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📜  查找字符串数组是否可以链接形成一个圆圈 |设置 2

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:07.300000             🧑  作者: Mango

查找字符串数组是否可以链接形成一个圆圈 |设置 2

给定一个字符串数组,找出给定的字符串是否可以链接成一个圆圈。如果 X 的最后一个字符与 Y 的第一个字符相同,则一个字符串X 可以放在另一个字符串Y 之前的圆圈中。


Input: arr[] = {"geek", "king"}
Output: Yes, the given strings can be chained.
Note that the last character of first string is same
as first character of second string and vice versa is
also true.

Input: arr[] = {"for", "geek", "rig", "kaf"}
Output: Yes, the given strings can be chained.
The strings can be chained as "for", "rig", "geek" 
and "kaf"

Input: arr[] = {"aab", "bac", "aaa", "cda"}
Output: Yes, the given strings can be chained.
The strings can be chained as "aaa", "aab", "bac" 
and "cda"

Input: arr[] = {"aaa", "bbb", "baa", "aab"};
Output: Yes, the given strings can be chained.
The strings can be chained as "aaa", "aab", "bbb" 
and "baa"

Input: arr[] = {"aaa"};
Output: Yes

Input: arr[] = {"aaa", "bbb"};
Output: No

Input  : arr[] = ["abc", "efg", "cde", "ghi", "ija"]
Output : Yes
These strings can be reordered as, “abc”, “cde”, “efg”,
“ghi”, “ija”

Input : arr[] = [“ijk”, “kji”, “abc”, “cba”]
Output : No


查找字符串数组是否可以链接形成一个圆圈 |设置 1




  1. 每个顶点的入度和出度应该相同。
  2. 图应该是强连接的。


现在为了检查第二个条件,我们将只从任何字符运行 DFS 并从中访问所有可到达的顶点,现在如果图有一个循环,那么在这个 DFS 之后应该访问所有顶点,如果所有顶点都被访问,那么我们将返回true 否则 false 因此访问单个 DFS 中的所有顶点标记字符串之间可能的排序

// C++ code to check if cyclic order is possible among strings
// under given constraints
using namespace std;
#define M 26
//    Utility method for a depth first search among vertices
void dfs(vector g[], int u, vector &visit)
    visit[u] = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < g[u].size(); ++i)
            dfs(g, g[u][i], visit);
//    Returns true if all vertices are strongly connected
// i.e. can be made as loop
bool isConnected(vector g[], vector &mark, int s)
    // Initialize all vertices as not visited
    vector visit(M, false);
    //    perform a dfs from s
    dfs(g, s, visit);
    //    now loop through all characters
    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
        /*  I character is marked (i.e. it was first or last
            character of some string) then it should be
            visited in last dfs (as for looping, graph
            should be strongly connected) */
        if (mark[i] && !visit[i])
            return false;
    //    If we reach that means graph is connected
    return true;
//    return true if an order among strings is possible
bool possibleOrderAmongString(string arr[], int N)
    // Create an empty graph
    vector g[M];
    // Initialize all vertices as not marked
    vector mark(M, false);
    // Initialize indegree and outdegree of every
    // vertex as 0.
    vector in(M, 0), out(M, 0);
    // Process all strings one by one
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        // Find first and last characters
        int f = arr[i].front() - 'a';
        int l = arr[i].back() - 'a';
        // Mark the characters
        mark[f] = mark[l] = true;
        //    increase indegree and outdegree count
        // Add an edge in graph
    // If for any character indegree is not equal to
    // outdegree then ordering is not possible
    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
        if (in[i] != out[i])
            return false;
    return isConnected(g, mark, arr[0].front() - 'a');
//    Driver code to test above methods
int main()
    // string arr[] = {"abc", "efg", "cde", "ghi", "ija"};
    string arr[] = {"ab", "bc", "cd", "de", "ed", "da"};
    int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    if (possibleOrderAmongString(arr, N) == false)
        cout << "Ordering not possible\n";
        cout << "Ordering is possible\n";
    return 0;

// Java code to check if cyclic order is
// possible among strings under given constraints
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Return true if an order among strings is possible   
public static boolean possibleOrderAmongString(
    String s[], int n)
    int m = 26;
    boolean mark[] = new boolean[m];
    int in[] = new int[26];
    int out[] = new int[26];
    ArrayList> adj = new ArrayList<
    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        adj.add(new ArrayList<>());
    // Process all strings one by one
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // Find first and last characters
        int f = (int)(s[i].charAt(0) - 'a');
        int l = (int)(s[i].charAt(
                 s[i].length() - 1) - 'a');
        // Mark the characters
        mark[f] = mark[l] = true;
        // Increase indegree and outdegree count
        // Add an edge in graph
    // If for any character indegree is not equal to
    // outdegree then ordering is not possible
    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        if (in[i] != out[i])
            return false;
    return isConnected(adj, mark,
                       s[0].charAt(0) - 'a');
// Returns true if all vertices are strongly
// connected i.e. can be made as loop
public static boolean isConnected(
    ArrayList> adj,
    boolean mark[], int src)
    boolean visited[] = new boolean[26];
    // Perform a dfs from src
    dfs(adj, visited, src);
    for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
        /*  I character is marked (i.e. it was first or
         last character of some string) then it should
         be visited in last dfs (as for looping, graph
         should be strongly connected) */
        if (mark[i] && !visited[i])
            return false;
    // If we reach that means graph is connected
    return true;
// Utility method for a depth first
// search among vertices
public static void dfs(ArrayList> adj,
                       boolean visited[], int src)
    visited[src] = true;
    for(int i = 0; i < adj.get(src).size(); i++)
        if (!visited[adj.get(src).get(i)])
            dfs(adj, visited, adj.get(src).get(i));
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String s[] = { "ab", "bc", "cd", "de", "ed", "da" };
    int n = s.length;
    if (possibleOrderAmongString(s, n))
        System.out.println("Ordering is possible");
        System.out.println("Ordering is not possible");
// This code is contributed by parascoding

# Python3 code to check if
# cyclic order is possible
# among strings under given
# constraints
M = 26
# Utility method for a depth
# first search among vertices
def dfs(g, u, visit):
    visit[u] = True
    for i in range(len(g[u])):
        if(not visit[g[u][i]]):
            dfs(g, g[u][i], visit)
# Returns true if all vertices
# are strongly connected i.e.
# can be made as loop
def isConnected(g, mark, s):
    # Initialize all vertices
    # as not visited
    visit = [False for i in range(M)]
    # Perform a dfs from s
    dfs(g, s, visit)
    # Now loop through
    # all characters
    for i in range(M):
        # I character is marked
        # (i.e. it was first or last
        # character of some string)
        # then it should be visited
        # in last dfs (as for looping,
        # graph should be strongly
        # connected) */
        if(mark[i] and (not visit[i])):
            return False
    # If we reach that means
    # graph is connected
    return True
# return true if an order among
# strings is possible
def possibleOrderAmongString(arr, N):
    # Create an empty graph
    g = {}
    # Initialize all vertices
    # as not marked
    mark = [False for i in range(M)]
    # Initialize indegree and
    # outdegree of every
    # vertex as 0.
    In = [0 for i in range(M)]
    out = [0 for i in range(M)]
    # Process all strings
    # one by one
    for i in range(N):
        # Find first and last
        # characters
        f = (ord(arr[i][0]) -
        l = (ord(arr[i][-1]) -
        # Mark the characters
        mark[f] = True
        mark[l] = True
        # Increase indegree
        # and outdegree count
        In[l] += 1
        out[f] += 1
        if f not in g:
            g[f] = []
        # Add an edge in graph
    # If for any character
    # indegree is not equal to
    # outdegree then ordering
    # is not possible
    for i in range(M):
        if(In[i] != out[i]):
            return False
    return isConnected(g, mark,
                       ord(arr[0][0]) -
# Driver code
arr = ["ab", "bc",
       "cd", "de",
       "ed", "da"]
N = len(arr)
if(possibleOrderAmongString(arr, N) ==
    print("Ordering not possible")
    print("Ordering is possible")
# This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155

// C# code to check if cyclic order is
// possible among strings under given constraints
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
    // Return true if an order among strings is possible  
    static bool possibleOrderAmongString(string[] s, int n)
        int m = 26;
        bool[] mark = new bool[m];
        int[] In = new int[26];
        int[] Out = new int[26];
        List> adj = new List>();
        for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
            adj.Add(new List());
        // Process all strings one by one
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            // Find first and last characters
            int f = (int)(s[i][0] - 'a');
            int l = (int)(s[i][s[i].Length - 1] - 'a');
            // Mark the characters
            mark[f] = mark[l] = true;
            // Increase indegree and outdegree count
            // Add an edge in graph
        // If for any character indegree is not equal to
        // outdegree then ordering is not possible
        for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
            if (In[i] != Out[i])
                return false;
        return isConnected(adj, mark,
                           s[0][0] - 'a');
    // Returns true if all vertices are strongly
    // connected i.e. can be made as loop
    public static bool isConnected(
        List> adj,
        bool[] mark, int src)
        bool[] visited = new bool[26];
        // Perform a dfs from src
        dfs(adj, visited, src);
        for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
            /*  I character is marked (i.e. it was first or
             last character of some string) then it should
             be visited in last dfs (as for looping, graph
             should be strongly connected) */
            if (mark[i] && !visited[i])
                return false;
        // If we reach that means graph is connected
        return true;
    // Utility method for a depth first
    // search among vertices
    public static void dfs(List> adj,
                           bool[] visited, int src)
        visited[src] = true;
        for(int i = 0; i < adj[src].Count; i++)
            if (!visited[adj[src][i]])
                dfs(adj, visited, adj[src][i]);
  static void Main() {
    string[] s = { "ab", "bc", "cd", "de", "ed", "da" };
    int n = s.Length;
    if (possibleOrderAmongString(s, n))
        Console.Write("Ordering is possible");
        Console.Write("Ordering is not possible");
// This code is contributed by divyesh072019.



Ordering is possible