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📜  按字典顺序查找可以放在 N*N 棋盘上的非攻击车的位置

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-06 06:38:00             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个整数N和一个位置数组arr[]表示已经放置的非攻击车的位置,任务是按字典顺序找到可以放置在 N*N 棋盘上的非攻击车的位置。


朴素的方法:初始化一个大小为 N*N 的二维矩阵mat[][]在每个单元格处为 0,并将 Rooks 的初始位置标记为 1 的车。然后遍历矩阵 mat[][],检查i 行和j 列包含任何车,保持车的数量。如果任何行包含而列都不包含任何放置的车,则在那里放置一个车并将此单元格添加到您的结果字符串中。

时间复杂度: O(N 3 )
空间复杂度: O(N 2 )

高效的方法:这个想法是创建两个大小为N 的数组,以存储i 行或i 列是否包含任何车,现在可以高效地搜索该行和相应列是否已经包含车.

时间复杂度: O(N 2 )
空间复杂度: O(N)

最有效的方法:问题中的关键观察是可以放置的最大车是NK 。也就是说,如果两个车在同一行或同一列上,它们就会相互攻击。由于给定的车中没有两个相互攻击,因此输入中给出的所有行都是唯一的。同样,输入中给出的所有列都是唯一的。因此,我们只剩下 NK 个未使用的行和 NK 个未使用的列来放置新车。
换句话说,如果我们尝试按照鸽巢原则放置超过 NK 只鸽子,如果有 N+1 只鸽子和 N 个位置要填充,那么至少有一个地方包含超过 1 只鸽子。
时间复杂度: O(N)


// C++ implementation to find
// count of placing non-attacking
// rooks on the N x N chessboard
using namespace std;
// Function to find the count of
// placing non-attacking rooks
// on the N x N chessboard
void findCountRooks(int row[], int col[], 
                    int n, int k)
    // Count of the Non-attacking rooks
    int res = n - k;
    cout << res << "\n";
    int ri = 0, ci = 0;
    while (res-- > 0)
        // Printing lexographically
        // smallest configuration
        while (ri < k && row[ri] == 1)
        while (ci < k && col[ci] == 1)
        cout << (ri + 1) << " " 
             << (ci + 1) << "\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    int n = 4;
    int k = 2;
    int row[] = { 1, 2 };
    int col[] = { 4, 2 };
    // Function call
    findCountRooks(row, col, n, k);
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by jana_sayantan

// Java implementation to find
// count of placing non-attacking
// rooks on the N x N chessboard
import java.util.Scanner;
public class P2Placerooks {
    // Function to find the count of
    // placing non-attacking rooks
    // on the N x N chessboard
    static void findCountRooks(
        int row[], int col[], int n, int k)
        // Count of the Non-attacking rooks
        int res = n - k;
        System.out.println(res + " ");
        int ri = 0, ci = 0;
        while (res-- > 0) {
            // Printing lexographically
            // smallest configuration
            while (ri < k && row[ri] == 1) {
            while (ci < k && col[ci] == 1) {
            System.out.println((ri + 1)
                               + " " + (ci + 1)
                               + " ");
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int n = 4;
        int k = 2;
        int row[] = { 1, 2 };
        int col[] = { 4, 2 };
        // Function Call
        findCountRooks(row, col, n, k);

# Python3 implementation to find
# count of placing non-attacking
# rooks on the N x N chessboard
# Function to find the count of
# placing non-attacking rooks
# on the N x N chessboard
def findCountRooks(row, col, n, k):
    # Count of the Non-attacking rooks
    res = n - k
    ri = 0
    ci = 0
    while (res > 0):
        # Printing lexographically
        # smallest configuration
        while (ri < k and row[ri] == 1):
            ri += 1
        while (ci < k and col[ci] == 1):
            ci += 1
        print((ri + 1), "", (ci + 1))
        ri += 1
        ci += 1
        res -= 1
# Driver Code
n = 4
k = 2
row = [ 1, 2 ]
col = [ 4, 2 ]
# Function call
findCountRooks(row, col, n, k)
# This code is contributed by sanjoy_62

// C# implementation to find
// count of placing non-attacking
// rooks on the N x N chessboard
using System;
class P2Placerooks{
// Function to find the count of
// placing non-attacking rooks
// on the N x N chessboard
static void findCountRooks(int []row,
                           int []col,
                           int n, int k)
    // Count of the Non-attacking rooks
    int res = n - k;
    Console.WriteLine(res + " ");
    int ri = 0, ci = 0;
    while (res-- > 0)
        // Printing lexographically
        // smallest configuration
        while (ri < k && row[ri] == 1)
        while (ci < k && col[ci] == 1)
        Console.WriteLine((ri + 1) + " " +
                          (ci + 1) + " ");
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int n = 4;
    int k = 2;
    int []row = { 1, 2 };
    int []col = { 4, 2 };
    // Function call
    findCountRooks(row, col, n, k);
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji

2 1 
3 2


  • 时间复杂度: O(N)
  • 辅助空间: O(1)

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