📌  相关文章
📜  用于在不交换数据的情况下交换链表中的节点的Python程序

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:09.839000             🧑  作者: Mango





Input : 10->15->12->13->20->14,  x = 12, y = 20
Output: 10->15->20->13->12->14

Input : 10->15->12->13->20->14,  x = 10, y = 20
Output: 20->15->12->13->10->14

Input : 10->15->12->13->20->14,  x = 12, y = 13
Output: 10->15->13->12->20->14


  1. x 和 y 可能相邻也可能不相邻。
  2. x 或 y 都可以是头节点。
  3. x 或 y 可能是最后一个节点。
  4. x 和/或 y 可能不存在于链表中。


这个想法是首先在给定的链表中搜索 x 和 y。如果其中任何一个都不存在,则返回。在搜索 x 和 y 时,跟踪当前和以前的指针。首先更改前一个指针的下一个,然后更改当前指针的下一个。


# Python program to swap two given nodes
# of a linked list
class LinkedList(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.head = None
    # Head of list
    class Node(object):
        def __init__(self, d):
            self.data = d
            self.next = None
    # Function to swap Nodes x and y
    # in a linked list by changing links
    def swapNodes(self, x, y):
        # Nothing to do if x and y are
        # the same
        if x == y:
        # Search for x (keep track of
        # prevX and CurrX)
        prevX = None
        currX = self.head
        while currX != None and currX.data != x:
            prevX = currX
            currX = currX.next
        # Search for y (keep track of
        # prevY and currY)
        prevY = None
        currY = self.head
        while currY != None and currY.data != y:
            prevY = currY
            currY = currY.next
        # If either x or y is not present,
        # nothing to do
        if currX == None or currY == None:
        # If x is not head of linked list
        if prevX != None:
            prevX.next = currY
        else:  # make y the new head
            self.head = currY
        # If y is not head of linked list
        if prevY != None:
            prevY.next = currX
            # make x the new head
            self.head = currX
        # Swap next pointers
        temp = currX.next
        currX.next = currY.next
        currY.next = temp
    # Function to add Node at beginning
    # of list.
    def push(self, new_data):
        # 1. alloc the Node and put the data
        new_Node = self.Node(new_data)
        # 2. Make next of new Node as head
        new_Node.next = self.head
        # 3. Move the head to point to new Node
        self.head = new_Node
    # This function prints contents of
    # linked list starting from the given Node
    def printList(self):
        tNode = self.head
        while tNode != None:
            print tNode.data,
            tNode = tNode.next
# Driver code
llist = LinkedList()
# The constructed linked list is:
# 1->2->3->4->5->6->7
print "Linked list before calling swapNodes() "
llist.swapNodes(4, 3)
print "
Linked list after calling swapNodes() "
# This code is contributed by BHAVYA JAIN

# Python3 program to swap two given
# nodes of a linked list
# A linked list node class
class Node:
    # constructor
    def __init__(self, val = None,
                 next1 = None):
        self.data = val
        self.next = next1
    # Print list from this
    # to last till None
    def printList(self):
        node = self
        while (node != None):
            print(node.data, end = " ")
            node = node.next
        print(" ")
# Function to add a node
# at the beginning of List
def push(head_ref, new_data):
    # Allocate node
    (head_ref) = Node(new_data, head_ref)
    return head_ref
def swapNodes(head_ref, x, y):
    head = head_ref
    # Nothing to do if x and y are same
    if (x == y):
        return None
    a = None
    b = None
    # Search for x and y in the linked list
    # and store their pointer in a and b
    while (head_ref.next != None):
        if ((head_ref.next).data == x):
            a = head_ref
        elif ((head_ref.next).data == y):
            b = head_ref
        head_ref = ((head_ref).next)
    # If we have found both a and b
    # in the linked list swap current
    # pointer and next pointer of these
    if (a != None and b != None):
        temp = a.next
        a.next = b.next
        b.next = temp
        temp = a.next.next
        a.next.next = b.next.next
        b.next.next = temp
    return head
# Driver code
start = None
# The constructed linked list is:
start = push(start, 7)
start = push(start, 6)
start = push(start, 5)
start = push(start, 4)
start = push(start, 3)
start = push(start, 2)
start = push(start, 1)
print("Linked list before calling swapNodes() ")
start = swapNodes(start, 6, 1)
print("Linked list after calling swapNodes() ")
# This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu


Linked list before calling swapNodes() 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
Linked list after calling swapNodes() 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 



优化:上面的代码可以优化为在单次遍历中搜索 x 和 y。两个循环用于保持程序简单。



# Python3 program to swap two given
# nodes of a linked list
# A linked list node class
class Node:
    # constructor
    def __init__(self, val = None,
                 next1 = None):
        self.data = val
        self.next = next1
    # Print list from this
    # to last till None
    def printList(self):
        node = self
        while (node != None):
            print(node.data, end = " ")
            node = node.next
        print(" ")
# Function to add a node
# at the beginning of List
def push(head_ref, new_data):
    # Allocate node
    (head_ref) = Node(new_data, head_ref)
    return head_ref
def swapNodes(head_ref, x, y):
    head = head_ref
    # Nothing to do if x and y are same
    if (x == y):
        return None
    a = None
    b = None
    # Search for x and y in the linked list
    # and store their pointer in a and b
    while (head_ref.next != None):
        if ((head_ref.next).data == x):
            a = head_ref
        elif ((head_ref.next).data == y):
            b = head_ref
        head_ref = ((head_ref).next)
    # If we have found both a and b
    # in the linked list swap current
    # pointer and next pointer of these
    if (a != None and b != None):
        temp = a.next
        a.next = b.next
        b.next = temp
        temp = a.next.next
        a.next.next = b.next.next
        b.next.next = temp
    return head
# Driver code
start = None
# The constructed linked list is:
start = push(start, 7)
start = push(start, 6)
start = push(start, 5)
start = push(start, 4)
start = push(start, 3)
start = push(start, 2)
start = push(start, 1)
print("Linked list before calling swapNodes() ")
start = swapNodes(start, 6, 1)
print("Linked list after calling swapNodes() ")
# This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu


Linked list before calling swapNodes() 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
Linked list after calling swapNodes() 6 2 3 4 5 1 7 


