📜  C程序通过将结构传递给函数来添加两个复数(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:00:13.489000             🧑  作者: Mango



#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct {
    double real;
    double imag;
} Complex;

Complex addComplex(Complex c1, Complex c2) {
    Complex result;
    result.real = c1.real + c2.real;
    result.imag = c1.imag + c2.imag;
    return result;

int main() {
    Complex c1, c2, sum;

    printf("Enter the real and imaginary parts of the first complex number: ");
    scanf("%lf %lf", &c1.real, &c1.imag);

    printf("Enter the real and imaginary parts of the second complex number: ");
    scanf("%lf %lf", &c2.real, &c2.imag);

    sum = addComplex(c1, c2);

    printf("The sum of the two complex numbers is: %.2lf + %.2lfi\n", sum.real, sum.imag);

    return 0;
  • Complex 结构体定义了两个成员变量 realimag,用来表示复数的实部和虚部。
  • addComplex 函数接受两个 Complex 类型参数 c1c2,并返回一个 Complex 结构体作为结果。
  • main 函数中,用户输入两个复数的实部和虚部,并将它们存储在 c1c2 中。
  • 使用 addComplex 函数将两个复数相加,并将结果存储在 sum 中。
  • 最后,将结果按照特定的格式打印出来。


Enter the real and imaginary parts of the first complex number: 2.5 3.7
Enter the real and imaginary parts of the second complex number: 1.3 4.9
The sum of the two complex numbers is: 3.80 + 8.60i
