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📜  从给定的相邻元素对生成数组

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-07 05:24:58             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个由N对整数组成的二维数组arr[][] ,使得每行中的两个元素表示它们是原始数组中的相邻元素。任务是使用给定的arr[]相邻元素对构造一个数组。



  1. 使用 Map 初始化邻接列表,比如mp ,以存储分配给每个元素的相邻元素。
  2. 初始化一个向量,比如res ,以存储数组中的原始元素。
  3. 从角元素开始创建原始数组。因此,找到只有一个邻居的元素。这可以是原始数组的第一个最后一个元素。
  4. res 中插入获取的元素。
  5. 遍历邻接表中的每个元素并检查其邻居是否被访问过。
  6. 在向量res 中插入未访问的邻居并遍历该元素的所有邻居。重复步骤 5,直到访问完所有元素。
  7. 返回资源


// C++ program of the above approach
using namespace std;
// Utility function to find original array
void find_original_array(vector >& A)
    // Map to store all neighbors for each element
    unordered_map > mp;
    // Vector to store original elements
    vector res;
    // Stotrs which array elements are visited
    unordered_map visited;
    // Adjacency list to store neighbors
    // of each array element
    for (auto& it : A) {
    auto it = mp.begin();
    // Find the first corner element
    for (; it != mp.end(); it++) {
        if (it->second.size() == 1) {
    // Stores first element of
    // the original array
    int adjacent = it->first;
    // Push it into the original array
    // Mark as visted
    visited[it->first] = true;
    // Traversing the neighbors and check
    // if the elements are visited or not
    while (res.size() != A.size() + 1) {
        // Traverse adjacent elements
        for (auto& elements : mp[adjacent]) {
            // If element is not visited
            if (!visited[elements]) {
                // Push it into res
                // Mark as visited
                visited[elements] = true;
                // Update the next adjacent
                adjacent = elements;
    // Print original array
    for (auto it : res) {
        cout << it << " ";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given pairs of adjacent elements
    vector > A
        = { { 5, 1 }, { 3, 4 }, { 3, 5 } };
    return 0;

// Java program of the above approach
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class Pair {
    int first, second;
    Pair(int first, int second)
        this.first = first;
        this.second = second;
class GFG {
    // Utility function to find original array
    static void find_original_array(List A)
        // Map to store all neighbors for each element
        Map > mp = new HashMap();
        // Vector to store original elements
        List res = new ArrayList();
        // Stotrs which array elements are visited
        Map visited = new HashMap();
        // Adjacency list to store neighbors
        // of each array element
        for (Pair it : A) {
            List temp;
            temp = (mp.containsKey(it.first))
                       ? mp.get(it.first)
                       : new ArrayList();
            mp.put(it.first, temp);
            temp = (mp.containsKey(it.second))
                       ? mp.get(it.second)
                       : new ArrayList();
            mp.put(it.second, temp);
        int it = 0;
        // Find the first corner element
        for (Map.Entry > entry :
             mp.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue().size() == 1) {
                it = entry.getKey();
        // Stores first element of
        // the original array
        int adjacent = it;
        // Push it into the original array
        // Mark as visted
        visited.put(it, true);
        // Traversing the neighbors and check
        // if the elements are visited or not
        while (res.size() != A.size() + 1) {
            // Traverse adjacent elements
            for (int elements : mp.get(adjacent)) {
                // If element is not visited
                if (!visited.containsKey(elements)) {
                    // Push it into res
                    // Mark as visited
                    visited.put(elements, true);
                    // Update the next adjacent
                    adjacent = elements;
        // Print original array
        for (int val : res) {
            System.out.print(val + " ");
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        List A = new ArrayList();
        A.add(new Pair(5, 1));
        A.add(new Pair(3, 4));
        A.add(new Pair(3, 5));
// This code is contributed by jithin.

# Python3 program of the above approach
# Utility function to find original array
def find_original_array(A):
    # Map to store all neighbors for each element
    mp = [[] for i in range(6)]
    # Vector to store original elements
    res = []
    # Stotrs which array elements are visited
    visited = {}
    # A djacency list to store neighbors
    # of each array element
    for it in A:
    start = 0
    # Find the first corner element
    for it in range(6):
        if (len(mp[it]) == 1):
            start = it + 3
    # Stores first element of
    # the original array  
    adjacent = start
    # Push it into the original array
    # Mark as visted
    visited[start] = True
    # Traversing the neighbors and check
    # if the elements are visited or not
    while (len(res) != len(A) + 1):
        # Traverse adjacent elements
        for elements in mp[adjacent]:
            # If element is not visited
            if (elements not in visited):
                # Push it into res
                # Mark as visited
                visited[elements] = True
                # Update the next adjacent
                adjacent = elements
    # Print original array
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Given pairs of adjacent elements
    A = [[5, 1],[ 3, 4],[ 3, 5]]
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29.

// C# program of the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Pair
  public int first, second;
  public Pair(int first, int second)
    this.first = first;
    this.second = second;
public class GFG
  // Utility function to find original array
  static void find_original_array(List A)
    // Map to store all neighbors for each element
    Dictionary> mp = new Dictionary>();
    // Vector to store original elements
    List res = new List();
    // Stotrs which array elements are visited
    Dictionary visited = new Dictionary();
    // Adjacency list to store neighbors
    // of each array element
    foreach (Pair it in A)
      List temp;
      temp = (mp.ContainsKey(it.first))
        ? mp[it.first]
        : new List();
        mp.Add(it.first, temp);
        mp[it.first] = temp;
      temp = (mp.ContainsKey(it.second))
        ? mp[it.second]
        : new List();
        mp.Add(it.second, temp);
        mp[it.second] = temp;
    int It = 0;
    // Find the first corner element
    foreach (int key in mp.Keys)
      if(mp[key].Count == 1)
    // Stores first element of
    // the original array
    int adjacent = It;
    // Push it into the original array
    // Mark as visted
    visited.Add(It, true);
    // Traversing the neighbors and check
    // if the elements are visited or not
    while (res.Count != A.Count + 1)
      // Traverse adjacent elements
      foreach (int elements in mp[adjacent])
        // If element is not visited
        if (!visited.ContainsKey(elements))
          // Push it into res
          // Mark as visited
          visited.Add(elements, true);
          // Update the next adjacent
          adjacent = elements;
    // Print original array
    foreach (int val in res)
      Console.Write(val + " ");
  // Driver Code
  static public void Main (){
    List A = new List();
    A.Add(new Pair(5, 1));
    A.Add(new Pair(3, 4));
    A.Add(new Pair(3, 5));
// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155

4 3 5 1

时间复杂度: O(N 2 )
辅助空间: O(N)

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