📜  使用C#和实体框架的ASP.NET MVC中的基本CRUD(创建,读取,更新,删除)

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-29 16:18:36             🧑  作者: Mango


  • 下载并安装Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  • 下载并设置Visual Studio社区版本






ASP.NET是Microsoft创建的服务器端Web应用程序框架,可在Windows上运行,并于2000年代初期启动。 ASP.NET允许开发人员制作Web应用程序,Web服务和动态内容驱动的网站。最新版本的ASP.NET是4.7.1

要了解如何在Visual Studio中设置项目以及如何创建数据库,请参阅以下链接:

  • 在MS-SQL Server Management Studio中创建数据库
  • 在Visual Studio中创建一个项目


2.在Visual Studio中创建项目请按照上面提供的链接中给出的准则创建项目。创建项目后,添加实体数据模型以将连接字符串添加到您的web.config文件中,请按照此文章将实体数据模型添加到ASP.NET项目中的操作。以下EDMX图表将显示在您的解决方案窗口中。

ASP.NET CRUD(创建,读取,更新,删除)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace CRUDDemo.Controllers
    public class CRUDController : Controller
        // To create View of this Action result
        public ActionResult create() 
            return View();
        // Specify the type of attribute i.e.
        // it will add the record to the database
        public ActionResult create(Student model)
            // To open a connection to the database
            using(var context = new demoCRUDEntities()) 
                // Add data to the particular table
                // save the changes
            string message = "Created the record successfully";
            // To display the message on the screen
            // after the record is created successfully
            ViewBag.Message = message;     
            // write @Viewbag.Message in the created
            // view at the place where you want to
            // display the message
            return View(); 

写完之后,单击第一个操作结果,然后单击AddView,然后选择“模板”作为“创建”,并选择“模型类”作为您自己创建的模型,并选择数据上下文类作为您自己创建的EDMX模型。然后运行项目并转到URL https:// localhost:port_number / Controller_name / Action_Method_name

例如,https:// localhost:44326 / CRUD / create


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace CRUDDemo.Controllers
    public class CRUDController : Controller {
        [HttpGet] // Set the attribute to Read
            public ActionResult
            using(var context = new demoCRUDEntities())
                // Return the list of data from the database
                var data = context.Student.ToList(); 
                return View(data);

https:// localhost:port_number / Controller_name / Action_Method_name
例如https:// localhost:44326 / CRUD / Read


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace CRUDDemo.Controllers
    public class CRUDController : Controller
        // To fill data in the form 
        // to enable easy editing
        public ActionResult Update(int Studentid) 
            using(var context = new demoCRUDEntities())
                var data = context.Student.Where(x => x.StudentNo == Studentid).SingleOrDefault();
                return View(data);
        // To specify that this will be 
        // invoked when post method is called
        public ActionResult Update(int Studentid, Student model)
            using(var context = new demoCRUDEntities())
                // Use of lambda expression to access
                // particular record from a database
                var data = context.Student.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StudentNo == Studentid); 
                // Checking if any such record exist 
                if (data != null) 
                    data.Name = model.Name;
                    data.Section = model.Section;
                    data.EmailId = model.EmailId;
                    data.Branch = model.Branch;
                    // It will redirect to 
                    // the Read method
                    return RedirectToAction("Read"); 
                    return View();

在此之后,添加视图的方式与之前类似,但是请记住将模板更改为“编辑”。然后运行项目并转到URL https:// localhost:port_number / Controller_name / Action_Method_name?ID_U_want_to_edit

例如,https:// localhost:44326 / CRUD / Update?Studentid = 1


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace CRUDDemo.Controllers
    public class CRUDController : Controller {
        public ActionResult Delete()
            return View();
        [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult
        Delete(int Studentid)
            using(var context = new demoCRUDEntities())
                var data = context.Student.FirstOrDefault(x = > x.StudentNo == Studentid);
                if (data != null) {
                    return RedirectToAction("Read");
                    return View();

在添加视图之后,就像以前一样,但是请记住将模板更改为“删除”。然后运行项目并转到URL https:// localhost:port_number / Controller_name / Action_Method_name?ID_U_want_to_Delete
例如,https:// localhost:44326 / CRUD / Delete?Studentid = 1


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