📜  搜索与给定模式的帮助字符串字符串数组

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-23 17:47:39             🧑  作者: Mango

先决条件: Trie | (插入和搜索)





struct TrieNode 
     struct TrieNode* children[26];
     bool endOfWord;


      /     |      \
     d      m       s
     |      |       |
     a      o       o
     |      |  \    |
     t      o   n   o
  /  |      |   |   |
 e   a      n   t   n

每个节点都是一个TrieNode ,其指针根据添加的单词指向后续子代。不存在字符的其他指针位置的值用NULL标记。 endOfWord由蓝色或叶节点表示。


  1. 使用addWord()方法将所有可用单词插入到trie结构中。
  2. 要添加的单词的每个字符都作为单独的TrieNode插入。 children数组是26个TrieNode指针的数组。
  3. 每个索引代表英文字母中的一个字符。如果添加了新单词,则对于每个字符,必须检查该字母的TrieNode指针是否存在,然后进一步处理下一个字符,如果不存在,则创建一个新的TrieNode并使该指针指向该新节点并在此新节点上为下一个字符重复该过程。 endOfWord是由最后一个字符的TrieNode指针所指向的TrieNode发
  4. 为了搜索键,检查在字符标记的索引处是否存在TrieNode。如果存在,我们将向下移动分支,并对下一个字符重复该过程。类似地,如果是‘。’,则搜索部分字符串找到后,我们将在children数组中查找所有可用的TrieNode指针,然后进一步处理由索引标识的每个字符,其位置为“。”。一次。
  5. 如果指针位置在任何时候都为空,则返回找不到。在最后TrieNode为endOfWord否则检查,如有虚假,我们的回报没有找到,其他的字被发现。


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Dictionary Class
class Dictionary {
    // Initialize your data structure
    Dictionary* children[26];
    bool endOfWord;
    // Constructor
        this->endOfWord = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
            this->children[i] = NULL;
    // Adds a word into a data structure
    void addWord(string word)
        // Crawl pointer points the object
        // in reference
        Dictionary* pCrawl = this;
        // Traverse the given array of words
        for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
            int index = word[i] - 'a';
            if (!pCrawl->children[index])
                    = new Dictionary();
            pCrawl = pCrawl->children[index];
        pCrawl->endOfWord = true;
    // Function that returns if the word
    // is in the data structure or not
    // A word can contain a dot character '.'
    // to represent any one letter
    void search(string word, bool& found,
                string curr_found = "",
                int pos = 0)
        Dictionary* pCrawl = this;
        if (pos == word.length()) {
            if (pCrawl->endOfWord) {
                cout << "Found: "
                     << curr_found << "\n";
                found = true;
        if (word[pos] == '.') {
            // Iterate over every letter and
            // proceed further by replacing
            // the character in place of '.'
            for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
                if (pCrawl->children[i]) {
                                 curr_found + char('a' + i),
                                 pos + 1);
        else {
            // Check if pointer at character
            // position is available,
            // then proceed
            if (pCrawl->children[word[pos] - 'a']) {
                    ->children[word[pos] - 'a']
                             curr_found + word[pos],
                             pos + 1);
    // Utility function for search operation
    void searchUtil(string word)
        Dictionary* pCrawl = this;
        cout << "\nSearching for \""
             << word << "\"\n";
        bool found = false;
        pCrawl->search(word, found);
        if (!found)
            cout << "No Word Found...!!\n";
// Function that search the given pattern
void searchPattern(string arr[], int N,
                   string str)
    // Object of the class Dictionary
    Dictionary* obj = new Dictionary();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    // Search pattern
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given an array of words
    string arr[] = { "data", "date", "month" };
    int N = 3;
    // Given pattern
    string str = "d.t.";
    // Function Call
    searchPattern(arr, N, str);

Searching for "d.t."
Found: data
Found: date

时间复杂度: O(M * log(N)),其中N是字符串数,M是给定模式的长度
辅助空间: O(26 * M)