marray[j] = q->key[j - (i + 2)];
                                // marray=bubblesort(marray, 2*N)
                                // a more rigorous implementation will 
                                // sort these elements
                                // Put first (2*N-2)/3 elements into keys of p
                                for (int i = 0; i < (2 * N - 2) / 3; i++)
                                    p->key[i] = marray[i];
                                parent1 = marray[(2 * N - 2) / 3];
                                // Put next (2*N-1)/3 elements into keys of q
                                for (int j = ((2 * N - 2) / 3) + 1; j < (4 * N) / 3; j++)
                                    q->key[j - ((2 * N - 2) / 3 + 1)] = marray[j];
                                parent2 = marray[(4 * N) / 3];
                                // Put last (2*N)/3 elements into keys of r
                                for (int f = ((4 * N) / 3 + 1); f < 2 * N; f++)
                                    r->key[f - ((4 * N) / 3 + 1)] = marray[f];
                                // Because m=0 and m=1 are children of the same key,
                                // a special case is made for them
                                if (m == 0 || m == 1) {
                                    p->parent->key[0] = parent1;
                                    p->parent->key[1] = parent2;
                                    p->parent->child[0] = p;
                                    p->parent->child[1] = q;
                                    p->parent->child[2] = r;
                                    return root;
                                else {
                                    p->parent->key[m - 1] = parent1;
                                    p->parent->key[m] = parent2;
                                    p->parent->child[m - 1] = p;
                                    p->parent->child[m] = q;
                                    p->parent->child[m + 1] = r;
                                    return root;
                        else // If right sibling is not full
                            int put;
                            if (m == 0 || m == 1)
                                put = p->parent->key[0];
                                put = p->parent->key[m - 1];
                            for (int j = (q->n) - 1; j >= 1; j--)
                                q->key[j + 1] = q->key[j];
                            q->key[0] = put;
                            p->parent->key[m == 0 ? m : m - 1] = p->key[p->n - 1];
            /*Cases of root splitting, etc. are omitted 
             as this implementation is just to demonstrate 
             the two-three split operation*/
            // Create new node if root is NULL
            struct node* root = new struct node;
            root->key[0] = k;
            root->isleaf = 1;
            root->n = 1;
            root->parent = NULL;
    // Driver code
    int main()
        /* Consider the following tree that has been obtained 
           from some root split:
                    / \             
                1 2 4 7 8 9
                We wish to add 5. This makes the B*-tree:
                    4 7             
                    / \ \         
                1 2 5 6 8 9 
            Contrast this with the equivalent B-tree, in which
            some nodes are less than half full
                4 6 
                / \ \
                1 2 5 7 8 9
        // Start with an empty root
        struct node* root = NULL;
        // Insert 6
        root = insert(root, 6);
        // Insert 1, 2, 4 to the left of 6
        root->child[0] = insert(root->child[0], 1);
        root->child[0] = insert(root->child[0], 2);
        root->child[0] = insert(root->child[0], 4);
        root->child[0]->parent = root;
        // Insert 7, 8, 9 to the right of 6
        root->child[1] = insert(root->child[1], 7);
        root->child[1] = insert(root->child[1], 8);
        root->child[1] = insert(root->child[1], 9);
        root->child[1]->parent = root;
        cout << "Original tree: " << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < root->n; i++)
            cout << root->key[i] << " ";
        cout << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            cout << root->child[i]->key[0] << " ";
            cout << root->child[i]->key[1] << " ";
            cout << root->child[i]->key[2] << " ";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "After adding 5: " << endl;
        // Inserting element '5':
        root->child[0] = insert(root->child[0], 5);
        // Printing nodes
        for (int i = 0; i <= root->n; i++)
            cout << root->key[i] << " ";
        cout << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
            cout << root->child[i]->key[0] << " ";
            cout << root->child[i]->key[1] << " ";
        return 0;


    Original Tree:
    1 2 4 7 8 9
    After adding 5:
    4 7
    1 2 5 6 8 9

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