📜  kingkaihockey - Java (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:32:28.501000             🧑  作者: Mango

kingkaihockey - Java


kingkaihockey is a Java developer who is passionate about coding and loves to build software. He has expertise in Java and related technologies. He is always eager to learn and explore new technologies which can help him improve his skills and become a better developer.

  • Java
  • Spring Framework
  • RESTful Web Services
  • Hibernate
  • SQL
  • Git

kingkaihockey has worked on various Java-based projects throughout his career. He has experience in developing web applications, RESTful APIs, and backend services. He believes in writing clean and maintainable code that is easy to understand and debug.


kingkaihockey has worked on several projects during his career. Some of them are:

  • Inventory Management System: This is a web application developed using Spring MVC and Hibernate. It is a system for managing inventory for a small business. It has features like adding/editing products, tracking inventory, and generating reports.

  • E-commerce Website: This is a web application developed using Spring Boot and AngularJS. It is an e-commerce website where users can browse and purchase products. It has features like login/registration, product search, and shopping cart.

  • Real Estate Management System: This is a web application developed using Spring MVC and Hibernate. It is a system for managing real estate properties. It has features like adding/editing properties, searching properties based on criteria, and generating reports.


You can contact kingkaihockey through his GitHub profile - https://github.com/kingkaihockey. He is always open to discussing new ideas and collaborating on projects.