📜  K维树|套装3(删除)

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-17 09:10:39             🧑  作者: Mango






  1. 如果要删除的节点是叶节点,则只需将其删除(与BST删除相同)
  2. 如果要删除的节点的右子节点不为NULL(与BST不同)
    1. 在右侧子树中找到当前节点尺寸的最小值。
    2. 将节点替换为上面找到的最小值,然后递归删除右侧子树中的最小值。
  3. 否则,如果要删除的节点的子节点不为NULL(与BST不同)
    1. 在左侧子树中找到当前节点尺寸的最小值。
    2. 将节点替换为上面找到的最小值,然后递归删除左侧子树中的最小值。
    3. 将新的左子树作为当前节点的右子节点。


  1. 如果要删除的节点小于当前维度上的当前节点,请为左子树重复。
  2. 否则,再重新选择正确的子树。



Wrong Way (Equal key in left subtree after deletion)
            (5, 6)                             (4, 10)
             /              Delete(5, 6)         /  
        (4, 10)            ------------>     (4, 20)
           (4, 20) 

Right way (Equal key in right subtree after deletion)
             (5, 6)                          (4, 10)
             /              Delete(5, 6)           \
         (4, 10)            ------------>         (4, 20)
             (4, 20) 





// A C++ program to demonstrate delete in K D tree
using namespace std;
const int k = 2;
// A structure to represent node of kd tree
struct Node
    int point[k]; // To store k dimensional point
    Node *left, *right;
// A method to create a node of K D tree
struct Node* newNode(int arr[])
    struct Node* temp = new Node;
    for (int i=0; ipoint[i] = arr[i];
    temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
    return temp;
// Inserts a new node and returns root of modified tree
// The parameter depth is used to decide axis of comparison
Node *insertRec(Node *root, int point[], unsigned depth)
    // Tree is empty?
    if (root == NULL)
        return newNode(point);
    // Calculate current dimension (cd) of comparison
    unsigned cd = depth % k;
    // Compare the new point with root on current dimension 'cd'
    // and decide the left or right subtree
    if (point[cd] < (root->point[cd]))
        root->left = insertRec(root->left, point, depth + 1);
        root->right = insertRec(root->right, point, depth + 1);
    return root;
// Function to insert a new point with given point in
// KD Tree and return new root. It mainly uses above recursive
// function "insertRec()"
Node* insert(Node *root, int point[])
    return insertRec(root, point, 0);
// A utility function to find minimum of three integers
Node *minNode(Node *x, Node *y, Node *z, int d)
    Node *res = x;
    if (y != NULL && y->point[d] < res->point[d])
       res = y;
    if (z != NULL && z->point[d] < res->point[d])
       res = z;
    return res;
// Recursively finds minimum of d'th dimension in KD tree
// The parameter depth is used to determine current axis.
Node *findMinRec(Node* root, int d, unsigned depth)
    // Base cases
    if (root == NULL)
        return NULL;
    // Current dimension is computed using current depth and total
    // dimensions (k)
    unsigned cd = depth % k;
    // Compare point with root with respect to cd (Current dimension)
    if (cd == d)
        if (root->left == NULL)
            return root;
        return findMinRec(root->left, d, depth+1);
    // If current dimension is different then minimum can be anywhere
    // in this subtree
    return minNode(root,
               findMinRec(root->left, d, depth+1),
               findMinRec(root->right, d, depth+1), d);
// A wrapper over findMinRec(). Returns minimum of d'th dimension
Node *findMin(Node* root, int d)
    // Pass current level or depth as 0
    return findMinRec(root, d, 0);
// A utility method to determine if two Points are same
// in K Dimensional space
bool arePointsSame(int point1[], int point2[])
    // Compare individual pointinate values
    for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
        if (point1[i] != point2[i])
            return false;
    return true;
// Copies point p2 to p1
void copyPoint(int p1[], int p2[])
   for (int i=0; ipoint, point))
        // 2.b) If right child is not NULL
        if (root->right != NULL)
            // Find minimum of root's dimension in right subtree
            Node *min = findMin(root->right, cd);
            // Copy the minimum to root
            copyPoint(root->point, min->point);
            // Recursively delete the minimum
            root->right = deleteNodeRec(root->right, min->point, depth+1);
        else if (root->left != NULL) // same as above
            Node *min = findMin(root->left, cd);
            copyPoint(root->point, min->point);
            root->right = deleteNodeRec(root->left, min->point, depth+1);
        else // If node to be deleted is leaf node
            delete root;
            return NULL;
        return root;
    // 2) If current node doesn't contain point, search downward
    if (point[cd] < root->point[cd])
        root->left = deleteNodeRec(root->left, point, depth+1);
        root->right = deleteNodeRec(root->right, point, depth+1);
    return root;
// Function to delete a given point from K D Tree with 'root'
 Node* deleteNode(Node *root, int point[])
   // Pass depth as 0
   return deleteNodeRec(root, point, 0);
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    struct Node *root = NULL;
    int points[][k] = {{30, 40}, {5, 25}, {70, 70},
                      {10, 12}, {50, 30}, {35, 45}};
    int n = sizeof(points)/sizeof(points[0]);
    for (int i=0; ipoint[0] << ", " << root->point[1] << endl;
    return 0;


Root after deletion of (30, 40)
35, 45
