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📜  计算素数的GCD幂等于1的范围内的数字

📅  最后修改于: 2021-06-25 19:09:46             🧑  作者: Mango

给定由两个正整数LR表示的范围。任务是对具有素数幂的GCD等于1的范围内的数进行计数。换句话说,如果数X的素数分解形式为2 p 1 * 3 p 2 * 5 p 3 *…,p 1 ,p 2 ,p 3的GCD应该等于1


天真的方法:迭代从LR的所有数字,并对每个数字进行素数分解,然后计算素数的幂的GCD。如果GCD = 1 ,则增加一个计数变量,最后返回它作为答案。




// C++ implementation of the approach
using namespace std;
#define N 1000005
#define MAX 1e18
// Vector to store powers greater than 3
vector powers;
// Set to store perfect squares
set squares;
// Set to store powers other than perfect squares
set s;
void powersPrecomputation()
    for (long int i = 2; i < N; i++) {
        // Pushing squares
        squares.insert(i * i);
        // if the values is already a perfect square means
        // present in the set
        if (squares.find(i) != squares.end())
        long int temp = i;
        // Run loop until some power of current number
        // doesn't exceed MAX
        while (i * i <= MAX / temp) {
            temp *= (i * i);
            // Pushing only odd powers as even power of a number 
            // can always be expressed as a perfect square 
            // which is already present in set squares
    // Inserting those sorted
    // values of set into a vector
    for (auto x : s)
long int calculateAnswer(long int L, long int R)
    // Precompute the powers
    // Calculate perfect squares in
    // range using sqrtl function
    long int perfectSquares = floor(sqrtl(R)) - floor(sqrtl(L - 1));
    // Calculate upper value of R
    // in vector using binary search
    long int high = upper_bound(powers.begin(),
                                powers.end(), R)
                    - powers.begin();
    // Calculate lower value of L
    // in vector using binary search
    long int low = lower_bound(powers.begin(),
                               powers.end(), L)
                   - powers.begin();
    // Calculate perfect powers
    long perfectPowers = perfectSquares + (high - low);
    // Compute final answer
    long ans = (R - L + 1) - perfectPowers;
    return ans;
// Driver Code
int main()
    long int L = 13, R = 20;
    cout << calculateAnswer(L, R);
    return 0;

// Java implementation of above idea
import java.util.*;
class GFG 
    static int N = 1000005;
    static long MAX = (long) 1e18;
    // Vector to store powers greater than 3
    static Vector powers = new Vector<>();
    // Set to store perfect squares
    static TreeSet squares = new TreeSet<>();
    // Set to store powers other than perfect squares
    static TreeSet s = new TreeSet<>();
    static void powersPrecomputation()
        for (long i = 2; i < N; i++)
            // Pushing squares
            squares.add(i * i);
            // if the values is already a perfect square means
            // present in the set
            if (squares.contains(i))
            long temp = i;
            // Run loop until some power of current number
            // doesn't exceed MAX
            while (i * i <= MAX / temp)
                temp *= (i * i);
                // Pushing only odd powers as even power of a number
                // can always be expressed as a perfect square
                // which is already present in set squares
        // Inserting those sorted
        // values of set into a vector
        for (long x : s)
    static long calculateAnswer(long L, long R)
        // Precompute the powers
        // Calculate perfect squares in
        // range using sqrtl function
        long perfectSquares = (long) (Math.floor(Math.sqrt(R)) - 
                                Math.floor(Math.sqrt(L - 1)));
        // Calculate upper value of R
        // in vector using binary search
        long high = Collections.binarySearch(powers, R);
        // Calculate lower value of L
        // in vector using binary search
        long low = Collections.binarySearch(powers, L);
        // Calculate perfect powers
        long perfectPowers = perfectSquares + (high - low);
        // Compute final answer
        long ans = (R - L + 1) - perfectPowers;
        return ans;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        long L = 13, R = 20;
        System.out.println(calculateAnswer(L, R));
// This code is contributed by
// sanjeev2552

# Python3 implementation of the approach
from bisect import bisect as upper_bound
from bisect import bisect_left as lower_bound
from math import floor
N = 1000005
MAX = 10**18
# Vector to store powers greater than 3
powers = []
# Set to store perfect squares
squares = dict()
# Set to store powers other than perfect squares
s = dict()
def powersPrecomputation():
    for i in range(2, N):
        # Pushing squares
        squares[i * i] = 1
        # if the values is already a perfect square means
        # present in the set
        if (i not in squares.keys()):
        temp = i
        # Run loop until some power of current number
        # doesn't exceed MAX
        while (i * i <= (MAX // temp)):
            temp *= (i * i)
            # Pushing only odd powers as even power of a number
            # can always be expressed as a perfect square
            # which is already present in set squares
    # Inserting those sorted
    # values of set into a vector
    for x in s:
def calculateAnswer(L, R):
    # Precompute the powers
    # Calculate perfect squares in
    # range using sqrtl function
    perfectSquares = floor((R)**(.5)) - floor((L - 1)**(.5))
    # Calculate upper value of R
    # in vector using binary search
    high = upper_bound(powers,R)
    # Calculate lower value of L
    # in vector using binary search
    low = lower_bound(powers,L)
    # Calculate perfect powers
    perfectPowers = perfectSquares + (high - low)
    # Compute final answer
    ans = (R - L + 1) - perfectPowers
    return ans
# Driver Code
L = 13
R = 20
print(calculateAnswer(L, R))
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29

// C# implementation of above idea
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG 
    static int N = 100005;
    static long MAX = (long) 1e18;
    // List to store powers greater than 3
    static List powers = new List();
    // Set to store perfect squares
    static HashSet squares = new HashSet();
    // Set to store powers other than perfect squares
    static HashSet s = new HashSet();
    static void powersPrecomputation()
        for (long i = 2; i < N; i++)
            // Pushing squares
            squares.Add(i * i);
            // if the values is already a perfect square means
            // present in the set
            if (squares.Contains(i))
            long temp = i;
            // Run loop until some power of current number
            // doesn't exceed MAX
            while (i * i <= MAX / temp)
                temp *= (i * i);
                // Pushing only odd powers as even power of a number
                // can always be expressed as a perfect square
                // which is already present in set squares
        // Inserting those sorted
        // values of set into a vector
        foreach (long x in s)
    static long calculateAnswer(long L, long R)
        // Precompute the powers
        // Calculate perfect squares in
        // range using sqrtl function
        long perfectSquares = (long) (Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(R)) - 
                                Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(L - 1)));
        // Calculate upper value of R
        // in vector using binary search
        long high = Array.BinarySearch(powers.ToArray(), R);
        // Calculate lower value of L
        // in vector using binary search
        long low = Array.BinarySearch(powers.ToArray(), L);
        // Calculate perfect powers
        long perfectPowers = perfectSquares + (high - low);
        // Compute readonly answer
        long ans = (R - L + 1) - perfectPowers;
        return ans;
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        long L = 13, R = 20;
        Console.WriteLine(calculateAnswer(L, R));
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


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