📜  光网络的概率最短路径路由算法

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:01.713000             🧑  作者: Mango


在网络和路由的情况下,数据传输操作是一个关键方面。因此,必须以最低的硬件成本(光缆、WDM 网络组件、解码器、多路复用器)和尽可能短的时间进行高效的数据传输操作。因此,需要提出一种算法来找到两个节点(源节点和目标节点)之间的最短路径。

让我们看看一个全新的算法,它不同于 Dijkstra 的最短路径或任何其他寻找最短路径的算法。



算法 :

Given a graph and two nodes -

1. Find all the paths connecting the two nodes.
2. For each path calculate probability = (Distance Ratio). 
3. After looping over all such paths, find the path for
   which the probability turns out to be minimum.

例子 :

输入 : 输出:最短路径为 [A -> B]解释:所有可能的路径为 P1 = [A->B] P2 = [A->C->B] P3 = [A->D->B] 总距离 D = d(P1) + d(P2) + d(P3) = (3) + (2 + 5) + (4 + 3) = P1 的 17 距离比 = d(P1) / D = 3/17 距离比对于 P2 = d(P2) / D = 7/17 距离比 对于 P3 = d(P3) / D = 7/17 所以最短路径是 P1 = [A->B]输入: 输出:最短路径是 [A -> B]

让我们用一个 7 节点网络来说明该算法,并找出node 1node 5之间的概率最短路径。


# Python program to find Probabilistic
# shortest path routing algorithm for
# optical networks
# importing random module
import random
# Number of nodes
NODES = 7 
# very small invalid 
# when no link exists
INVALID = 0.001  
distance_links = [[INVALID for i in range(NODES)]
                           for j in range(NODES)]
# distance of each link                           
distance_links[0][1] = 7
distance_links[1][0] = 7
distance_links[1][2] = 8
distance_links[2][1] = 8
distance_links[0][2] = 9
distance_links[2][0] = 9
distance_links[3][0] = 9
distance_links[0][3] = 9
distance_links[4][3] = 4
distance_links[3][4] = 4
distance_links[5][4] = 6
distance_links[4][5] = 6
distance_links[5][2] = 4
distance_links[2][5] = 4
distance_links[4][6] = 8
distance_links[6][4] = 8
distance_links[0][6] = 5
distance_links[6][0] = 5
# Finds next node from current node
def next_node(s): 
    nxt = []
    for i in range(NODES):
        if(distance_links[s][i] != INVALID):
    return nxt
# Find simple paths for each
def find_simple_paths(start, end):
    visited = set()
    nodestack = list()
    indexstack = list()
    current = start
    i = 0
    while True:
        # get a list of the neighbors
        # of the current node
        neighbors = next_node(current)
        # Find the next unvisited neighbor
        # of this node, if any
        while i < len(neighbors) and neighbors[i] in visited: 
            i += 1
        if i >= len(neighbors):
            if len(nodestack) < 1: 
            current = nodestack.pop()
            i = indexstack.pop()
        elif neighbors[i] == end:
            yield nodestack + [current, end]
            i += 1
            indexstack.append(i + 1)
            current = neighbors[i]
            i = 0
# Find the shortest path
def solution(sour, dest):
    block = 0
    l = []
    for path in find_simple_paths(sour, dest): 
    k = 0
    for i in range(len(l)):
        su = 0
        for j in range(1, len(l[i])):
            su += (distance_links[l[i][j-1]]
        k += su
    # print k 
    dist_prob = []
    probability = []
    for i in range(len(l)):
        s, su = 0, 0
        for j in range(1, len(l[i])):     
            su += (distance_links[l[i][j-1]]
        dist_prob.append(su/(1.0 * k))
    for m in range(len(dist_prob)):
        z = (dist_prob[m])
    for i in range(len(probability)):
        if(probability[i] == min(probability)):
            z = l[i]
            print("Shortest Path is", end = " ")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__' :
    source, dest = 1, 5
    # Calling the solution function
    solution(source, dest) 

输出 :

Shortest Path is [1, 2, 5]

大多数最短路径算法都是贪心算法。因此,它基于最优解导致全局最优解这一事实。在大多数情况下,由于贪心特性,它可能并不总是导致最优解。但是使用这种算法,总是可以保证最优解,因此准确率是 100%。