📜  使用 Tree 的括号分数

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-07 02:24:14             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个包含平衡括号对的字符串str ,任务是根据给定规则计算给定字符串的分数:

  1. “()”的得分为 1。
  2. “x y”的得分为 x + y,其中 x 和 y 是一对单独的平衡括号。
  3. “(x)”的分数是x的两倍(即),分数是x的2*分数。



  • 我们的树结构的根节点将代表我们输入括号的最外面的一对。
  • 对于包含在最外括号内的每一对平衡括号,我们将向根节点添加一个子节点。
  • 将子节点声明为根节点的过程将是递归的,因此它将在我们的树结构中为层次结构中的每一对平衡括号创建一个节点。
  • 每对平衡的括号都将被视为最外层(递归)并生成一个节点,从而允许我们计算分数。
  • 在计算分数时,我们树的每个叶节点都将被视为分数为 1,为了获得其各自根节点的分数,我们需要将每个子节点的分数相加并将其加倍。
  • 下图显示了生成的树的递归结构,我们从底部开始计算每个级别的分数,直到我们到达最外面的结束括号。


// C++ program to find the score of
// parentheses using Tree
using namespace std;
// Customized tree class or struct,
// contains all required methods.
class TreeNode {
    TreeNode* parent = NULL;
    vector children;
    // Function to add a child into
    // the list of children
    void addChild(TreeNode* node)
    // Function to change the parent
    // pointer to the node passed
    void setParent(TreeNode* node)
        parent = node;
    // Function to return the parent
    // of the current node
    TreeNode* getParent()
        return parent;
    // Function to compute the score recursively.
    int computeScore()
        // Base case
        if (children.size() == 0)
            return 1;
        int res = 0;
        // Adds scores of all children
        for (TreeNode* curr : children)
            res += curr->computeScore();
        if (parent == NULL)
            return res;
            return 2 * res;
// Function to create the tree structure
TreeNode* computeTree(string s)
    TreeNode* current = new TreeNode();
    TreeNode* root = current;
    // Creating a node for every "()"
    for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
        // If we find "(" we add a node as
        // a child
        if (s[i] == '(') {
            TreeNode* child = new TreeNode();
            current = child;
        // On finding ")" which confirms that
        // a pair is closed, we go back
        // to the parent
        else {
            current = current->getParent();
    return root;
// Driver code
int main()
    string s = "(()(()))";
    // Generating the tree
    TreeNode* root = computeTree(s);
    // Computing the score
    cout << root->computeScore();
    return 0;

# Python3 program to find the score of
# parentheses using Tree
# Customized tree class or struct,
# contains all required methods.
class TreeNode:
    def __init__(self):
        self.parent = None
        self.children = []
    # Function to add a child into
    # the list of children
    def addChild(self, node):
    # Function to change the parent
    # pointer to the node passed
    def setParent(self, node):
        self.parent = node;
    # Function to return the parent
    # of the current node
    def getParent(self):
        return self.parent;
    # Function to compute the score recursively.
    def computeScore(self):
        # Base case
        if (len(self.children) == 0):
            return 1;
        res = 0;
        # Adds scores of all children
        for curr in self.children:
            res += curr.computeScore();
        if (self.parent == None):
            return res;
            return 2 * res;
# Function to create the tree structure
def computeTree(s):
    current = TreeNode();
    root = current;
    # Creating a node for every "()"
    for i in range(len(s)):
        # If we find "(" we add a node as
        # a child
        if (s[i] == '('):
            child = TreeNode();
            current = child;
        # On finding ")" which confirms that
        # a pair is closed, we go back
        # to the parent
            current = current.getParent();
    return root;
# Driver code
if __name__=='__main__':
    s = "(()(()))";
    # Generating the tree
    root = computeTree(s);
    # Computing the score
    # This code is contributed by rutvik_56

// C# program to find the score of
// parentheses using Tree
using System;
using System.Collections;
class GFG{
// Customized tree class or struct,
// contains all required methods.
class TreeNode
    public TreeNode parent = null;
    public ArrayList children = new ArrayList();
    // Function to add a child into
    // the list of children
    public void addChild(TreeNode node)
    // Function to change the parent
    // pointer to the node passed
    public void setParent(TreeNode node)
        parent = node;
    // Function to return the parent
    // of the current node
    public TreeNode getParent()
        return parent;
    // Function to compute the score
    // recursively.
    public int computeScore()
        // Base case
        if (children.Count == 0)
            return 1;
        int res = 0;
        // Adds scores of all children
        foreach(TreeNode curr in children)
            res += curr.computeScore();
        if (parent == null)
            return res;
            return 2 * res;
// Function to create the tree structure
static TreeNode computeTree(string s)
    TreeNode current = new TreeNode();
    TreeNode root = current;
    // Creating a node for every "()"
    for(int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
        // If we find "(" we add a node as
        // a child
        if (s[i] == '(')
            TreeNode child = new TreeNode();
            current = child;
        // On finding ")" which confirms that
        // a pair is closed, we go back
        // to the parent
            current = current.getParent();
    return root;
// Driver code
public static void Main()
    string s = "(()(()))";
    // Generating the tree
    TreeNode root = computeTree(s);
    // Computing the score
// This code is contributed by pratham76


时间复杂度: O(N) ,其中 N 是输入字符串的长度。
空间复杂度: O(N) ,其中 N 是输入字符串的长度。

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