📜  使用Python 的KBC 游戏

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:49.596000             🧑  作者: Mango

使用Python 的KBC 游戏

在本文中,我们将使用Python在 CLI(命令行界面)模式下制作具有几乎所有功能的 KBC 游戏。


  • 每次都是随机提问
  • 四大生命线
    • 观众投票
    • 50:50
    • 双浸
    • 翻转问题
  • 在Python的MatplotlibNumPy库的帮助下制作
  • 观众投票生命线的条形图


  • 在这个游戏中有四个生命线,分别是观众投票、50:50、Double dip 和 Flip the question。
  • 2 个阶段,价格为 10,000 卢比和 3,20,000 卢比。
  • 用户在使用Double Dip 后不能使用另一条生命线
  • 生命线只能使用一次。
  • 采取双浸后退出选项不可用。
  • 进行Audience Poll 后,用户还可以选择Double Dip 以外的另一条生命线。 50:50 和翻转问题也是如此。
  • 用户可以随时退出游戏。
  • 每个问题后将显示总中奖价格。
  • 如果用户选择了错误的选项,将根据清除的阶段给出金额。


  • 创建一个新的Python文件。
  • 列出问题清单。
  • 还要列出答案、选项、五十五十个选项、选项的观众投票百分比。
  • 实现随机函数,使用户每次玩游戏时,他/她都可以从问题列表中获得新的随机问题。
  • 在用户回答问题后,确保该问题不会再次出现。为此,请从列表和该问题内的关联选项中删除已回答的问题。
  • 如果用户需要任何帮助,那么他/她可以使用四个生命线中的一条生命线,即观众投票、50-50、Double dip 和 Flip the question。
  • 当用户对问题给出正确答案时,将回答的问题数量添加到总数中。


  • 在带有选项的列表中添加了一些问题。
  • 运行 while 循环并检查条件。
    • 如果为真,则进一步进行。之后向用户显示问题和选项并要求输入(生命线为 1、2、3、4 或 9,退出为 0)。随机函数用于在用户每次玩游戏时随机播放问题。
    • 如果用户能够给出正确答案,则他可以选择一个选项。如果给定的输入是正确的,则中奖金额会增加,并显示下一个问题,并从列表中删除前一个问题以避免重复问题。
    • 如果用户输入不正确,那么他/她将获得总中奖金额。请记住,游戏有两个阶段。如果用户给出了错误的答案,则将根据清除的阶段给出金额。
    • 用户可以随时退出游戏并给出当前的中奖金额。
    • 如果用户未能选择正确的答案,那么他/她可以采取生命线。
while(wrong != True):
    ques_no += 1
    ran = random.randint(0, len(questions)-1)
    print("\n\nQ.", ques_no, ":-", end="")
    for num, option in enumerate(options):
    print("Would you like to take lifeline, if yes, press 9\n\
    Choose any option:  or you can quit by pressing 0 \t\t")
    give_answer = int(input())
    if give_answer == 9:
      # condition variable is to count lifelines
      # used
      if condition <= 4:
            condition += 1
            great = lifeline(ran, opts, op)
            if great == 0:
                if total_amt < 10000:
                    total_amt = 0
                elif total_amt < 320000:
                    total_amt = 10000
                elif total_amt < 70000000:
                    total_amt = 320000
            elif great == -1:
                ques_no -= 1
            elif great == None:
                print("Choose any option or press 0 to quit\t")
                give_ansr = int(input())
                if answer[ran] == give_ansr:
                    print("Correct answer, great")
                    correct += 1
            elif great == -2:
                correct += 1
                print("You have won Rs=", end="")
                total_amt = amount(correct)
          print("You have used your all lifelines\t\n Choose any option: \
                or you can quit by pressing 0\t\t")
            give_ans = int(input())
            key = answer[ran]
            if give_ans == 0:
                total_amt = amount(correct)
            elif key == give_ans:
                print("Correct, You have won Rs. =", end="")
                correct += 1
                total_amt = amount(correct)
                print("Wrong Answer....")
                print("Correct Answer is : ", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
                if total_amt < 10000:
                    total_amt = 0
                elif total_amt < 320000:
                    total_amt = 10000
                elif total_amt < 70000000:
                    total_amt = 32000
                wrong = True
        key = answer[ran]
        if give_answer == 0:
            if correct != 0:
                total_amt = amount(correct)
        elif key == give_answer:
            print("Correct answer.., You have won Rs.=", end="")
            correct += 1
            total_amt = amount(correct)
            print("Wrong Answer...Better luck next time...")
            print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
            if total_amt < 10000:
                total_amt = 0
            elif total_amt < 320000:
                total_amt = 10000
            elif total_amt < 70000000:
                total_amt = 320000
            wrong = True
    # total questions are 16
    if correct == 16:
    # delete previous question and its options from list
    del questions[ran]
    del option1[ran]
    del option2[ran]
    del option3[ran]
    del option4[ran]
    del answer[ran]
    del opts[0][ran]
    del opts[1][ran]
    del opts[2][ran]
    del opts[3][ran]
    del op[0][ran]
    del op[1][ran]
    del op[2][ran]
    del op[3][ran]
    options = [option1, option2, option3, option4]
print("Your winning amount is Rs. ", total_amt)

def audience(ran, opts):
    # graphical audience poll using pandas
    print("According to audience\n")
    s = pd.Series([opt1[ran], opt2[ran], opt3[ran], opt4[ran]],
                  index=['1', '2', '3', '4'])
    s.plot.bar(figsize=(20, 10))
    plt.title("Audience Poll")
    print('1.', opts[0][ran], "%", '\t', '2.', opts[1][ran],
          "%", '\t', '3.',opts[2][ran], "%", '\t', '4.',
          opts[3][ran], "%", '\nenter your choice\t')
    print("Would you like to take lifeline again,if yes then\
    press 9 or Press 0 to Quit\t")
    choice = int(input())
    if choice == 9:
        great = lifeline(ran, opts, op)
        return great
    elif choice == answer[ran]:
        great = 1
        print("Correct answer,well done!..")
    elif choice == 0:
        great = -2
        great = 0
        print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
    return great

def fifty(ran, op):
    for num, option in enumerate(op):
    choice_fifty = int(input("enter your choice \t"))
    if choice_fifty == answer[ran]:
        print("Correct Answer.....")
        great = 1
        great = 0
        print("wrong answer")
        print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
    return great

def doubleDip(ran):
    # double dip gives 2 chances
    print("Select two options\n")
    trial1 = int(input())
    if answer[ran] == trial1:
        great = 1
        print("Correct Answer,well done....")
        print("Your first trial is wrong, choose another\t")
        trial2 = int(input())
        if answer[ran] == trial2:
            great = 1
            print("Correct Answer\t")
            print("Your second trial is also wrong..Better luck next time..\t")
            print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
            great = 0
    return great

import random
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
print("Hello", input("Enter Your Name\t"))
# total prize for each question
amount_won = [1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000,
              20000, 40000, 80000, 160000,
              320000, 640000, 1250000, 2500000,
              5000000, 10000000, 70000000]
# Options for 50:50 lifeline
op1 = ['     ', '        ', '    ', 'Srinagar',
       '     ', 'Cricket', '1920', '     ', '    ',
       '        ', '   ', 'Cricket', '       ',
       'Kolkata', 'Wrestling', '          ', '       ',
       '     ', 'China', 'Thar', '         ', '      ',
       'Israel', '      ', '           ', 'Arjan Singh',
       'Parliament of India', '       ', '     ',
       'Mohd Hamid Ansari ', '    ', 'Mahatma Gandhi',
op2 = ['AB De Villiers', '     ', '9', '       ',
       '      ', '    ', '1928', '     ', 'Cricket',
       'Yuvraj Singh', 'Cricket', 'Football', 'West Indies',
       'Mumbai', 'Swimming', '             ', '      ',
       '        ', '       ', 'Sahara', 'Mahishmati', '       ',
       'Jordan', '       ', 'Che Guevera', '               ',
       '       ', '      ', '     ', '     ', '    ', '    ',
       '              ']
op3 = ['Shahid Afridi', 'Dishonest', '   ', 'Amritsar',
       'Sindhi', '      ', '    ', 'Pakistan', '     ',
       'MS Dhoni', '    ', '       ', 'South Africa', '    ',
       '      ', 'Henry Becquarrel', 'Tephrosia', 'Dermatitis',
       'Japan', '    ', '       ', 'Bypass', '         ',
       'Mridangam', '         ', '             ', '     ',
       'darjeeling', 'Japanese Encephalitis ', 'Mohd Hidayatullah ',
       'Saina Nehwal', '      ', 'Shiva']
op4 = ['        ', 'Miserly', '8', '       ', 'English', 'Hockey',
       '     ', 'Australia', 'Football', '       ', 'Polo', '     ',
       '      ', '     ', '       ', 'None of these', 'Indigofera',
       'Cholera', '        ', '        ', 'Badami', 'Debridement',
       '     ', 'Dafli', 'Vladimir Lenin', 'Aspy Engineer',
       'Mangalyaan', 'Kohima', 'Plague', '       ', 'Jwala Gutta',
       'Mother Teresa', '   ']
op = [op1, op2, op3, op4]
# list of lifelines
list_life = [1, 2, 3, 4]
def lifeline(ran, opts, op):
    m = 1
    lifelines = ['Audience Poll', 'Fifty Fifty',
                 'Double dip', 'Flip the question']
    print("Lifelines are \t", lifelines[0], '\t', lifelines[1],
          '\t', lifelines[2], '\t', lifelines[3], '\n\n')
    if list_life == []:
        print("You don't have lifelines remaining\t")
        return None
    print("Press 1 for audience,2 for 50:50, 3 for double dip\
    or 4 for flip the question\t")
    while(m != 0):
        get = int(input())
        if get == 1:
            if get in list_life:
                m = 0
                great = audience(ran, opts)
                print("You don't have audience poll\t")
        elif get == 2:
            if get in list_life:
                m = 0
                great = fifty(ran, op)
                print("You don't have 50:50 \t")
        elif get == 3:
            if get in list_life:
                m = 0
                great = doubleDip(ran)
                print("You don't have double dip\t")
        elif get == 4:
            if get in list_life:
                m = 0
                great = flip()
                print("You don't have lifeline to flip the question\t")
            print("Choose correct option")
    return great
def audience(ran, opts):
    # graphical audience poll using pandas
    print("According to audience\n")
    s = pd.Series([opt1[ran], opt2[ran], opt3[ran], opt4[ran]],
                  index=['1', '2', '3', '4'])
    s.plot.bar(figsize=(20, 10))
    plt.title("Audience Poll")
    print('1.', opts[0][ran], "%", '\t', '2.',
          opts[1][ran], "%", '\t', '3.', opts[2][ran],
          "%", '\t', '4.', opts[3][ran], "%", '\nenter your choice\t')
    print("Would you like to take lifeline again,if yes then press\
    9 or Press 0 to Quit\t")
    choice = int(input())
    if choice == 9:
        great = lifeline(ran, opts, op)
        return great
    elif choice == answer[ran]:
        great = 1
        print("Correct answer,well done!..")
    elif choice == 0:
        great = -2
        great = 0
        print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
    return great
def fifty(ran, op):
    for num, option in enumerate(op):
    choice_fifty = int(input("enter your choice \t"))
    if choice_fifty == answer[ran]:
        print("Correct Answer.....")
        great = 1
        great = 0
        print("wrong answer")
        print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
    return great
def doubleDip(ran):
    # double dip gives 2 chances
    print("Select two options\n")
    trial1 = int(input())
    if answer[ran] == trial1:
        great = 1
        print("Correct Answer,well done....")
        print("Your first trial is wrong, choose another\t")
        trial2 = int(input())
        if answer[ran] == trial2:
            great = 1
            print("Correct Answer\t")
            print("Your second trial is also wrong..Better luck next time..\t")
            print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
            great = 0
    return great
def flip():
    return -1
def amount(correct_ans):
    if amount_won[correct_ans-1] == 10000:
        print("Completed 1st stage")
    elif amount_won[correct_ans-1] == 320000:
        print("Completed 2st stage")
    elif amount_won[correct_ans-1] == 70000000:
        print("You have won Rs 7 CRORE")
    return amount_won[correct_ans-1]
questions = [
  'In ODI Cricket, who created the record of scoring the \
  fastest century in just 31 balls ?',
  ' If you call someone ‘Makkhichoos’ then what are you \
  calling him ?',
  'How many players of a Kho-Kho team can play on the field\
  during the match ?',
  'Which of these Indian cities is closest to the Pakistani \
  city of Lahore ?',
  'The language spoken by the people by Pakistan is ?',
  'The term“Googly” is associated with ?',
  'India first took part in the olympic games in the year ?',
  'Who are Kangaroos ?',
  'Oval stadium in England is associated with ?',
  'In 2011 India won the World Cup. Who was adjudicated as the\
  man of the series in the tournament ? ',
  'Eden Gardens in Kolkata is ----- stadium.? ',
  'Ronaldo is associated with ? ',
  'Icc’s 2007, the World Cup Cricket was held in ? ',
  'Wankhede Stadium is at ? ',
  'World’s most ancient game is ? ',
  'Stethoscope was invented by ?',
  'A dye is prepared from ',
  'Which disease is caused by the fungi? ',
  'Which is the Land of the Rising Sun? ',
  'The desert that lies on the boundary between India and Pakistan \
  is ',
  ' In which kingdom is the story of the ‘Bahubali’ series of films\
  mainly set?',
  'What is the common name for surgery conducted on coronary arteries\
  that supply blood to the heart ?',
  ' In July 2017, Narendra Modi Become the first Indian Prime Minister\
  to visit which country ?',
  'Which of these musical instrument is held in one hand and played with\
  the other ?',
  ' On the last day of his life Bhagat Singh was reading a book about\
  the Ideology of which revolutionary ?',
  'Which Air force officer had the unique honour of leading the fly-post\
  over the Red fort in Delhi on 15 August 1947 ?',
  'Which image appears on the flip side of the new 2000 Rs Note, launched\
  in 2016?',
  'Which Indian hill station gets its name from the Tibetan words that mean\
  ‘land of the thunderbolt’?',
  'Which of these diseases is transmitted by mosquitoes?',
  'Who among these has served as the Ambassador of India to the United Nations?',
  ' Who was the first Indian to win the World Junior Badminton Championships?',
  'Which of the following is a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize?',
  'The cave temples at the historical site of Elephanta are dedicated to which\
option1 = ['Corey Anderson', 'Evil', '10', 'Srinagar', 'Hindi',
           'Cricket', '1920', 'Bangladesh', 'polo', 'Virat Kohli',
           'Tennis', 'Cricket', 'Australia', 'Kolkata', 'Wrestling',
           'Bessemer', 'Sida', 'Polio', 'China', 'Thar', 'Magadh',
           'Cataract', 'Israel', 'Tabla', 'Antonio Gramsci ',
           'Arjan Singh', 'Parliament of India', 'Gangtok', 'Rabies',
           ' Mohd Hamid Ansari', 'P V Sindhu', 'Mahatma Gandhi', 'Hanuman']
option2 = ['AB De Villiers', 'Humble', '9', 'Jaisalmer', 'Palauan',
           'Football', '1928', 'Kenya', 'Cricket', 'Yuvraj Singh',
           'Cricket', 'Football', 'West Indies', 'Mumbai', 'Swimming',
           'Rane Laennec', 'Tridax', 'Malaria', 'Taiwan', 'Sahara',
           'Mahishmati', 'Gastric', 'Jordan', 'Santoor', 'Che Guevera',
           'Pratap Chandra Lal', 'Tractor', 'Aizawl', 'Tetanus', ' I K Gujral',
           'Aparna Balan', 'Swami Vivekananda ', 'Vishnu']
option3 = ['Shahid Afridi', 'Dishonest', '7', 'Amritsar', 'Sindhi',
           'Badminton', '1972', 'Pakistan', 'Hockey', 'MS Dhoni',
           'Hockey', 'Hockey', 'South Africa', 'Delhi', 'Boxing',
           'Henry Becquarrel', 'Tephrosia', 'Dermatitis', 'Japan',
           'Gobi', 'Kalinga', 'Bypass', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Mridangam',
           ' Leon Trotsky ', 'Subroto Mukarjee', 'Red Fort', 'darjeeling',
           'Japanese Encephalitis', 'Mohd Hidayatullah ', 'Saina Nehwal',
           'Rabindranath Tagore ', 'Shiva']
option4 = ['Rohit Sharma', 'Miserly', '8', 'Udhampur', 'English', 'Hockey',
           '1976', 'Australia', 'Football', 'Zaheer Khan', 'Polo', 'Tennis',
           'India', 'Jaipur', 'Running', 'None of these', 'Indigofera',
           'Cholera', 'Australia', 'None of these', 'Badami', 'Debridement',
           'Qatar', 'Dafli', 'Vladimir Lenin', 'Aspy Engineer', 'Mangalyaan',
           'Kohima', 'Plague', 'Zakir Hussain', 'Jwala Gutta', 'Mother Teresa',
options = [option1, option2, option3, option4]
# answer key
answer = [2, 4, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1,
          3, 4, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 4, 1, 4, 3, 3, 1,
          3, 4, 3]
wrong = False
# correct variable for total correct answer
correct = 0
total_amt = 0
# option list for audience poll
opt1 = [30, 24, 10, 0, 1, 72, 99, 0, 9, 2, 0, 2, 10, 1,
        100, 1, 0, 3, 2, 98, 21, 35, 50, 40, 45, 65, 50,
        48, 5, 70, 20, 30, 20]
opt2 = [60, 32, 80, 0, 2, 5, 1, 1, 91, 94, 95, 87, 90, 96,
        0, 0, 2, 12, 13, 1, 60, 20, 30, 2, 0, 20, 0, 1, 10,
        12, 20, 20, 10]
opt3 = [2, 4, 0, 100, 97, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 5, 11, 0, 3, 0, 99,
        2, 82, 82, 0, 18, 40, 10, 4, 1, 10, 0, 50, 70, 15,
        35, 10, 64]
opt4 = [8, 40, 10, 0, 0, 23, 0, 98, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        96, 3, 3, 1, 1, 5, 10, 54, 54, 5, 50, 1, 15, 3, 25,
        40, 6]
opts = [opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4]
condition, ques_no = 1, 0
while(wrong != True):
    ques_no += 1
    ran = random.randint(0, len(questions)-1)
    print("\n\nQ.", ques_no, ":-", end="")
    for num, option in enumerate(options):
    print("Would you like to take lifeline, if yes, press\
    9\n Choose any option:  or you can quit by pressing 0 \t\t")
    give_answer = int(input())
    if give_answer == 9:
        # condition variable is to count lifelines used
        if condition <= 4:
            condition += 1
            great = lifeline(ran, opts, op)
            if great == 0:
                if total_amt < 10000:
                    total_amt = 0
                elif total_amt < 320000:
                    total_amt = 10000
                elif total_amt < 70000000:
                    total_amt = 320000
            elif great == -1:
                ques_no -= 1
            elif great == None:
                print("Choose any option or press 0 to quit\t")
                give_ansr = int(input())
                if answer[ran] == give_ansr:
                    print("Correct answer, great")
                    correct += 1
            elif great == -2:
                correct += 1
                print("You have won Rs=", end="")
                total_amt = amount(correct)
                "You have used your all lifelines\t\n Choose any option:  \
                or you can quit by pressing 0\t\t")
            give_ans = int(input())
            key = answer[ran]
            if give_ans == 0:
                total_amt = amount(correct)
            elif key == give_ans:
                print("Correct, You have won Rs. =", end="")
                correct += 1
                total_amt = amount(correct)
                print("Wrong Answer....")
                print("Correct Answer is : ", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
                if total_amt < 10000:
                    total_amt = 0
                elif total_amt < 320000:
                    total_amt = 10000
                elif total_amt < 70000000:
                    total_amt = 32000
                wrong = True
        key = answer[ran]
        if give_answer == 0:
            if correct != 0:
                total_amt = amount(correct)
        elif key == give_answer:
            print("Correct answer.., You have won Rs.=", end="")
            correct += 1
            total_amt = amount(correct)
            print("Wrong Answer...Better luck next time...")
            print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
            if total_amt < 10000:
                total_amt = 0
            elif total_amt < 320000:
                total_amt = 10000
            elif total_amt < 70000000:
                total_amt = 320000
            wrong = True
    if correct == 16:  # total questions are 16
    # delete previous question and its options from list
    del questions[ran]
    del option1[ran]
    del option2[ran]
    del option3[ran]
    del option4[ran]
    del answer[ran]
    del opts[0][ran]
    del opts[1][ran]
    del opts[2][ran]
    del opts[3][ran]
    del op[0][ran]
    del op[1][ran]
    del op[2][ran]
    del op[3][ran]
    options = [option1, option2, option3, option4]
print("Your winning amount is Rs. ", total_amt)

  • 观众投票生命线:
    • 图表将显示为所有选项的正确百分比。 [例如:A-32%、B-56%、C-2%、D-10%]。
    • 用户可以选择正确的答案,也可以选择另一条生命线。


def audience(ran, opts):
    # graphical audience poll using pandas
    print("According to audience\n")
    s = pd.Series([opt1[ran], opt2[ran], opt3[ran], opt4[ran]],
                  index=['1', '2', '3', '4'])
    s.plot.bar(figsize=(20, 10))
    plt.title("Audience Poll")
    print('1.', opts[0][ran], "%", '\t', '2.', opts[1][ran],
          "%", '\t', '3.',opts[2][ran], "%", '\t', '4.',
          opts[3][ran], "%", '\nenter your choice\t')
    print("Would you like to take lifeline again,if yes then\
    press 9 or Press 0 to Quit\t")
    choice = int(input())
    if choice == 9:
        great = lifeline(ran, opts, op)
        return great
    elif choice == answer[ran]:
        great = 1
        print("Correct answer,well done!..")
    elif choice == 0:
        great = -2
        great = 0
        print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
    return great

  • 五十五
    • 两个不正确的选项将被删除。
    • 用户可以选择正确的答案,也可以选择另一条生命线。


def fifty(ran, op):
    for num, option in enumerate(op):
    choice_fifty = int(input("enter your choice \t"))
    if choice_fifty == answer[ran]:
        print("Correct Answer.....")
        great = 1
        great = 0
        print("wrong answer")
        print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
    return great

  • 双浸:
    • 用户将有两次机会选择正确的选项。请记住,在进行双浸后,用户将无法使用任何其他生命线。他/她可以选择正确的选项或退出游戏。


def doubleDip(ran):
    # double dip gives 2 chances
    print("Select two options\n")
    trial1 = int(input())
    if answer[ran] == trial1:
        great = 1
        print("Correct Answer,well done....")
        print("Your first trial is wrong, choose another\t")
        trial2 = int(input())
        if answer[ran] == trial2:
            great = 1
            print("Correct Answer\t")
            print("Your second trial is also wrong..Better luck next time..\t")
            print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
            great = 0
    return great

  • 翻转问题:
    • 当翻转问题生命线时,则跳过当前问题并显示下一个问题。





import random
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
print("Hello", input("Enter Your Name\t"))
# total prize for each question
amount_won = [1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000,
              20000, 40000, 80000, 160000,
              320000, 640000, 1250000, 2500000,
              5000000, 10000000, 70000000]
# Options for 50:50 lifeline
op1 = ['     ', '        ', '    ', 'Srinagar',
       '     ', 'Cricket', '1920', '     ', '    ',
       '        ', '   ', 'Cricket', '       ',
       'Kolkata', 'Wrestling', '          ', '       ',
       '     ', 'China', 'Thar', '         ', '      ',
       'Israel', '      ', '           ', 'Arjan Singh',
       'Parliament of India', '       ', '     ',
       'Mohd Hamid Ansari ', '    ', 'Mahatma Gandhi',
op2 = ['AB De Villiers', '     ', '9', '       ',
       '      ', '    ', '1928', '     ', 'Cricket',
       'Yuvraj Singh', 'Cricket', 'Football', 'West Indies',
       'Mumbai', 'Swimming', '             ', '      ',
       '        ', '       ', 'Sahara', 'Mahishmati', '       ',
       'Jordan', '       ', 'Che Guevera', '               ',
       '       ', '      ', '     ', '     ', '    ', '    ',
       '              ']
op3 = ['Shahid Afridi', 'Dishonest', '   ', 'Amritsar',
       'Sindhi', '      ', '    ', 'Pakistan', '     ',
       'MS Dhoni', '    ', '       ', 'South Africa', '    ',
       '      ', 'Henry Becquarrel', 'Tephrosia', 'Dermatitis',
       'Japan', '    ', '       ', 'Bypass', '         ',
       'Mridangam', '         ', '             ', '     ',
       'darjeeling', 'Japanese Encephalitis ', 'Mohd Hidayatullah ',
       'Saina Nehwal', '      ', 'Shiva']
op4 = ['        ', 'Miserly', '8', '       ', 'English', 'Hockey',
       '     ', 'Australia', 'Football', '       ', 'Polo', '     ',
       '      ', '     ', '       ', 'None of these', 'Indigofera',
       'Cholera', '        ', '        ', 'Badami', 'Debridement',
       '     ', 'Dafli', 'Vladimir Lenin', 'Aspy Engineer',
       'Mangalyaan', 'Kohima', 'Plague', '       ', 'Jwala Gutta',
       'Mother Teresa', '   ']
op = [op1, op2, op3, op4]
# list of lifelines
list_life = [1, 2, 3, 4]
def lifeline(ran, opts, op):
    m = 1
    lifelines = ['Audience Poll', 'Fifty Fifty',
                 'Double dip', 'Flip the question']
    print("Lifelines are \t", lifelines[0], '\t', lifelines[1],
          '\t', lifelines[2], '\t', lifelines[3], '\n\n')
    if list_life == []:
        print("You don't have lifelines remaining\t")
        return None
    print("Press 1 for audience,2 for 50:50, 3 for double dip\
    or 4 for flip the question\t")
    while(m != 0):
        get = int(input())
        if get == 1:
            if get in list_life:
                m = 0
                great = audience(ran, opts)
                print("You don't have audience poll\t")
        elif get == 2:
            if get in list_life:
                m = 0
                great = fifty(ran, op)
                print("You don't have 50:50 \t")
        elif get == 3:
            if get in list_life:
                m = 0
                great = doubleDip(ran)
                print("You don't have double dip\t")
        elif get == 4:
            if get in list_life:
                m = 0
                great = flip()
                print("You don't have lifeline to flip the question\t")
            print("Choose correct option")
    return great
def audience(ran, opts):
    # graphical audience poll using pandas
    print("According to audience\n")
    s = pd.Series([opt1[ran], opt2[ran], opt3[ran], opt4[ran]],
                  index=['1', '2', '3', '4'])
    s.plot.bar(figsize=(20, 10))
    plt.title("Audience Poll")
    print('1.', opts[0][ran], "%", '\t', '2.',
          opts[1][ran], "%", '\t', '3.', opts[2][ran],
          "%", '\t', '4.', opts[3][ran], "%", '\nenter your choice\t')
    print("Would you like to take lifeline again,if yes then press\
    9 or Press 0 to Quit\t")
    choice = int(input())
    if choice == 9:
        great = lifeline(ran, opts, op)
        return great
    elif choice == answer[ran]:
        great = 1
        print("Correct answer,well done!..")
    elif choice == 0:
        great = -2
        great = 0
        print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
    return great
def fifty(ran, op):
    for num, option in enumerate(op):
    choice_fifty = int(input("enter your choice \t"))
    if choice_fifty == answer[ran]:
        print("Correct Answer.....")
        great = 1
        great = 0
        print("wrong answer")
        print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
    return great
def doubleDip(ran):
    # double dip gives 2 chances
    print("Select two options\n")
    trial1 = int(input())
    if answer[ran] == trial1:
        great = 1
        print("Correct Answer,well done....")
        print("Your first trial is wrong, choose another\t")
        trial2 = int(input())
        if answer[ran] == trial2:
            great = 1
            print("Correct Answer\t")
            print("Your second trial is also wrong..Better luck next time..\t")
            print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
            great = 0
    return great
def flip():
    return -1
def amount(correct_ans):
    if amount_won[correct_ans-1] == 10000:
        print("Completed 1st stage")
    elif amount_won[correct_ans-1] == 320000:
        print("Completed 2st stage")
    elif amount_won[correct_ans-1] == 70000000:
        print("You have won Rs 7 CRORE")
    return amount_won[correct_ans-1]
questions = [
  'In ODI Cricket, who created the record of scoring the \
  fastest century in just 31 balls ?',
  ' If you call someone ‘Makkhichoos’ then what are you \
  calling him ?',
  'How many players of a Kho-Kho team can play on the field\
  during the match ?',
  'Which of these Indian cities is closest to the Pakistani \
  city of Lahore ?',
  'The language spoken by the people by Pakistan is ?',
  'The term“Googly” is associated with ?',
  'India first took part in the olympic games in the year ?',
  'Who are Kangaroos ?',
  'Oval stadium in England is associated with ?',
  'In 2011 India won the World Cup. Who was adjudicated as the\
  man of the series in the tournament ? ',
  'Eden Gardens in Kolkata is ----- stadium.? ',
  'Ronaldo is associated with ? ',
  'Icc’s 2007, the World Cup Cricket was held in ? ',
  'Wankhede Stadium is at ? ',
  'World’s most ancient game is ? ',
  'Stethoscope was invented by ?',
  'A dye is prepared from ',
  'Which disease is caused by the fungi? ',
  'Which is the Land of the Rising Sun? ',
  'The desert that lies on the boundary between India and Pakistan \
  is ',
  ' In which kingdom is the story of the ‘Bahubali’ series of films\
  mainly set?',
  'What is the common name for surgery conducted on coronary arteries\
  that supply blood to the heart ?',
  ' In July 2017, Narendra Modi Become the first Indian Prime Minister\
  to visit which country ?',
  'Which of these musical instrument is held in one hand and played with\
  the other ?',
  ' On the last day of his life Bhagat Singh was reading a book about\
  the Ideology of which revolutionary ?',
  'Which Air force officer had the unique honour of leading the fly-post\
  over the Red fort in Delhi on 15 August 1947 ?',
  'Which image appears on the flip side of the new 2000 Rs Note, launched\
  in 2016?',
  'Which Indian hill station gets its name from the Tibetan words that mean\
  ‘land of the thunderbolt’?',
  'Which of these diseases is transmitted by mosquitoes?',
  'Who among these has served as the Ambassador of India to the United Nations?',
  ' Who was the first Indian to win the World Junior Badminton Championships?',
  'Which of the following is a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize?',
  'The cave temples at the historical site of Elephanta are dedicated to which\
option1 = ['Corey Anderson', 'Evil', '10', 'Srinagar', 'Hindi',
           'Cricket', '1920', 'Bangladesh', 'polo', 'Virat Kohli',
           'Tennis', 'Cricket', 'Australia', 'Kolkata', 'Wrestling',
           'Bessemer', 'Sida', 'Polio', 'China', 'Thar', 'Magadh',
           'Cataract', 'Israel', 'Tabla', 'Antonio Gramsci ',
           'Arjan Singh', 'Parliament of India', 'Gangtok', 'Rabies',
           ' Mohd Hamid Ansari', 'P V Sindhu', 'Mahatma Gandhi', 'Hanuman']
option2 = ['AB De Villiers', 'Humble', '9', 'Jaisalmer', 'Palauan',
           'Football', '1928', 'Kenya', 'Cricket', 'Yuvraj Singh',
           'Cricket', 'Football', 'West Indies', 'Mumbai', 'Swimming',
           'Rane Laennec', 'Tridax', 'Malaria', 'Taiwan', 'Sahara',
           'Mahishmati', 'Gastric', 'Jordan', 'Santoor', 'Che Guevera',
           'Pratap Chandra Lal', 'Tractor', 'Aizawl', 'Tetanus', ' I K Gujral',
           'Aparna Balan', 'Swami Vivekananda ', 'Vishnu']
option3 = ['Shahid Afridi', 'Dishonest', '7', 'Amritsar', 'Sindhi',
           'Badminton', '1972', 'Pakistan', 'Hockey', 'MS Dhoni',
           'Hockey', 'Hockey', 'South Africa', 'Delhi', 'Boxing',
           'Henry Becquarrel', 'Tephrosia', 'Dermatitis', 'Japan',
           'Gobi', 'Kalinga', 'Bypass', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Mridangam',
           ' Leon Trotsky ', 'Subroto Mukarjee', 'Red Fort', 'darjeeling',
           'Japanese Encephalitis', 'Mohd Hidayatullah ', 'Saina Nehwal',
           'Rabindranath Tagore ', 'Shiva']
option4 = ['Rohit Sharma', 'Miserly', '8', 'Udhampur', 'English', 'Hockey',
           '1976', 'Australia', 'Football', 'Zaheer Khan', 'Polo', 'Tennis',
           'India', 'Jaipur', 'Running', 'None of these', 'Indigofera',
           'Cholera', 'Australia', 'None of these', 'Badami', 'Debridement',
           'Qatar', 'Dafli', 'Vladimir Lenin', 'Aspy Engineer', 'Mangalyaan',
           'Kohima', 'Plague', 'Zakir Hussain', 'Jwala Gutta', 'Mother Teresa',
options = [option1, option2, option3, option4]
# answer key
answer = [2, 4, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1,
          3, 4, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 4, 1, 4, 3, 3, 1,
          3, 4, 3]
wrong = False
# correct variable for total correct answer
correct = 0
total_amt = 0
# option list for audience poll
opt1 = [30, 24, 10, 0, 1, 72, 99, 0, 9, 2, 0, 2, 10, 1,
        100, 1, 0, 3, 2, 98, 21, 35, 50, 40, 45, 65, 50,
        48, 5, 70, 20, 30, 20]
opt2 = [60, 32, 80, 0, 2, 5, 1, 1, 91, 94, 95, 87, 90, 96,
        0, 0, 2, 12, 13, 1, 60, 20, 30, 2, 0, 20, 0, 1, 10,
        12, 20, 20, 10]
opt3 = [2, 4, 0, 100, 97, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 5, 11, 0, 3, 0, 99,
        2, 82, 82, 0, 18, 40, 10, 4, 1, 10, 0, 50, 70, 15,
        35, 10, 64]
opt4 = [8, 40, 10, 0, 0, 23, 0, 98, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        96, 3, 3, 1, 1, 5, 10, 54, 54, 5, 50, 1, 15, 3, 25,
        40, 6]
opts = [opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4]
condition, ques_no = 1, 0
while(wrong != True):
    ques_no += 1
    ran = random.randint(0, len(questions)-1)
    print("\n\nQ.", ques_no, ":-", end="")
    for num, option in enumerate(options):
    print("Would you like to take lifeline, if yes, press\
    9\n Choose any option:  or you can quit by pressing 0 \t\t")
    give_answer = int(input())
    if give_answer == 9:
        # condition variable is to count lifelines used
        if condition <= 4:
            condition += 1
            great = lifeline(ran, opts, op)
            if great == 0:
                if total_amt < 10000:
                    total_amt = 0
                elif total_amt < 320000:
                    total_amt = 10000
                elif total_amt < 70000000:
                    total_amt = 320000
            elif great == -1:
                ques_no -= 1
            elif great == None:
                print("Choose any option or press 0 to quit\t")
                give_ansr = int(input())
                if answer[ran] == give_ansr:
                    print("Correct answer, great")
                    correct += 1
            elif great == -2:
                correct += 1
                print("You have won Rs=", end="")
                total_amt = amount(correct)
                "You have used your all lifelines\t\n Choose any option:  \
                or you can quit by pressing 0\t\t")
            give_ans = int(input())
            key = answer[ran]
            if give_ans == 0:
                total_amt = amount(correct)
            elif key == give_ans:
                print("Correct, You have won Rs. =", end="")
                correct += 1
                total_amt = amount(correct)
                print("Wrong Answer....")
                print("Correct Answer is : ", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
                if total_amt < 10000:
                    total_amt = 0
                elif total_amt < 320000:
                    total_amt = 10000
                elif total_amt < 70000000:
                    total_amt = 32000
                wrong = True
        key = answer[ran]
        if give_answer == 0:
            if correct != 0:
                total_amt = amount(correct)
        elif key == give_answer:
            print("Correct answer.., You have won Rs.=", end="")
            correct += 1
            total_amt = amount(correct)
            print("Wrong Answer...Better luck next time...")
            print("Correct Answer is :", options[answer[ran]-1][ran])
            if total_amt < 10000:
                total_amt = 0
            elif total_amt < 320000:
                total_amt = 10000
            elif total_amt < 70000000:
                total_amt = 320000
            wrong = True
    if correct == 16:  # total questions are 16
    # delete previous question and its options from list
    del questions[ran]
    del option1[ran]
    del option2[ran]
    del option3[ran]
    del option4[ran]
    del answer[ran]
    del opts[0][ran]
    del opts[1][ran]
    del opts[2][ran]
    del opts[3][ran]
    del op[0][ran]
    del op[1][ran]
    del op[2][ran]
    del op[3][ran]
    options = [option1, option2, option3, option4]
print("Your winning amount is Rs. ", total_amt)
