📜  Java Java类

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:58.406000             🧑  作者: Mango

Java Java类

Long 类是原始类型 long 的包装类,它包含几种有效处理 long 值的方法,例如将其转换为字符串表示形式,反之亦然。 Long 类的对象可以保存一个 long 值。初始化 Long 对象主要有两个构造函数——

  • Long(long b):创建一个用提供的值初始化的 Long 对象。
Syntax : public Long(long b)
Parameters :
b : value with which to initialize
  • Long(String s):创建一个 Long 对象,用字符串表示提供的 long 值初始化。默认基数为 10。
Syntax : public Long(String s) 
                    throws NumberFormatException
Parameters :
s : string representation of the long value 
Throws :
NumberFormatException : If the string provided does not represent any long value.



Syntax : public String toString(long b)
Parameters :
b : long value for which string representation required.

2. toHexString( ) :以十六进制形式返回long值对应的字符串,即返回一个以十六进制字符表示long值的字符串-[0-9][af]

Syntax : public String toHexString(long b)
Parameters :
b : long value for which hex string representation required.

3. toOctalString() 以八进制形式返回long值对应的字符串,即返回一个以八进制字符表示long值的字符串-[0-7]

Syntax : public String toOctalString(long b)
Parameters :
b : long value for which octal string representation required.

4. toBinaryString() 返回二进制长值对应的字符串,即返回一个十六进制字符长值的字符串-[0/1]

Syntax : public String toBinaryString(long b)
Parameters :
b : long value for which binary string representation required.

5. valueOf() 返回使用提供的值初始化的 Long 对象。

Syntax : public static Long valueOf(long b)
Parameters :
b : a long value

另一个重载函数valueOf(String val,long 函数 ) 提供类似于

Syntax : public static Long valueOf(String val, long radix)
            throws NumberFormatException
Parameters :
val : String to be parsed into long value
radix : radix to be used while parsing
Throws :
NumberFormatException : if String cannot be parsed to a long value in given radix.

另一个重载函数valueOf(String 函数 ) 提供类似于

Syntax : public static Long valueOf(String s)
           throws NumberFormatException
Parameters :
s : a String object to be parsed as long
Throws :
NumberFormatException : if String cannot be parsed to a long value in given radix.

6. parseLong() :通过解析提供的基数字符串返回长值。与 valueOf() 不同,因为它返回一个原始的 long 值,而 valueOf() 返回 Long 对象。

Syntax : public static long parseInt(String val, int radix)
             throws NumberFormatException
Parameters :
val : String representation of long 
radix : radix to be used while parsing
Throws :
NumberFormatException : if String cannot be parsed to a long value in given radix.

另一个仅包含 String 作为参数的重载方法,radix 默认设置为 10。

Syntax : public static long parseLong(String val)
             throws NumberFormatException
Parameters :
val : String representation of long 
Throws :
NumberFormatException : if String cannot be parsed to a long value in given radix.

7. getLong() :返回表示与给定系统属性关联的值的 Long 对象,如果不存在则返回 null。

Syntax : public static Long getLong(String prop)
Parameters :
prop : System property

如果属性不存在,则返回第二个参数的另一个重载方法,即它不返回 null 而是用户提供的默认值。

Syntax : public static Long getLong(String prop, long val)
Parameters :
prop : System property
val : value to return if property does not exist.


Syntax : public static Long getLong(String prop, Long val)
Parameters :
prop : System property
val : value to return if property does not exist.

8. decode() :返回一个 Long 对象,保存提供的字符串的解码值。提供的字符串必须采用以下形式,否则将抛出 NumberFormatException -

Syntax : public static Long decode(String s)
             throws NumberFormatException
Parameters :
s : encoded string to be parsed into long val
Throws :
NumberFormatException : If the string cannot be decoded into a long value

9. rotateLeft() :通过以给定值的二进制补码形式将位旋转给定距离,返回一个原始 long。当向左旋转时,最高有效位移动到右手侧,或最低有效位置,即发生位循环移动。负距离表示右旋转。

Syntax : public static long rotateLeft(long val, int dist)
Parameters :
val : long value to be rotated
dist : distance to rotate

10. rotateRight() :通过以给定值的二进制补码形式将位向右旋转给定距离,返回一个原始 long。向右旋转时,最低有效位移动到左侧,或最高有效位置,即发生位循环移动。负距离表示左旋转。

Syntax : public static long rotateRight(long val, int dist)
Parameters :
val : long value to be rotated
dist : distance to rotate
// Java program to illustrate
// various Long class methods
public class Long_test
    public static void main(String args[])
        long b = 55;
        String bb = "45";
        // Construct two Long objects
        Long x = new Long(b);
        Long y = new Long(bb);
        // toString()
        System.out.println("toString(b) = " + Long.toString(b));
        // toHexString(),toOctalString(),toBinaryString()
        // converts into hexadecimal, octal and binary forms.
        System.out.println("toHexString(b) =" + Long.toHexString(b));
        System.out.println("toOctalString(b) =" + Long.toOctalString(b));
        System.out.println("toBinaryString(b) =" + Long.toBinaryString(b));
        // valueOf(): return Long object
        // an overloaded method takes radix as well.
        Long z = Long.valueOf(b);
        System.out.println("valueOf(b) = " + z);
        z = Long.valueOf(bb);
        System.out.println("ValueOf(bb) = " + z);
        z = Long.valueOf(bb, 6);
        System.out.println("ValueOf(bb,6) = " + z);
        // parseLong(): return primitive long value
        // an overloaded method takes radix as well
        long zz = Long.parseLong(bb);
        System.out.println("parseLong(bb) = " + zz);
        zz = Long.parseLong(bb, 6);
        System.out.println("parseLong(bb,6) = " + zz);
        // getLong(): can be used to retrieve
        // long value of system property
        long prop = Long.getLong("sun.arch.data.model");
        System.out.println("getLong(sun.arch.data.model) = " + prop);
        System.out.println("getLong(abcd) =" + Long.getLong("abcd"));
        // an overloaded getLong() method
        // which return default value if property not found.
        System.out.println("getLong(abcd,10) =" + Long.getLong("abcd", 10));
        // decode() : decodes the hex,octal and decimal
        // string to corresponding long values.
        String decimal = "45";
        String octal = "005";
        String hex = "0x0f";
        Long dec = Long.decode(decimal);
        System.out.println("decode(45) = " + dec);
        dec = Long.decode(octal);
        System.out.println("decode(005) = " + dec);
        dec = Long.decode(hex);
        System.out.println("decode(0x0f) = " + dec);
        // rotateLeft and rotateRight can be used
        // to rotate bits by specified distance
        long valrot = 2;
        System.out.println("rotateLeft(0000 0000 0000 0010 , 2) =" +
                                    Long.rotateLeft(valrot, 2));
        System.out.println("rotateRight(0000 0000 0000 0010,3) =" +
                                    Long.rotateRight(valrot, 3));

// Java program to illustrate
// various Long methods
public class Long_test
    public static void main(String args[])
        long b = 55;
        String bb = "45";
        // Construct two Long objects
        Long x = new Long(b);
        Long y = new Long(bb);
        // xxxValue can be used to retrieve
        // xxx type value from long value.
        // xxx can be int,byte,short,long,double,float
        System.out.println("bytevalue(x) = " + x.byteValue());
        System.out.println("shortvalue(x) = " + x.shortValue());
        System.out.println("intvalue(x) = " + x.intValue());
        System.out.println("longvalue(x) = " + x.longValue());
        System.out.println("doublevalue(x) = " + x.doubleValue());
        System.out.println("floatvalue(x) = " + x.floatValue());
        long value = 45;
        // bitcount() : can be used to count set bits
        // in twos complement form of the number
        System.out.println("Long.bitcount(value)=" + Long.bitCount(value));
        // numberOfTrailingZeroes and numberOfLeaadingZeroes
        // can be used to count prefix and postfix sequence of 0
        System.out.println("Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(value)=" +
        System.out.println("Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(value)=" +
        // highestOneBit returns a value with one on highest
        // set bit position
        System.out.println("Long.highestOneBit(value)=" +
        // highestOneBit returns a value with one on lowest
        // set bit position
        System.out.println("Long.lowestOneBit(value)=" +
        // reverse() can be used to reverse order of bits
        // reverseBytes() can be used to reverse order of bytes
        System.out.println("Long.reverse(value)=" + Long.reverse(value));
        System.out.println("Long.reverseBytes(value)=" +
        // signum() returns -1,0,1 for negative,0 and positive
        // values
        System.out.println("Long.signum(value)=" + Long.signum(value));
        // hashcode() returns hashcode of the object
        int hash = x.hashCode();
        System.out.println("hashcode(x) = " + hash);
        // equals returns boolean value representing equality
        boolean eq = x.equals(y);
        System.out.println("x.equals(y) = " + eq);
        // compare() used for comparing two int values
        int e = Long.compare(x, y);
        System.out.println("compare(x,y) = " + e);
        // compareTo() used for comparing this value with some
        // other value
        int f = x.compareTo(y);
        System.out.println("x.compareTo(y) = " + f);


toString(b) = 55
toHexString(b) =37
toOctalString(b) =67
toBinaryString(b) =110111
valueOf(b) = 55
ValueOf(bb) = 45
ValueOf(bb,6) = 29
parseInt(bb) = 45
parseInt(bb,6) = 29
getLong(sun.arch.data.model) = 64
getLong(abcd) =null
getLong(abcd,10) =10
decode(45) = 45
decode(005) = 5
decode(0x0f) = 15
rotateLeft(0000 0000 0000 0010 , 2) =8
rotateRight(0000 0000 0000 0010,3) =1073741824

更多 Long 类方法是 -

11. byteValue( ) :返回这个Long Object对应的字节值。

Syntax : public byte byteValue()

12. shortValue() :返回一个对应于这个 Long Object 的 short 值。

Syntax : public short shortValue()

13. intValue() :返回这个Long Object对应的一个int值。

Syntax : public int intValue()

14. longValue() 返回这个Long Object对应的long值。

Syntax : public long longValue()

15. doubleValue() :返回与此 Long Object 对应的 double 值。

Syntax : public double doubleValue()

16. floatValue() :返回这个Long Object对应的float值。

Syntax : public float floatValue()

17. hashCode() :返回这个Long Object对应的hashcode。

Syntax : public int hashCode()

18. bitcount() :返回给定长整数的二进制补码中设置的位数。

Syntax : public static int bitCount(long i)
Parameters :
i : long value whose set bits to count

19. numberOfLeadingZeroes() 以二进制补码形式返回值的最高1位之前的0位数,即如果二进制补码形式的数字为0000 1010 0000 0000,则该函数将返回4。

Syntax : public static int numberofLeadingZeroes(long i)
Parameters :
i : long value whose leading zeroes to count in twos complement form

20. numberOfTrailingZeroes() 以二进制补码形式返回值的最后一位之后的0位数,即如果二进制补码形式的数字为0000 1010 0000 0000,则该函数将返回9。

Syntax : public static int numberofTrailingZeroes(long i)
Parameters :
i : long value whose trailing zeroes to count in twos complement form

21.highestOneBit () 返回一个值,在给定值中最高一位的位置,最多只有一位。如果给定的值为 0,即如果数字是 0000 0000 0000 1111,则返回 0,然后此函数返回 0000 0000 0000 1000(给定数字中的最高一位)

Syntax : public static long highestOneBit(long i)
Parameters :
i : long value 

22. LowestOneBit() 返回一个值,在给定值的最低一位的位置,最多只有一位。如果给定的值为 0,即如果数字是 0000 0000 0000 1111,则返回 0,然后此函数返回 0000 0000 0000 0001(给定数字中的最高一位)

Syntax : public static long LowestOneBit(long i)
Parameters :
i : long value 

23.equals () 用于比较两个Long对象的相等性。如果两个对象都包含相同的 long 值,则此方法返回 true。只有在检查相等性时才应该使用。在所有其他情况下,应该首选 compareTo 方法。

Syntax : public boolean equals(Object obj)
Parameters :
obj : object to compare with

24. compareTo() 用于比较两个 Long 对象的数值相等性。这应该在比较两个 Long 值的数值相等时使用,因为它会区分较小和较大的值。返回小于 0,0 的值,大于 0 的值表示小于、等于和大于。

Syntax : public int compareTo(Long b)
Parameters :
b : Long object to compare with

25. compare() :用于比较两个原始 long 值是否相等。由于它是一个静态方法,因此它可以在不创建任何 Long 对象的情况下使用。

Syntax : public static int compare(long x,long y)
Parameters :
x : long value
y : another long value

26. signum() 为负值返回 -1,为 0 返回 0,为大于 0 的值返回 +1。

Syntax : public static int signum(long val)
Parameters :
val : long value for which signum is required.

27. reverse() 返回一个原始的 long 值,以给定 long 值的二进制补码形式反转位的顺序。

Syntax : public static long reverseBytes(long val)
Parameters :
val : long value whose bits to reverse in order.

28. reverseBytes():返回一个原始长值,以给定长值的二进制补码形式反转字节顺序。

Syntax : public static long reverseBytes(long val)
Parameters :
val : long value whose bits to reverse in order.


// Java program to illustrate
// various Long methods
public class Long_test
    public static void main(String args[])
        long b = 55;
        String bb = "45";
        // Construct two Long objects
        Long x = new Long(b);
        Long y = new Long(bb);
        // xxxValue can be used to retrieve
        // xxx type value from long value.
        // xxx can be int,byte,short,long,double,float
        System.out.println("bytevalue(x) = " + x.byteValue());
        System.out.println("shortvalue(x) = " + x.shortValue());
        System.out.println("intvalue(x) = " + x.intValue());
        System.out.println("longvalue(x) = " + x.longValue());
        System.out.println("doublevalue(x) = " + x.doubleValue());
        System.out.println("floatvalue(x) = " + x.floatValue());
        long value = 45;
        // bitcount() : can be used to count set bits
        // in twos complement form of the number
        System.out.println("Long.bitcount(value)=" + Long.bitCount(value));
        // numberOfTrailingZeroes and numberOfLeaadingZeroes
        // can be used to count prefix and postfix sequence of 0
        System.out.println("Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(value)=" +
        System.out.println("Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(value)=" +
        // highestOneBit returns a value with one on highest
        // set bit position
        System.out.println("Long.highestOneBit(value)=" +
        // highestOneBit returns a value with one on lowest
        // set bit position
        System.out.println("Long.lowestOneBit(value)=" +
        // reverse() can be used to reverse order of bits
        // reverseBytes() can be used to reverse order of bytes
        System.out.println("Long.reverse(value)=" + Long.reverse(value));
        System.out.println("Long.reverseBytes(value)=" +
        // signum() returns -1,0,1 for negative,0 and positive
        // values
        System.out.println("Long.signum(value)=" + Long.signum(value));
        // hashcode() returns hashcode of the object
        int hash = x.hashCode();
        System.out.println("hashcode(x) = " + hash);
        // equals returns boolean value representing equality
        boolean eq = x.equals(y);
        System.out.println("x.equals(y) = " + eq);
        // compare() used for comparing two int values
        int e = Long.compare(x, y);
        System.out.println("compare(x,y) = " + e);
        // compareTo() used for comparing this value with some
        // other value
        int f = x.compareTo(y);
        System.out.println("x.compareTo(y) = " + f);

输出 :

bytevalue(x) = 55
shortvalue(x) = 55
intvalue(x) = 55
longvalue(x) = 55
doublevalue(x) = 55.0
floatvalue(x) = 55.0
hashcode(x) = 55
x.equals(y) = false
compare(x,y) = 1
x.compareTo(y) = 1