📜  Java中的 Collections.shuffle() 方法和示例

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:31.788000             🧑  作者: Mango

Java中的 Collections.shuffle() 方法和示例

正如类名所暗示的,Collections 类的 shuffle() 方法存在于名为Java.util的实用程序包中,它对列表中的元素进行混洗。


  1. 使用预定义的随机源
  2. 使用用户提供的随机源

方式 1:使用预定义的随机源对给定列表进行洗牌。


public static void shuffle(List mylist)



// Java program to demonstrate
// working of shuffle() method
// of Collections class
// Importing utility classes
import java.util.*;
// Main class
public class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating an empty ArrayList of string type
        ArrayList mylist = new ArrayList();
        // Adding custom input elements to list object
        // Printing list before shuffling
        System.out.println("Original List : \n" + mylist);
        // Shuffling the list
        // Printing list after shuffling
        System.out.println("\nShuffled List : \n" + mylist);

// Java Program to demonstrate working of shuffle()
// with user provided source of randomness
// Importing required utility classes
import java.util.*;
// Main class
public class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating an empty ArrayList of string type
        ArrayList mylist = new ArrayList();
        // Adding custom input elements to above created
        // object
        // Print and display the elements of List on console
        System.out.println("Original List : \n" + mylist);
        // Shuffling the given list
        // using Random() method
        Collections.shuffle(mylist, new Random());
        // Print the updated list on console
            "\nShuffled List with Random() : \n" + mylist);
        // Shuffling list by using Random(3)
        Collections.shuffle(mylist, new Random(3));
        // Print the updated list on console
            "\nShuffled List with Random(3) : \n" + mylist);
        // Again shuffling list by using Random(3)
        Collections.shuffle(mylist, new Random(5));
            "\nShuffled List with Random(5) : \n" + mylist);

Original List : 

Shuffled List : 

方式 2:使用用户提供的随机源对给定列表进行洗牌。

这里提供了一个附加参数,上面指定的“ rndm”是随机化列表的来源。


public static void shuffle(List mylist, Random rndm)


  • 列表
  • 随机性的来源  




// Java Program to demonstrate working of shuffle()
// with user provided source of randomness
// Importing required utility classes
import java.util.*;
// Main class
public class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating an empty ArrayList of string type
        ArrayList mylist = new ArrayList();
        // Adding custom input elements to above created
        // object
        // Print and display the elements of List on console
        System.out.println("Original List : \n" + mylist);
        // Shuffling the given list
        // using Random() method
        Collections.shuffle(mylist, new Random());
        // Print the updated list on console
            "\nShuffled List with Random() : \n" + mylist);
        // Shuffling list by using Random(3)
        Collections.shuffle(mylist, new Random(3));
        // Print the updated list on console
            "\nShuffled List with Random(3) : \n" + mylist);
        // Again shuffling list by using Random(3)
        Collections.shuffle(mylist, new Random(5));
            "\nShuffled List with Random(5) : \n" + mylist);
Original List : 

Shuffled List with Random() : 
[quiz, practice, quiz, geeksforgeeks, qa, code]

Shuffled List with Random(3) : 

Shuffled List with Random(5) : 
[geeksforgeeks, qa, quiz, code, practice, quiz]

但在实施此方法之前,请记住下面列出的某些要点 如所列 以下 作为 如下

  • 内部工作:此方法随机排列列表中的元素。
  • 运行时:它以线性时间运行。
  • 访问元素:
    • 它从最后一个元素到第二个元素向后遍历列表,反复将随机选择的元素交换到其“当前位置”。
    • 此后,从列表中从第一个元素到当前位置(含)的部分中随机选择元素。