📜  bevy bundles - Rust (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:59:31.005000             🧑  作者: Mango

Bevy Bundles - Rust

Bevy is a modular game engine for Rust. It has a unique approach to game development that allows for simple and efficient code. One of the ways Bevy achieves this is through its use of Bundles.

What are Bundles?

In Bevy, a Bundle is a collection of Components and Systems. It's a way to group related functionality together and define it as reusable code.

How do Bundles work?

Bundles work by defining a set of Components and Systems that are related to each other. When you create an Entity using a Bundle, it automatically adds all of the Components in the Bundle to that Entity, and it also registers all of the Systems in the Bundle with the Bevy scheduler.

Benefits of using Bundles
  • Reusability: Bundles allow you to define a set of functionality that can be reused across different Entities and Scenes.
  • Code organization: Bundles make it easy to organize your code into logical sections.
  • System efficiency: Since all of the Systems in a Bundle are registered with the Bevy scheduler at once, it can result in more efficient performance.
Bevy Bundles Examples

Here are some examples of Bevy Bundles:

  • TransformBundle: This Bundle includes the Transform, GlobalTransform, and Parent Components. It also includes Systems for handling the position, rotation, and scaling of Entities.
  • RenderBundle: This Bundle includes the Mesh, Visible, and RenderPipelines Components. It also includes Systems for rendering 3D models and textures.
  • PhysicsBundle: This Bundle includes the PhysicsRigidBody, Collider, and Transform Components. It also includes Systems for handling physics simulation and collision detection.

Bundles are an important part of Bevy's game development approach. They allow for efficient and reusable code organization. If you're developing a game in Rust, be sure to use Bevy Bundles to streamline your development process!