📜  Python程序获取所有具有总和x的子集

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:39.733000             🧑  作者: Mango


我们得到一个包含 n 个数字和一个数字 x 的列表,任务是编写一个Python程序来找出列表中所有可能的子集,使得它们的总和为 x。



这是一种蛮力方法。找到给定列表的所有可能子集和并检查和是否等于 x。使用这种方法的时间复杂度为 O(2^n),非常大。

# Python code with time complexity
# O(2^n)to print all subsets whose
# sum is equal to a given value
from itertools import combinations
def subsetSum(n, arr, x):
    # Iterating through all possible
    # subsets of arr from lengths 0 to n:
    for i in range(n+1):
        for subset in combinations(arr, i):
            # printing the subset if its sum is x:
            if sum(subset) == x:
# Driver Code:
n = 6
arr = [10, 20, 25, 50, 70, 90]
x = 80
subsetSum(n, arr, x)

# Efficient Python code to
# print all subsets whose sum
# is equal to a given value
from itertools import combinations
def subsetSum(li, comb, sums):
    # Iterating through all subsets of
    # list li from length 0 to length of li:
    for i in range(len(li)+1):
        for subset in combinations(li, i):
            # Storing all the subsets in list comb:
            # Storing the subset sums in list sums:
def calcSubsets(n, arr, x):
    # Dividing the list arr into two lists
    # arr1 and arr2 of about equal sizes
    # by slicing list arr about index n//2:
    arr1, arr2 = arr[:n//2], arr[n//2:]
    # Creating empty lists comb1 and sums1
    # to run the subsetSum function and
    # store subsets of arr1 in comb1
    # and the subset sums in sums1:
    comb1, sums1 = [], []
    subsetSum(arr1, comb1, sums1)
    # Creating empty lists comb2 and sums2
    # to run the subsetSum function and
    # store subsets of arr2 in comb2
    # and the subset sums in sums2:
    comb2, sums2 = [], []
    subsetSum(arr2, comb2, sums2)
    # Iterating i through the indices of sums1:
    for i in range(len(sums1)):
        # Iterating j through the indices of sums2:
        for j in range(len(sums2)):
            # If two elements (one from sums1
            # and one from sums2) add up to x,
            # the combined list of elements from
            # corresponding subsets at index i in comb1
            # and j in comb2 gives us the required answer:
            if sums1[i] + sums2[j] == x:
                print(comb1[i] + comb2[j])
# Driver Code:
n = 6
arr = [10, 20, 25, 50, 70, 90]
x = 80
calcSubsets(n, arr, x)


[10, 70]
[10, 20, 50]


中间相遇是一种将搜索空间划分为两个大小相等的部分,对这两个部分进行单独搜索,然后组合搜索结果的技术。使用这种技术,两次搜索可能需要比一次大搜索更少的时间,并将时间复杂度从 O(2^n) 变成 O(2^(n/2))。


# Efficient Python code to
# print all subsets whose sum
# is equal to a given value
from itertools import combinations
def subsetSum(li, comb, sums):
    # Iterating through all subsets of
    # list li from length 0 to length of li:
    for i in range(len(li)+1):
        for subset in combinations(li, i):
            # Storing all the subsets in list comb:
            # Storing the subset sums in list sums:
def calcSubsets(n, arr, x):
    # Dividing the list arr into two lists
    # arr1 and arr2 of about equal sizes
    # by slicing list arr about index n//2:
    arr1, arr2 = arr[:n//2], arr[n//2:]
    # Creating empty lists comb1 and sums1
    # to run the subsetSum function and
    # store subsets of arr1 in comb1
    # and the subset sums in sums1:
    comb1, sums1 = [], []
    subsetSum(arr1, comb1, sums1)
    # Creating empty lists comb2 and sums2
    # to run the subsetSum function and
    # store subsets of arr2 in comb2
    # and the subset sums in sums2:
    comb2, sums2 = [], []
    subsetSum(arr2, comb2, sums2)
    # Iterating i through the indices of sums1:
    for i in range(len(sums1)):
        # Iterating j through the indices of sums2:
        for j in range(len(sums2)):
            # If two elements (one from sums1
            # and one from sums2) add up to x,
            # the combined list of elements from
            # corresponding subsets at index i in comb1
            # and j in comb2 gives us the required answer:
            if sums1[i] + sums2[j] == x:
                print(comb1[i] + comb2[j])
# Driver Code:
n = 6
arr = [10, 20, 25, 50, 70, 90]
x = 80
calcSubsets(n, arr, x)


[10, 70]
[10, 20, 50]