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📜  从具有单位相邻差的 N 个连续整数的给定频率构造一个序列

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-04 08:21:55             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个数组freq[] ,它存储从0 到 N – 1N 个整数的频率。任务是构造一个序列,其中数字 i 出现 freq[i] 次 (0 ≤ i ≤ N – 1),使得两个相邻数字之间的绝对差为 1。如果无法生成任何序列,则打印– 1 .


方法:序列可以从0 到 N – 1之间的任何数字开始。这个想法是考虑起始元素的所有可能性,即0 到 N – 1 。选择元素后,我们尝试构建序列。以下是步骤:

  1. 创建一个映射M来存储数字的频率。另外,找到变量中的频率总和,比如total
  2. 在地图中迭代并对地图中的每个元素执行以下操作:
    • 创建地图M的副本。
    • 创建一个向量序列来存储可能的答案。如果当前元素的频率不为零,则减少其频率并将其推入序列中,并尝试按以下方式形成序列的其余部分– 1 个元素:
      1. 让我们将序列中插入的最后一个元素称为last 。如果 last – 1 的频率不为零,则递减其频率并将其推入序列。更新最后一个元素。
      2. 否则,如果last + 1的频率不为零,则递减其频率并将其推入序列。更新最后一个元素。
      3. 否则,从内循环中断。
    • 如果序列的大小等于总数,则将其作为答案返回。
    • 如果没有找到这样的序列,那么只返回一个空序列。


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Funtion generates the sequence
vector generateSequence(int* freq,
                             int n)
    // Map to store the frequency
    // of numebrs
    map m;
    // Sum of all frequencies
    int total = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        m[i] = freq[i];
        total += freq[i];
    // Try all possibilities
    // for the starting element
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // If the frequency of current
        // element is non-zero
        if (m[i]) {
            // vector to store the answer
            vector sequence;
            // Copy of the map for every
            // possible starting element
            auto mcopy = m;
            // Decrement the frequency
            // Push the starting element
            // to the vector
            // The last element inserted
            // is i
            int last = i;
            // Try to fill the rest of
            // the positions if possible
            for (int i = 0;
                 i < total - 1; i++) {
                // If the frequency of last - 1
                // is non-zero
                if (mcopy[last - 1]) {
                    // Decrement the frequency
                    // of last - 1
                    mcopy[last - 1]--;
                    // Insert  it into the
                    // sequence
                    sequence.push_back(last - 1);
                    // Update last number
                    // added to sequence
                else if (mcopy[last + 1]) {
                    mcopy[last + 1]--;
                    sequence.push_back(last + 1);
                // Break from the inner loop
            // If the size of the sequence
            // vector is equal to sum of
            // total frequqncies
            if (sequence.size() == total) {
                // Return sequence
                return sequence;
    vector empty;
    // If no such sequence if found
    // return empty sequence
    return empty;
// Function Call to print the sequence
void PrintSequence(int freq[], int n)
    // The required sequence
    vector sequence
        = generateSequence(freq, n);
    // If the size of sequecne
    // if zero it means no such
    // sequence was found
    if (sequence.size() == 0) {
        cout << "-1";
    // Otherwise print the sequence
    else {
        for (int i = 0;
             i < sequence.size(); i++) {
            cout << sequence[i] << " ";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Frequency of all elements
    // from 0 to n-1
    int freq[] = { 2, 2, 2, 3, 1 };
    // Number of elements whose
    // frequencies are given
    int N = 5;
    // Function Call
    PrintSequence(freq, N);
    return 0;

// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Funtion generates the sequence
static Vector generateSequence(int []freq,
                                        int n)
    // Map to store the frequency
    // of numebrs
    HashMap m = new HashMap();
    // Sum of all frequencies
    int total = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        m.put(i, freq[i]);
        total += freq[i];
    // Try all possibilities
    // for the starting element
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // If the frequency of current
        // element is non-zero
        if (m.containsKey(i))
            // vector to store the answer
            Vector sequence = new Vector();
            // Copy of the map for every
            // possible starting element
            HashMap mcopy = (HashMap) m.clone();
            // Decrement the frequency
            if (mcopy.containsKey(i) && mcopy.get(i) > 0)
                mcopy.put(i, mcopy.get(i) - 1);
            // Push the starting element
            // to the vector
            // The last element inserted
            // is i
            int last = i;
            // Try to fill the rest of
            // the positions if possible
            for(int i1 = 0; i1 < total - 1; i1++)
                // If the frequency of last - 1
                // is non-zero
                if (mcopy.containsKey(last - 1) &&
                            mcopy.get(last - 1) > 0)
                    // Decrement the frequency
                    // of last - 1
                    mcopy.put(last - 1,
                    mcopy.get(last - 1) - 1);
                    // Insert  it into the
                    // sequence
                    sequence.add(last - 1);
                    // Update last number
                    // added to sequence
                else if (mcopy.containsKey(last + 1))
                    mcopy.put(last + 1,
                    mcopy.get(last + 1) - 1);
                    sequence.add(last + 1);
                // Break from the inner loop
            // If the size of the sequence
            // vector is equal to sum of
            // total frequqncies
            if (sequence.size() == total)
                // Return sequence
                return sequence;
    Vector empty = new Vector();
    // If no such sequence if found
    // return empty sequence
    return empty;
// Function call to print the sequence
static void PrintSequence(int freq[], int n)
    // The required sequence
    Vector sequence = generateSequence(freq, n);
    // If the size of sequecne
    // if zero it means no such
    // sequence was found
    if (sequence.size() == 0)
    // Otherwise print the sequence
        for(int i = 0; i < sequence.size(); i++)
            System.out.print(sequence.get(i) + " ");
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // Frequency of all elements
    // from 0 to n-1
    int freq[] = { 2, 2, 2, 3, 1 };
    // Number of elements whose
    // frequencies are given
    int N = 5;
    // Function call
    PrintSequence(freq, N);
// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar

# Python3 program for the above approach
# Funtion generates the sequence
def generateSequence(freq, n):
    # Map to store the frequency
    # of numebrs
    m = {}
    # Sum of all frequencies
    total = 0
    for i in range(n):
        m[i] = freq[i]
        total += freq[i]
    # Try all possibilities
    # for the starting element
    for i in range(n):
        # If the frequency of current
        # element is non-zero
        if (m[i]):
            # vector to store the answer
            sequence = []
            # Copy of the map for every
            # possible starting element
            mcopy = {}
            for j in m:
                mcopy[j] = m[j]
            # Decrement the frequency
            mcopy[i] -= 1
            # Push the starting element
            # to the vector
            # The last element inserted
            # is i
            last = i
            # Try to fill the rest of
            # the positions if possible
            for j in range(total - 1):
                # If the frequency of last - 1
                # is non-zero
                if ((last - 1) in mcopy and
                   mcopy[last - 1] > 0):
                    # Decrement the frequency
                    # of last - 1
                    mcopy[last - 1] -= 1
                    # Insert  it into the
                    # sequence
                    sequence.append(last - 1)
                    # Update last number
                    # added to sequence
                    last -= 1
                elif (mcopy[last + 1]):
                    mcopy[last + 1] -= 1
                    sequence.append(last + 1)
                    last += 1
                # Break from the inner loop
            # If the size of the sequence
            # vector is equal to sum of
            # total frequqncies
            if (len(sequence) == total):
                # Return sequence
                return sequence
    # If no such sequence if found
    # return empty sequence
    return []
# Function Call to print the sequence
def PrintSequence(freq, n):
    # The required sequence
    sequence = generateSequence(freq, n)
    # If the size of sequecne
    # if zero it means no such
    # sequence was found
    if (len(sequence) == 0):
    # Otherwise print the sequence
        for i in range(len(sequence)):
            print(sequence[i], end = " ")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Frequency of all elements
    # from 0 to n-1
    freq = [ 2, 2, 2, 3, 1 ]
    # Number of elements whose
    # frequencies are given
    N = 5
    # Function Call
    PrintSequence(freq, N)
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29

// C# program for
// the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
// Funtion generates the sequence
static List generateSequence(int []freq,
                                  int n)
  // Map to store the frequency
  // of numebrs
  Dictionary m = new Dictionary();
  // Sum of all frequencies
  int total = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    m.Add(i, freq[i]);
    total += freq[i];
  // Try all possibilities
  // for the starting element
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    // If the frequency of current
    // element is non-zero
    if (m.ContainsKey(i))
      // vector to store the answer
      List sequence = new List();
      // Copy of the map for every
      // possible starting element
      Dictionary mcopy = new Dictionary(m);
      // Decrement the frequency
      if (mcopy.ContainsKey(i) && mcopy[i] > 0)
        mcopy[i] = mcopy[i] - 1;
      // Push the starting element
      // to the vector
      // The last element inserted
      // is i
      int last = i;
      // Try to fill the rest of
      // the positions if possible
      for(int i1 = 0; i1 < total - 1; i1++)
        // If the frequency of last - 1
        // is non-zero
        if (mcopy.ContainsKey(last - 1) &&
            mcopy[last - 1] > 0)
          // Decrement the frequency
          // of last - 1
          mcopy[last - 1] = mcopy[last - 1] - 1;
          // Insert  it into the
          // sequence
          sequence.Add(last - 1);
          // Update last number
          // added to sequence
        else if (mcopy.ContainsKey(last + 1))
          mcopy[last + 1] = mcopy[last + 1] - 1;
          sequence.Add(last + 1);
        // Break from the inner loop
      // If the size of the sequence
      // vector is equal to sum of
      // total frequqncies
      if (sequence.Count == total)
        // Return sequence
        return sequence;
  List empty = new List();
  // If no such sequence if found
  // return empty sequence
  return empty;
// Function call to print the sequence
static void PrintSequence(int []freq, int n)
  // The required sequence
  List sequence = generateSequence(freq, n);
  // If the size of sequecne
  // if zero it means no such
  // sequence was found
  if (sequence.Count == 0)
  // Otherwise print the sequence
    for(int i = 0; i < sequence.Count; i++)
      Console.Write(sequence[i] + " ");
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
  // Frequency of all elements
  // from 0 to n-1
  int []freq = {2, 2, 2, 3, 1};
  // Number of elements whose
  // frequencies are given
  int N = 5;
  // Function call
  PrintSequence(freq, N);
// This code is contributed by Princi Singh

0 1 0 1 2 3 2 3 4 3

时间复杂度: O(N * total) ,其中 N 是数组的大小,总数是数组的累积和。
辅助空间: O(total) ,其中总和是数组的累积总和。

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